Poodll Anywhere (TinyMCE)

TinyMCE (legacy) ::: tinymce_poodll
Maintained by Justin Hunt
Poodll Anywhere for TinyMCE allows the user to record audio and video or draw pictures, or snap pictures, directly into forum posts, assignment descriptions, page resource content, question descriptions, question responses and other areas.
Latest release:
648 sites
33 fans
Current versions available: 3

Poodll Anywhere  for TinyMCE allows the user to record audio and video or draw pictures, or snap pictures, directly into forum posts, assignment descriptions, page resource content, question descriptions, question responses and other areas.   Development was funded by the Birmingham City University. Poodll Anywhere is an advanced audio and video recording solution for Moodle. It improves on Moodle's basic Record RTC solution in the following ways:

  • Can be used in all HTML areas throughout Moodle
  • Converts recordings to universally playable MP3 and MP4
  • Features a selection of attractive recorder skins

NB New users should use the: Cloud Poodll for TinyMCE

Its newer, lightweight, has no dependencies, stores everything in the cloud, and can transcribe student speaking 

Cloud Poodll for TinyMCE

cloud poodll for tinymce

Poodll Anywhere for TinyMCE Video

Watch this quick 1 minute video about Poodll Anywhere.

Getting Started

Poodll Anywhere for TinyMCE requires the Poodll filter.

  1. Download and install the Poodll Filter. Be sure to read the support documentation.
  2. Visit: https://poodll.com/try-poodll and take a free trial

Then you can install Poodll for TinyMCE as usual from the Moodle plugins directory. Please see here for more information on installing and using Poodll for TinyMCE.

About Poodll

Poodll has been making plugins for Moodle since 2011. Our software has helped teachers build and deliver language courses in thousands of Moodle websites worldwide. Search for "Poodll" in the Moodle Plugins directory to see a list containing more than 25 of our plugins. Poodll is based in Nagasaki, Japan.



Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Justin Hunt (Lead maintainer)
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  • Mārtiņš Ķīsis
    Fri, 30 Oct 2015, 5:39 PM
    I have problem with poodLL icons - they doesent show on any text editor. I allready instaled, enabled the filter, still no sucsess.
    Tried it on Moodle 2.8 and 2.9 both the same problem.
  • Justin Hunt
    Sun, 1 Nov 2015, 3:32 PM
    There are two PoodLL Anywheres. One for TinyMCE and one for Atto. Possibly you are using Atto but did not install PoodLL Anywhere for Atto? See here: https://moodle.org/plugins/view/atto_poodll
  • Alexander Adadurov
    Thu, 17 Mar 2016, 10:07 PM
    Hi Justin! Great plugin, thank you for sharing it! My comment is again about uploading files to comment forms, where plugin normally hides itself. Do you know if there is a possibility to make some hacks on Moodle to get your plugin work in such forms? I think for many teacher it is vitally important to have it there, as they want to make a quick voice answers/comments to their students.
  • Justin Hunt
    Fri, 18 Mar 2016, 4:53 AM
    The option to do this is on the way. The issue is where the Moodle text area does not have an associated file area to store uploads. When PoodLL records and stores files successfully in the "cloud" (probably Amazon S3) then a Moodle file area will not be necessary to store recordings.
  • kathy hooper
    Fri, 25 Mar 2016, 6:37 AM
    I am running this plugin on Moodle 3.3. It works well except for the sound recording where the controls at the bottom don't show. The record etc buttons show and work but not the insert and the other buttons at the bottom. We are using tinymce. Any suggestions?
  • Justin Hunt
    Fri, 25 Mar 2016, 8:38 AM
    Hi Kathy, I have heard this before so it sounds like a problem that I will have to look into. But i have not yet seen it.
    If switching to Atto is not an option, you might have to wait till I can get into it. I can not promise that will be this week.
  • kathy hooper
    Fri, 25 Mar 2016, 11:48 AM
    Thanks Justin, I will wait. Teaching new users an new editor is too much to contemplate!
    Fantastic plugin - thanks.
  • Craig Ferguson
    Tue, 12 Apr 2016, 4:27 AM
    Hi Justin,

    I'm having a problem similar to Kathy that is preventing people from being able to inset their recorded audio when using TinyMCE - the insert button is either non-existent or unclickable. It works fine when we use Atto, but we'd definitely prefer TinyMCE. I'll stay tuned.
  • Andrew Earley
    Thu, 2 June 2016, 10:46 PM
    Hi Justin,
    The plugin looks great so far.
    When watching your video on the plugin I couldn't help but notice the Whiteboard (The main reason for me trying this) is different.
    Which default whiteboard were you using for that, I would like the line tool which was available in your video.
    I am guessing it is most likely the 'Literally Canvas(js)' however when I try to use that it does not appear, nothing appears. I am running Moodle 2.7 so it should work?
  • susan wilson
    Thu, 7 July 2016, 7:22 AM
    Hi Justin,
    We're also seeing the same problem Craig and Kathy reported with audio recordings on the TinyMCE, on Moodle 3.04. The insert and other bottom buttons appear for a flash at the top of the recording window for a half-second, then disappear. We've been using these plugins for a couple of years and If I backup/restore a course from an older version of Moodle with a recording from TinyMCE, for example in a label, it's there and plays with no problem. Just can't create any new ones. I hope that helps.
  • Edmund Evangelista
    Tue, 9 Aug 2016, 4:17 PM
    Will this plugin work in Moodle 3.1? I have tried installing everything and followed the recommended configuration, but the icons for recording does not seem to appear. I installed both in Tiny MCE and Atto text editors.
  • Justin Hunt
    Tue, 9 Aug 2016, 5:17 PM
    It works in 3.1 on Atto and TinyMCE (but there are phantom issues with disappearing "insert" buttons on TinyMCE).
    Where are you trying to record, and did you look at the settings for the TinyMCE and Atto toolbars. You need to add PoodLL to those for the editor to know where to display the icons.
  • Jim Streicher
    Mon, 25 Sept 2017, 9:17 PM
    Justin, can you clarify what information is communicated from Poodle to another server? And is this communication encrypted?
  • Justin Hunt
    Mon, 25 Sept 2017, 10:16 PM
    Jim, this document might help. https://docs.google.com/document/d/19aWMZzxZgR1ZY4OYOuPRQ07KoaZnvS2WB4nD3yMNT3Y/edit?usp=sharing. Note also that in Poodll3 it is possible to configure AWS regions so that your Moodle data never leaves Europe (for example)
  • Helson C
    Thu, 19 Oct 2017, 9:35 PM
    Hello anyone,
    The poodll don't appear on editor in activity "Lesson" when is on student role.
    How can I enable poodle anywhere on Lesson ?
    Thanks in advance!
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