Easy Enrollments

Enrolment ::: enrol_easy
Maintained by Chris Kenniburg
Part of set Fordson theme.
Get students from the homepage to learning in seconds using 6 digit enrollment codes or a QR Code. This plugin is part of a set. For best results please install Fordson version 1.4.4 or newer.
Latest release:
767 sites
86 fans
Current versions available: 4

This plugin works best with the following themes:

New Easy Enrollment Block
This block allows you to display the Easy enrollment form on any theme. 
Thanks to Lukas Celinak for developing this block for Easy Enrollment.  

Easy Enrollment Promo

The Easy Enrollment plugin generates a 6 digit code for every course and group in your Moodle site.  Once activated on your course you can visit the Easy Enrollment Settings page and see all of your enrollment codes.  This plugin will also generate QR codes which can be downloaded and printed to use with younger students or in print materials.  Upon activation of the Easy Enrollment plugin the Fordson Moodle Theme will display all the necessary forms on the homepage so that students can enter enrollment codes and instantly be taken to the corresponding course.  

The QR Code reader requires SSL/HTTPS in order to function.  If you do not have SSL then disable the QR code option from the Easy Enrollment settings page.

Dearborn Public Schools is a K-12 school district in Dearborn, Michigan.  We serve over 19,000 students in Wayne County and we are big fans of Moodle.  We believe our work with Moodle can be of value to the Moodle community and in the spirit of open source we are sharing some of our work.  There is no warrenty that this will work on every server with every theme or setup.  We use it.  It works well.  We are sharing it to help others.

NOTE: While this can be made to work with any theme the only theme we will officially support is Fordson and Rebel.  Adding the enrollment form and other functionality needed for other themes would require hacking their code to make the form appear on the homepage.  There are many themes out there and they all do things a bit differently.  We only use one theme and that is Fordson.

New Sitewide Easy Activation for All Courses

We now have a script that will activate the Easy Enrollment plugin for each and every course in your Moodle site.  This is ideal for existing sites which want to use Easy Enroll and Fordson Theme.  Once you install Easy Enrollment and activate it as one of your enrollment methods you can use the script below to turn it on for each course.  Follow these instructions:

  1. Download the script:  https://github.com/dbnschools/moodle-enrol_easy/blob/master/activate.php
  2. Upload this file to the following folder /your moodle root/enrol/easy/
  3. Login to your moodle site as site admin.  Go to the following URL:  
  4. You will see a white screen but what you did was run the script.  The script is now turning on Easy Enrollment as an enrollment method for each and every course on your Moodle site. 
  5. Delete the activate.php file once complete.

Instructions Github

  • Download from Github and unzip
  • Rename folder to -  easy
  • FTP or place "easy" folder into moodleroot/enrol/
  • If you cannot ftp then zip the newly named easy folder and use the normal Moodle plugin installation upload
  • Once installed go to Site Administration > Plugins > Enrollments and activate "Easy Enrollments".  You can also adjust any of the settings.  If you do not have SSL please TURN OFF QR Code reader as it will not function.
  • With the plugin installed and activated you must add it to any pre-existing courses as an enrollment method at the course level.
  • In an individual course, on the course enrollment method page for easy enrollment you can click on Settings and it will display all enrollment codes.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Chris Kenniburg (Lead maintainer)
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  • Sergio Renato Aldana Alvarez
    Sat, 17 July 2021, 1:22 AM
    When I try to generato QR y get this error:

    Uncaught TypeError: $(...).qrcode is not a function
    at HTMLInputElement. (enrol_easy.js:31)
    at Function.each (jquery-3.2.0.min.js:2)
    at r.fn.init.each (jquery-3.2.0.min.js:2)
    at HTMLDocument. (enrol_easy.js:20)
    at j (jquery-3.2.0.min.js:2)
    at k (jquery-3.2.0.min.js:2)
  • Adham Farouk
    Sun, 28 Nov 2021, 6:56 PM
    I tried the plugin and it is working in a perfetway
    but i want to download all codes or keys for all courses at onceto start distrbution for students, i have more than 500 course and it is so difficult to copy one by one
  • Chris Kenniburg
    Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 11:31 PM
    We don't have that functionality built into the plugin but if you dig around in the database you might be able to run a report.
  • Sergio Renato Aldana Alvarez
    Fri, 17 Dec 2021, 6:14 AM
    some courses show the course page instead to show course resume page, this is a security problem
  • ess ma
    Tue, 8 Mar 2022, 5:02 PM
    can i connect this plugin to read from coupon block? where it is generated a list of codes for each course
  • Thorsten Butsch
    Thu, 31 Mar 2022, 1:39 PM
    Thanks for the great plugin... Will there be a version for Moodle 4?
  • Chris Kenniburg
    Thu, 31 Mar 2022, 6:39 PM
    Thorsten, we haven't officially tested against Moodle 4 but it should work. We'll be updating it as we plan to use it in Moodle 4.

    We're also building a super simple CSV-based rostering/enrollment plugin for Moodle 4 for organizations that might have spreadsheets or SIS exports for enrollment data and want to synced that with Moodle very easily.
  • Sergio Renato Aldana Alvarez
    Thu, 5 May 2022, 11:16 PM
    the guest user is able to access the courses that have this enrollment method activated.
  • Sergio Renato Aldana Alvarez
    Fri, 6 May 2022, 12:58 AM
    you can see how guest user is enrolled by easy enrollment method here: https://ibb.co/Bf050YN
  • Tanja B.
    Thu, 23 June 2022, 8:03 PM
    Dear Chris,

    are there any news for Moodle 4? Can it be used with LearnR?
  • Stewart A McCafferty
    Sun, 7 Aug 2022, 8:12 AM
    Plug-in works well, is there anyway to get a block that will display the code on the course page? Thank you.
  • Sergio Renato Aldana Alvarez
    Fri, 26 Aug 2022, 5:44 AM
    I have had many compatibility problems with jquery version that uses this plugin
  • K D
    Wed, 21 Sept 2022, 11:43 PM
    Hello Chris Kenniburg, Would it be possible to know what SQL table I could use to pull the code and place into a SQL query listing courses and their enrolment methods, please? I look forward to your answer.
  • Brian Ball
    Sat, 24 Sept 2022, 5:14 AM
    So I'm an admin, not a teacher user. Just updated to 4.0.4 and the teachers switched from Fordson to LearnR. I guess their enrollment code entry box disappeared. I disabled and re-enabled the plugin with no luck. Is this a known issue with a solution?
  • Julian Howarth
    Tue, 13 Dec 2022, 1:02 AM
    Hey, I'm wondering how to get this working with Moodle 4.1 and LearnR. The easy enrollment field is displayed on the home and dashboard pages, but I can't find a way to manage (or even find) the enrollment codes for the courses.

    Is this plugin still being developed?
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