Tiles format

Course formats ::: format_tiles
Maintained by David Watson
A course format which displays course topics as "Tiles", in a grid rather than as a list. When clicked, tile content is displayed under the tile with an animated transition. The layout adapts to different screen sizes and orientations. Within each tile, activities can also be set to display as "sub-tiles". For each tile, the teacher can pick an icon from a predefined set, or upload a background photo.
Latest release:
18892 sites
441 fans
Current versions available: 8
Key features
  • Tiles are used to show course topics and activities
  • Animation is used to expand tiles to reveal content
  • Icons or photos on each tile increase visual appeal
  • Modal windows (animated pop ups) to show content
  • Colours for tiles are customisable
  • Theme compatibility is broad (Boost, Clean, Essential, Moove and Adaptable).
  • Easy to switch into Tiles from other formats (e.g. Topics, Grid) without changing course content
  • User friendly (e.g. tile icons are provided and don't need to be uploaded)
  • Mobile responsive (adapts to different screen sizes and orientations)
  • Progress shown on tile with % in a circle, or as a fraction


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7
Screenshot #8


David Watson (Lead maintainer)
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Vis kommentarer
  • Nicolas Dunand
    tir., 10 sep. 2024, 23:50
    Thanks for this great plugin!
    Using the latest version on Moodle 4.4 we noticed that changing an activity title to a string containing characters like &, <, or > replaces theses with their HTML equivalents, i.e. displays "&". The issue appears when exiting edit mode.
  • José Gerardo Díaz Estepa
    tor., 12 sep. 2024, 21:20
    Hi David
    It is possible that the tile format allowed for stealth activities, meaning that the tile could be available but not visible on the course page. To organize the course content.

    José Gerardo DÍAZ ESTEPA
  • Adarsh shah
    man., 23 sep. 2024, 13:04
    I am installing format_tiles plugin in moodle 4.4 but getting error after installing
    Callback before_standard_html_head in format_tiles component should be migrated to new hook callback for core\hook\output\before_standard_head_html_generation

    I have also created issue for this in bitbucket and the issue url is https://bitbucket.org/dw8/moodle-format_tiles/issues/224/getting-but-after-installation

    Please fix this error for better experience
  • Astrid Kollmann
    tor., 10 okt. 2024, 16:52
    Hello David!
    Thank you for the helpful plugin that makes the user experience fancier and simplified, I like it!
    I am using it for my course page now and discovered that H5P acitivites are not shown in a modal window yet. Could you add this feature for the future? That would we wonderful, since now that cuts into the otherwise smooth user experience and makes it more difficult, especially for unexperienced users. Thank you for your helpful work! Kind regards,
  • hubert klang
    tor., 24 okt. 2024, 22:28
    Hello, we have found a small issue with tiles 4.1.19 in Moodle 4.1.13.

    For the custom activities we use : (e.g. turnitin, mod_certificate) the background of the activity image seems to be set to the colour of the tiles plugin background.

    See https://imgur.com/a/JQ7Xyin

    The workaround for us it to use a css hack to set .format-tiles .activityiconcontainer.other to f1f1f1

  • ENRIQUE Pascual Rodrigo
    ons., 4 des. 2024, 17:42
    Hello, thank you very much in advance for your help.

    We currently have a Moodle 3.11 where we use the Moove theme and the Tiles course format. Everything is working correctly.

    We want to update to version 4.5. However, we need a clean installation. On a test Moodle site, we have installed, as a preliminary step, version 4.1, and all the plugins and themes we have. Afterward, we have migrated the databases.

    After this step, we have noticed a problem with the courses. When you access a course and open a topic, the modal window appears, but you cannot scroll in it. To explain, you can scroll, for example, with the middle mouse button, but you cannot scroll by dragging the scrollbar.

    If you try to use the scrollbar, the only thing that happens is that the topic closes. Here's a video of what's happening: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/1035905185/00c8b41708/player?studio_recording=true&record_session_id=eec1f56a-1629-493a-8626-215d50f94ab9

    Has this issue ever been reported to you? Do you know what might be happening?
  • Kevin Hipwell
    fre., 13 des. 2024, 18:36
    I am having an issue with some students seeing popup error "Your session may have expired. Try refreshing the page." for courses that use format tiles when they click on a tile.
    Not all students users are experiencing this.

