Embed question atto button

Atto ::: atto_embedquestion
Maintained by TimTim Hunt, John Beedell, at the OU (Perry building)Mahmoud Kassaei
Part of set Embed questions.
An Atto editor plugin for use with the embed questions filter.
Latest release:
994 sites
37 fans
Current versions available: 3

This Atto editor plugin makes it much easier to use the embed questions filter.

Therefore, all the documentation is with the filter plugin.


Screenshot #0


Tim Hunt (Lead maintainer)
John Beedell: Developer
at the OU (Perry building)
Mahmoud Kassaei: Developer
Chris Nelson: Product owner
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  • Chris Nelson
    Mon, 8 Jan 2024, 7:46 PM
    Hi @Kerry,
    It's in active development at the moment (since just before Christmas). Of course, TinyMCE works a bit different to Atto, so while pretty similar, it won't be a 1:1 conversion.
  • Kerry Watt
    Mon, 8 Jan 2024, 7:53 PM
    Fab, thanks Chris! Would it be pushing too much to ask if you have an idea when it might be ready? We're looking at upgrading soon, and there are some bugs in Atto that have been identified which is what's brought this up for us.
  • Chris Nelson
    Thu, 11 Jan 2024, 7:16 PM
    @Kerry, The Open University UK has been converting quite a lot of it Atto buttons, and most have gone smoothly. However, it's our teams' first TinyMCE conversion, and the best I can say at the moment is that it's in the local peer review stage. HOPEFULLY it'll pass that and testing soonish, and then we can release it publicly. However, some of our offshore developers will be off for their new year (Tết) soon, so that may impact our timeline.
  • Symon Looc
    Thu, 18 Jan 2024, 2:37 AM
    Hello dev team! Is it possible to enable bulk embed? So that when students open a page with an embedded questions, they can see a set of questions but randomly arranged every time they open the page?
  • Chris Nelson
    Thu, 18 Jan 2024, 5:18 PM
    @Symon, you can embed a random question from an embeddable category using the asterisk (*) as the question ID to display any question in that category. So that should allow you to embed a random question (1a, 1b; 2a, 2b etc.) from different categories on the same page. Is that what you want to achieve?
  • Symon Looc
    Fri, 19 Jan 2024, 2:39 AM
    @chris Nelson, no sir. what I'd like to do is to embed all questions in a category but in different order every time a student opens the Moodle page. and if that can be done with one click. Thank you!!
  • Chris Nelson
    Fri, 19 Jan 2024, 5:46 PM
    @Symon, afraid not. Having a 'quizlet' (a sequence of questions) is on our backlog - assuming that is technical possible - but it seems to keep getting moved back due to other projects or big changes in Moodle Core (e.g. question versioning and the move to TinyMCE etc.). We'll get it someday, but I can't say when mixed
  • Symon Looc
    Mon, 22 Jan 2024, 11:58 PM
    @Chris Nelson. How about embedding all questions from the same category into one page, but in random order? is this possible?
  • Chris Nelson
    Tue, 23 Jan 2024, 4:50 PM
    @Symon, afraid not. Although feel free to contribute any of these ideas to the Github if you're able! Building on the 'add random question' function, probably something like setting "{category-name}/*:*" would make sense to mass-insert all the questions in a category in a random order. Obviously if you have maybe 3-10 questions, it probably wouldn't take too long for the page to load and display, but the more questions, the longer the load time will be (as each question requires the filter to load an instance).
  • Symon Looc
    Wed, 24 Jan 2024, 1:39 PM
    @Chris Nelson. I would really love to contribute but I have no idea on coding myself. I have no background. I was hoping somebody would help our company too. Thank you Chris!
  • Symon Looc
    Tue, 6 Feb 2024, 9:59 PM
    @Chris Nelson. I have at least posted in the GitHub issue. I hope this gets more attention.https://github.com/moodleou/moodle-filter_embedquestion/issues/29. Thanks for helping out!
  • Symon Looc
    Tue, 6 Feb 2024, 9:59 PM
    @Chris Nelson. I have at least posted in the GitHub issue. I hope this gets more attention.https://github.com/moodleou/moodle-filter_embedquestion/issues/29. Thanks for helping out!
  • Neil Stapleton
    Mon, 29 Apr 2024, 5:05 PM
    @Tim Hunt Any plans to port this to Tiny6 and support for 4.3+ We are very interested in exploring embedded question and perhaps contribute to some improvements.
  • Chris Nelson
    Mon, 29 Apr 2024, 6:02 PM
    Hi @Neil, we have a TinyMCE version in approval at the moment (https://moodle.org/plugins/tiny_embedquestion). So I assume that'll appear soon.
  • Przemek Kaszubski
    Tue, 4 June 2024, 7:40 PM
    Just wanted to jump in and say I too am eagerly awaiting https://moodle.org/plugins/tiny_embedquestion . Thanks !
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