Student feedback (immediate)

Question behaviour ::: qbehaviour_studentfeedbackimmediate
Maintained by Astor Bizard
A question behaviour derived from Immediate feedback, where students can submit one comment for each question after it is submitted and one comment for the whole Quiz, after their attempt is submitted.
Latest release:
55 sites
5 fans
Current versions available: 1


This plugins is based on the qbehaviour_studentfeedbackdeferred plugin, and needs it to be installed.

About the Student feedback (immediate) behaviour

This question behaviour is derived from the Immediate feedback behaviour, and questions will behave essentially the same.

With this behaviour however, students can submit one comment for each question after it is submitted and one comment for the whole Quiz, after their attempt is submitted.
These comments are editable by the student, and are visible by the teachers.


Once installed, simply go to a Quiz settings > Question behaviour > Select "Student feedback (immediate)".

Quiz report

Students feedback can be viewed within the quiz report interface using the quiz_feedback plugin.


This software was developped with the Caseine project, with the support of the following organizations:

  • Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Astor Bizard (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    வியா., 17 பிப். 2022, 12:40 AM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-8851
  • Antonia Bonaccorso
    செவ்., 6 பிப். 2024, 11:27 PM
    Hi Astor

    We are looking for a possibility for our students to add comments to questions in summative exams. In this scenario we do not want to give feedback to students but give them the possibility to tell us what's wrong with certain quiz questions. As far as I understand your description, the student can only add a feedback to a question, once he received some feedback from the teacher. So if deferred feedback mode is activated, the student cannot give feedback. Is this correct?

    Best regards,
  • Astor Bizard
    வெள்., 9 பிப். 2024, 6:09 PM

    This behaviour and its counterpart are quite the same as standard Immediate and Deferred feedback.
    You may achieve what you want with Student feedback behaviours and changing the "Review options" in Quiz settings. There, you can delay students seeing any feedback, but they will still be able to write comments once questions are submitted.

    Best regards,
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