User bulk enrolment

General plugins (Local) ::: local_bulkenrol
Maintained by Logo "Moodle an Hochschulen e.V."Moodle an Hochschulen e.V., Alexander Bias
Moodle plugin which provides the possibility to bulk enrol a list of users who are identified by their e-mail adresses into a course.
Latest release:
2400 sites
62 fans
Current versions available: 13

In some organizations or some teaching scenarios, manually enrolling students into a course may be the preferred way. However, enrolling one user at a time into a course can be daunting for teachers. On the other hand, teachers may not be allowed to use (or be able to understand) the Moodle core upload CSV functionality.

To ease the life of teachers, there is the need for a bulk enrolment tool. There are already plugins out there which provide this functionality, so this is just another one. The goal of this bulk enrolment implementation is not to fulfil everybody's needs, but to do one thing and to do this well.

So, the key features of this plugin are:

  1. to let teachers submit a line-separated list of email addresses to enrol them into a course,
  2. to let teachers submit this list to a textarea within their course instead of requiring them to create and upload a CSV file first.

Please see README file for details about the usage and features of this plugin.

No support in the comments section on this page

Please note that we don't provide any support for this plugin in the comments section on this page.

We appreciate your commendation and reviews for this plugin in the comments. For bug reports and support requests, please read the extensive information in the plugin's README file first and create, if needed, a ticket in the bug tracker which is linked below.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Screenshot #0


Logo "Moodle an Hochschulen e.V."
Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. (Lead maintainer): Maintainer
Alexander Bias: Maintainer
Ulm University: Initial Maintainer
Kathrin Osswald: Former Developer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Plugins bot
    ср, 14 март 2018, 23:00
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7216
  • Stone Root
    пт, 17 апр 2020, 01:33
    This plugin was working fine but now when Teacher Enrolls Students with this Plugin after Pastes Email addresses, Enroll users. All users come up with Teacher Role.
    Our default Registration is set to Student.
    Someone help me why is this happening???
  • Stone Root
    пт, 17 апр 2020, 05:19
    This plugin was working fine but now when Teacher Enrolls Students with this Plugin after Pastes Email addresses, Enroll users. All users come up with Teacher Role.
    Our default Registration is set to Student.
    This happens when User is Unenrolled and then Bulk Enrollment Plugin we use. The user's role comes with Teacher.
  • Stone Root
    пт, 17 апр 2020, 05:20
    This plugin was working fine but now when Teacher Enrolls Students with this Plugin after Pastes Email addresses, Enroll users. All users come up with Teacher Role.
    Our default Registration is set to Student.
    This happens when User is Unenrolled and then Bulk Enrollment Plugin we use. The user's role comes with Teacher.
  • Samuel Bocanegra
    пн, 20 апр 2020, 08:05
    Funciona perfectamente, sólo tiene un pequeño error en el code al momento de mostrar el mensaje donde indica que los usuarios fueron matriculados correctamente. Pero sólo el usuario administrador puede usarlo, ¿cómo le hago para que se muestre a los usuarios con rol de profesor.?
  • just for administrator role?
  • Michel Singh
    пн, 31 май 2021, 21:08
    Hi! We've been using the plugin for a while without issues. Recently, we've had a problem with emails being case-sensitive. If a user pastes email addresses in the plugin it now checks for lower case vs upper case which wasn't the behavior in the past. Anything changed? Is there a way to revert back? Thx.
  • Mircea Man
    пн, 8 авг 2022, 17:53
    Hi, we have the same issue as Michel Singh says with the case-sensitive email addresses - it would be super nice if this case check could be skipped ;)
  • Michelle Gronwold
    чт, 23 фев 2023, 04:58
    Is this plugin available for Moodle version 4.1 (Build:20221128)?
  • Mircea Man
    ср, 15 март 2023, 18:54
    I have the same problem as Michel Singh - emails are case - sensitive and it seems that it now makes some checks about that - can this be reverted / excluded?
  • erika alarcon
    пт, 20 окт 2023, 00:57
    When confirming the student registration, I was redirected incorrectly. I modified the /bulkenrol/index.php file, line 103
    I added to the redirect "$CFG->wwwroot"
    if ($msg->status == 'error') { redirect($CFG->wwwroot .'/user/index.php?id='.$id, "$msg->text", null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_ERROR);
    } else { redirect($CFG->wwwroot .'/user/index.php?id='.$id, "$msg->text", null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS); }
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