    I have raised the issue: https://bitbucket.org/dw8/moodle-format_tiles/issues/235/your-session-may-have-expired-try
  • Christophe NOGUES
    lør., 21 des. 2024, 22:13
    Bonjour, est-il possible d'avoir un affichage "pleine largeur" sur ce format de cours ? Actuellement, l'affichage est centré au mileu de l'écran, laissant 2 grands espaces disponibles à gauche et à droite. Cordialement. Christophe
  • José Luis Rodríguez García
    tir., 7 jan. 2025, 09:09

    Hello. I am currently using the plugin and have the newly updated version, but the issue persists. The error message is 'A required parameter (sesskey) was missing. ' and it occurs when I try to replace the icon of any of the tiles with an image.
  • Daniel Caixeta Queiroz Garcia
    søn., 12 jan. 2025, 02:28
    Dear Community,

    I am reaching out to seek assistance with a persistent issue I've been experiencing with the Tiles Format plugin. After updating to version (2024121221), I've noticed that upon clicking a tile, the screen turns gray, and I am required to scroll upwards on my mobile device to display the content within that particular tile. This issue has been consistent despite testing on different themes, and it appears to be directly related to the plugin.

    I'm currently using Moodle version 4.2.11, and the problem persists across various themes. I've included a link to a video illustrating the issue:


    Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so, how did you resolve it? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your assistance!
  • Tamara Sanchez
    tir., 14 jan. 2025, 00:15
    When opening the Unilabel activity windows, we can no longer scroll down the content, neither with the mouse wheel nor with the arrow keys, and there is no scrollbar available.

    To read the entire content, we have to first open the desired section, then close it, and reopen it: scrolling down then works.

    This issue was not present in version, but it appears in the latest version for Moodle 4.1 (

    Thank you for your assistance!
  • Clemens Arnold
    ons., 15 jan. 2025, 06:06

    I found out that there is a problem with the visibility of hidden sections. In the theme format, you can adjust whether a student can see or not hidden sections in the left hand list (and also in the mobile app). The options for the teacher to choose are a) only hide the content / make the access impossible but see that there is a section or b) hide everything completely.

    The tiles format behaves according to these settings in the theme format. So a teacher from my school asked me why the pupils could see sometimes the hidden sections an in other courses not. It would be much better if there was an option in the settings of the tiles format that allows that choice as well, otherwise it's quite complicated and at the end as well too difficult to handle.

    To show the problem I've made a video - sorry, the writings are in german, I hope you see what I mean: https://cloud.arcoworld.de/s/LaPo8xb9fL5G2DB

    I've tried it out in different Moodle branches until 4.5 and the corresponding tiles format plugin versions.

    Thanks a lot for your work and assistance!
    søn., 19 jan. 2025, 23:06
    there is a problem with the subsections in the course index , when we click in the course index on any subsection the main page turn gray and not showing the subsection but it close any opened tile or if there is nothing open only grays the surrounding (animated navigation enabled).
  • Nyasha Mukura
    tir., 21 jan. 2025, 13:18
    It looks like the plugin is messing with the sesskey which causes Moodle (ver 4.4 and 4.5) to loop on this error message: "Error loading content. Your session may have expired. Try refreshing this page. CANCEL/REFRESH." Has anyone else encountered this problem?
  • Richard Newton
    ons., 22 jan. 2025, 03:57
    Hey Nyasha, we've been getting the same problem too. Started off with a couple of users who couldn't access one specific course, but today I've had a user say they can't access any course because of the message you quoted above.
    It looked like it was a VPN that was causing issues for the first two. They had to completely remove it from their device - not just disable it - for some reason.

    The user today has removed it but I'm not sure if he's recieving the messages still. He did say that it's working on another device so I'm pretty confident it's something on his machine that's causing it.
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