
Themes ::: theme_learnr
Maintained by Chris Kenniburg
LearnR is a Boost Union child theme for Moodle 4+.. Made for learners and focused on providing unique features to enhance management and delivery of instruction. The LearnR theme builds on the new layouts and user experiences introduced in Moodle 4 and provides a variety of enhancements to core features and styles. The LearnR theme is focused on students going from “login to learning” quickly and easily.
Latest release:
2379 sites
90 fans
Current versions available: 3

Important Notice:

Currently LearnR is a fork/copy of Boost Union with added features.  This was not ideal.  The CTL-Version 1 release of LearnR will require Boost Union be installed because LearnR will be an add-on to Boost Union as a true child theme.  This means most of your configurations and settings will be inherited from Boost Union.  

Do not upgrade unless you uninstall LearnR, install Boost Union, and then re-install LearnR CTL-version 1 (2024021300). Discussion on this is in the Theme Forum here.

Introducing LearnR

LearnR is almost entirely based on the core foundation of the Boost Union Theme. If you have not seen the Boost Union theme you are missing out! We like to think of LearnR as an enhanced version of Boost Union that is very focused on styling, integrations with other plugins, and we have carried over some of the most popular features from all of our previous themes like Fordson and Evolve-D.

My Courses Page in Moodle

Recommended Plugins:

LearnR adds the following features to Boost Union:

  • Teacher Course Management Dashboard
  • Section Style Chooser
  • Course Progress Bar
  • Latest Course Drop Down
  • Icon Navigation Menu System for Home, MyCourses, and Dashboard pages
  • Course Activity List Drop Down
  • Default Image on My Courses Page
  • Additional Color Choosers
  • Hide Login Form (If using SSO like Google login)
  • Tweaks to default installation settings to enhance styling out of the box
  • Move Secondary Menu above or below the course header image

My Courses Drop Down

Features Core to Boost Union:
  • Page Width Settings
  • Logo Uploads
  • Fav Icon
  • Background, Course Header, and other Image Uploads
  • Variety of Core Color Choosers
  • Course Header Images with customizations
  • Custom Fonts
  • Font Awesome Updates
  • Hide Primary Nav Menu Items
  • Back To Top button
  • Scroll Spy
  • Activity Navigation
  • Huge Selection of Additional Block Layouts
  • Custom Pages
  • Custom Alerts and Info Banners
  • Custom Advertisement Tiles
  • Course Related Hints for Teachers Check out the Boost Union theme: https://moodle.org/plugins/theme_boost_union

All of these features can be toggled on or off and mixed and matched for a more personalized user experience.  The choice is up to you to define what is best for your learners.  

Special Thanks

Elements and certain functionality of LearnR would not be possible without the following users and plugins:


This theme requires Moodle 4.0+ and Boost Union be installed. 


Install the theme like any other theme to folder /theme/learnr

See http://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_plugins for details on installing Moodle plugins


If you have previously installed LearnR please do the following:

  • Install Boost Union
  • Transfer your LearnR settings to Boost Union.  Things like adverts, notices, etc should have corresponding settings in Boost Union.  Transfer or copy these things over PRIOR to the next step of uninstalling LearnR.
  • Uninstall LearnR
  • Install LearnR -   version =2024021300 which is currently the latest release 2/14/24
  • Choose the LearnR theme in Site Admin theme chooser.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7
Screenshot #8
Screenshot #9


