Poodll Repository

Repositories ::: repository_poodll
Maintained by Justin Hunt
The Poodll repository allows you to record audio or video directly, to draw pictures or take webcam "snaps."
Latest release:
750 sites
22 fans
Current versions available: 4

The Poodll repository places HTML5 audio/video recorders, a webcam snapshot taker and whiteboards into Moodle's repository system. It is a part of Classic Poodll and requires the Poodll Filter to also be installed. 

In most cases you will find the Poodll Anywhere for Atto (TInyMCE) and Cloud Poodll for Atto (TinyMCE) plugins more useful than this.



Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Justin Hunt (Lead maintainer)
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  • William Lu
    Wed, Mar 27, 2013, 10:06 AM
    I use iPad2 to add a new file on my moodle course, the Record Video works very well and easier than using Laptop. And the recorded file is in .mov, not in .flv, so students can play the movie file straight away, it is so cool! Thanks, I love it.
  • Anibal Pavon
    Thu, Feb 27, 2014, 10:41 AM
    Saludos Cordiales.
    me podrían ayudar a implementar poodll en mi moodle, les agradeceria muchisimo!!

  • My picture
    Fri, Apr 4, 2014, 12:46 AM
    I have installed the different Poodll add-ons for Moodle 2.2 and I have enabled the repository and created several instances using the Moodle administration menu.

    I cannot see the repository anywhere from the html editor.
    Can you please explain how can I make this happen?:
    'Users with tablets and mobile devices will be presented with a different screen allowing them take videos/photos from their device and upload them. '
    Thank you
  • Justin Hunt
    Fri, Apr 4, 2014, 10:37 PM
    This is supposed to happen in the Audio or Video recording instances of the PoodLL repository. You can access those by clicking on the Moodle Media button on the html editor and choosing to "find or upload a sound/video file"
  • My picture
    Sat, Apr 5, 2014, 2:12 AM
    Thanks for your reply, I found the multimedia button and when I clicked on it and make a webcam capture I cannot say any file in the repository instance.

    I don't think it is a problems of permissions as the repository folder has the same permissions that the rest of moodledata.

    Do I need to enable anything else?
  • My picture
    Sat, Apr 5, 2014, 2:41 AM
    I have had a closer look into this, can you please advise if I am configuring the right type of repository?:

    Moodle 2.2 (that means I only have the Moodle 2.2 assignment), I want that our students submit a short video recorder from their tablets or smartphones interacting with patients. This is not a webcam snapshot, it is a video that students will have to record in advance and submit for assignment.

    In my Moodle course, I have created an assignment 2.2 (type: online set) with instructions prompting students to use the media button to upload a video file.

    I have enable the Poodll repository for the whole site, and for the Moodle course, my understanding is that I have to create a new repository instance so that students can upload and save their videos in the repository.

    However I don't know what type of Poodll instance I should use:
    -Videorecorder (Red5)?
    -Poodll widgets?

    If I select Videorecorder (Red5) and I try to submit a video file impersonating a mock student the mock student, the video is not stored anywhere.

    Do I need to create a folder in moodledata for the videos and link the Po0dll repository to the folder that I have created in moodledata?
  • Justin Hunt
    Sat, Apr 5, 2014, 10:14 AM
    Unless something has gone wrong the video will certainly be stored some somewhere. Though perhaps it is not in a location that you are expecting. The resulting link to the video should be inserted into the html area. When the activity is displayed the link should become a player (audio or video).

    if you are using the Moodle assignment (2.2) then there is a PoodLL assignment type for that too.

    Perhaps that is the best solution for you?
  • My picture
    Mon, Apr 7, 2014, 9:02 PM
    I had installed, however, I hadn't realised that html5 recording is by default in mobile devises. I hope that it also works in Ipads, I will try it later
  • Anant Sahni
    Wed, Jun 17, 2015, 6:27 AM
    Is it compatible with 2.9 version?
  • Justin Hunt
    Wed, Jun 17, 2015, 10:15 AM
    I am doing the tests this week to confirm that all is ok. So far just the literallycanvas whiteboard is an issue, and dealing with some "deprecated function" warnings in the error logs. If you are not using the whiteboard (or if you are, but can switch to "drawingboard.js" as default whiteboard) then I think you can go ahead.

    If you need more assurance, just hold off a week and it should be ok.
  • Dailet Manuela Fumero
    Thu, May 26, 2016, 3:12 AM
    What do I have to do to start using this plugin? Can it be used in a local network (without internet, only local navegation)?
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