Embed questions filter

Filters ::: filter_embedquestion
Maintained by TimTim Hunt, at the OU (Perry building)Mahmoud Kassaei, Chris Nelson
Part of set Embed questions.
A Moodle text filter plugin that displays interactive questions from the question bank embedded in the page.
Latest release:
1200 sites
65 fans
Current versions available: 3

This filter allows questions from the question bank to be embedded anywhere that users can input HTML. This can be used in various ways. It can be a way to make learning materials more interactive. For example you may wish to embed an interactive question in a Book, or a Page, or even a Label. Or perhaps a student asks in a forum about some tricky grammar concept, and you have a question that illustrates your reply, well now you can include that question in your reply, so the student can immediately test their understanding.

It is designed to be used with the associated Atto editor plugin which makes it easier to set up the embedding.

Installing the Embedded questions progress report is also recommended. This lets staff and students track what progress has been made at all the embedded questions in a course.

Questions can only be embedded if they have an idnumber set, and where the category the question is in has an idnumber. This is for two reasons: first, to make it harder to accidentally embed questions from your end-of-course exam; and second, because this is how the filter uniquely identifies the question to show.

Note: Essay is not an interactive question. Description is neither interactive nor a question.

This plugin was created by the Open University, UK.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Tim Hunt (Lead maintainer)
at the OU (Perry building)
Mahmoud Kassaei: Developer
Chris Nelson: Product owner
John Beedell: Developer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Tim
    пон, 13. нов 2023, 16:22
    Mobile app is not supported. We have never had time to think about developing support.
  • Nitesh Duhan
    пет, 17. нов 2023, 11:55
    I understand that it is not available for Mobile.

    But, if something is not available on mobile (and is available on web only), can we ever include that in our course? Now that, we are in mobile world, how everyone is using this plugin?

    I just want to understand what are best practices. Are institutes offering "web only" courses? Is it a practice globally among universities? and are students ok with learning "without mobile app" ?

    Request you guys to share insights, on what is heppning?
  • Symon Looc
    чет, 18. јан 2024, 01:57
    Hello dev guys! Is this plugin available for Moodle 4.3? I have installed it but I can't find it in the toolbar.
  • Rudolf Strobl
    уто, 30. јан 2024, 15:29
    Hi! Is it possible to embed a question in the description-box of the assignment module (using 4.1 and 4.2)? I tried but I couldn't figure it out. Please let me know- thanks!
  • Chris Nelson
    уто, 30. јан 2024, 22:21
    @Symon, I think what you perhaps mean is: "is the embed button available for the TinyMCE Editor, which is the default editor from M4.3?". We are in the process of developing it at the moment, although I afraid I cannot say when exactly it'll be available. We'll amend this plugin's description to include a link to the TinyMCE editor when it is!
  • Chris Nelson
    уто, 30. јан 2024, 22:24
    @Rudolf, I was able to embed a question in the Assignment description area on our M4.2 test server (using the Atto Text Editor). My only explanation for you having trouble is that perhaps you are using TinyMCE Text Editor, which we are working on supporting.
  • Simon Schäfer
    пет, 15. мар 2024, 18:07
    Thanks for this great plugin!

    I wondered if it is possible to load a question dynamically by adding/updating a text element with the proper embedd string and using some JS as mentioned here: https://moodledev.io/docs/apis/plugintypes/filter#filtering-dynamic-content

    Background of the question is the idea to build a system that rates question difficulty and student skill on a multidimensional framework using true skill algorithm (comparable to CAPquiz but with a external flask server as backend).

    Question 2:
    Is it possible to download a report on the embedded questions that lists all attempst instead of the most recent one? One can access the history manually but is this available automatically without a custom query to the database?
  • Chris Nelson
    пет, 15. мар 2024, 18:09
    Hi Simon,
    I can answer Question #2. Check out https://moodle.org/plugins/report_embedquestion
  • Tim
    пет, 15. мар 2024, 19:04
    Question 1. I don't think this plugin requires the use of that JavaScript hook to work. All the necessary filtering happens on the server side - so, if you are building a system like that, you would need to ensure that the back-end of whatever JavaScript you write is doing the filtering correctly.
  • Joline Vergauwen
    уто, 16. апр 2024, 21:18
    I'm experiencing the same problem as François Lizotte.
    Moodle 4.1 - When we embed a question in for example a book from the question bank and edit the question in de question bank, the old version of the question remains visible in the book.
    Is the version with the fix already released? Or is there a scheduled time for this to be released?
    Thanks in advance!
  • Chris Nelson
    уто, 16. апр 2024, 21:54
    Hi @Joline Vergauwen.

    We have submitted our TinyMCE 'Embed question' button plugin recently, and that has necessitated updates for the entire set, so they'll be a new version of this plugin shortly.

    However, as to the issue reported by François Lizotte and yourself, we have not been able to replicate this on our own servers помешаних осећања. The closest issue we know of is where staff at our university are caught out not realising that the question is loaded only at the start of the attempt/try - so if you have v1 of a question but you then update it, v2 won't be loaded until that original question attempt/try is finished and a new attempt/try started. We're wondering if this and other question versioning features introduced in M4.0+ might be causing confusion.

    To battle this, we have been working with Moodle Core to make question versions more obvious, that staff are looking at the most recent (latest) question version, and be provided a link to the latest version if they're not. So some of that is in our latest plugins (to be released shortly as I've said), and other improvements are in Moodle 4.3+
  • Joline Vergauwen
    сре, 17. апр 2024, 18:11
    Hello @Chris

    Thank you for your response. I've tested again taking into account what you said about starting a new attempt. The updated version of the question is indeed shown in the book on the second attempt. Of course, this is confusing and not ideal behaviour for the student. When a teacher adds a question and later updates it, a student who does not make a second attempt will never see the updated version of the question.

    Looking forward to the updated version of the plugin and the improvements in Moodle!
  • Chris Nelson
    сре, 17. апр 2024, 18:29
    Thanks for coming back to us with confirmation, @Joline смешак
    Once we upgrade to M4.3 ourselves, we may be in a position to further improve alerts that users are "looking at an earlier question version" part-way through a embedded question (assuming it is possible), but that will be a few months away.
  • Neil Stapleton
    пон, 29. апр 2024, 17:05
    @Tim Hunt Any plans to add support for 4.3+ We are very interested in exploring embedded question and perhaps contribute to some improvements.
  • Tim
    пон, 29. апр 2024, 17:27
    Latest version on github works on 4.3 I think. There is a hiccup which means I can't release it here yet.
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