Chris Kenniburg (Lead maintainer)
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  • Doug E. Wray
    Wed, 14 Feb 2024, 9:43 AM
    For me, too, the same problem as Les Bell had. I did not have Boost Union installed and used the /admin page to install; busted my system. I had to delete LearnR from the file system, as command line uninstallation did not work. Reverting (from a copy of the directory and files from a working server) did not work. Luckily also a test server. The installation's still urging me to upgrade, so I assume some references to LearnR are still in the database somewhere.
  • Chris Kenniburg
    Wed, 14 Feb 2024, 10:04 AM
    Hello All, I'm really sorry. I wasn't really sure about how to get the message out about the change. Long term, this will be a good thing as LearnR features will just blend in with Boost. I'm already building in areas where I might expand the styling options of where the header image might be placed and other page layout ideas similar to what was available in Fordson.
    If you use adverts and other content settings you will want to copy those settings or do screen shots prior to upgrading and port them over to Boost Union. Prior to upgrading LearnR you could install Boost Union and just copy it over to the new parent theme.
  • Les Bell
    Wed, 14 Feb 2024, 10:22 AM
    Thanks, Chris. I'm just exploring the new LearnR settings on our test server now, making and testing changes and taking notes as I go. Fortunately, I have a lot of notes from my server migration in November last year (somewhere!) and I'll definitely copy the HTML content of the adverts, etc. so I can configure them in Boost Union when I do the upgrade, probably early on Sunday morning. I'm glad I thought to try the upgrade on a test server first!
  • Chris Ross
    Mon, 19 Feb 2024, 5:39 PM
    Attention! There are users (like me) who only have the LearnR template installed. The existing path is: [diroot]/theme/learnr/
    However, the update for the template that has now been released refers to the path [dirroot]/theme/boost_union/
    This update damages the installation in such a way that a login is no longer possible, because the line "require_once($CFG->dirroot. ' /theme/boost_union/config.php');" in the config file creates a php error!! Very unpleasant, the whole thing sad(((
  • Chris Kenniburg
    Mon, 19 Feb 2024, 9:07 PM
    Hello Chris,
    In this latest release we now require the Boost Union theme. Instead of forking Boost Union, LearnR is now a child theme of Boost Union which means it must be installed with it. I am wondering why it allowed you to install it when there is a required dependency that Boost Union be installed. In the upload I also checked the box that it should not be upgraded from the previous versions.
  • Chris Ross
    Wed, 28 Feb 2024, 8:55 PM
    The ways of the Lord are unfathomable

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to upload pictures here.
    In my moodle/themes folder there are the following subfolders:
    Far and wide there is no folder BoostUnion to be seen
    My Learnr plugin has version v4.3-R1 from 2023/10/2000 in my plugin overview and next to "theme_boost" it says:
    "Necessary for: theme_classic, theme_learnr"
    Again, nothing from BoostUnion
  • Franky Amu
    Wed, 6 Mar 2024, 2:56 AM
    Any guide to customize the navbar?
  • Queenie Chan
    Wed, 20 Mar 2024, 5:21 AM
    Is there no longer a quiz view under the course management button? There used to be one on Fordson so we could view all the quizzes of a course, their dates and the attempts. Is there no equivalent to that in Learnr?
  • Gordon Mills
    Mon, 25 Mar 2024, 10:54 PM
    Is there still the option of having the Course Tile Display on the home page
  • Shahrukh Naveed
    Fri, 29 Mar 2024, 10:43 PM
    Yeah, Course Tile Display are missing. Not sure what is the alternative of that
  • Health & Safety Training Ninja
    Fri, 3 May 2024, 10:07 PM
    Same as other comments, the course tile configurable option settings are missing for the category pages. I look forward to this feature being re-added to the theme if possible? As an improvement request, it would be good to have more configurable appearance options for the 'My Courses' page too, the default is not so visiually appealing (but that's a overall moodle design issue) I'm sure you can jazz them up a bit big grin
  • Luca Bellani
    Mon, 3 June 2024, 1:51 AM
    Hi. Another detail that was lost is that in Moodle 4.4, the folder tree now no longer appears, which allows you to return to the main page of the course.
    ewn moodle 4.0, if we click on a section, a dedicated page opens. It is very useful to focus attention. But, once we access the section, there is no way to return.
  • João Polido
    Sat, 15 June 2024, 4:05 PM
    Esta versão do tema correr no moodle 4.4?
  • Mosaab Alsiddig
    Fri, 12 July 2024, 12:41 AM
    Hello Chris
    I have been using your charming theme in Moodle 4.4 and eagerly awaiting your official upgrade. Could you please provide an update on its release date?
  • Chris Kenniburg
    Fri, 12 July 2024, 1:11 AM
    Hello All,
    LearnR will not be available for Moodle 4.4 until Boost Union is updated to be compatible with Moodle 4.4. LearnR is a child theme of Boost Union.
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