Feedback export

Quiz reports ::: quiz_feedback
Maintained by Astor Bizard
This is a quiz report that can be used to export student feedback data from Student feedback (deferred/immediate) behaviours. This report is only relevant for these question behaviours.
Latest release:
42 sites
3 fans
Current versions available: 1


This report is made available for export of student feedback data.

This report is only relevant on Quizzes using the qbehaviour_studentfeedbackdeferred or qbehaviour_studentfeedbackimmediate question behaviours.

To see the report, from a Quiz go to the cog > Feedback export.


This software was developped with the Caseine project, with the support of the following organizations:

  • Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble


Screenshot #0


Astor Bizard (Lead maintainer)
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