
Administration tool ::: tool_supporter
Maintained by TU DarmstadtTechnische Universität Darmstadt, oa73neve Königstein, Klaus Steitz
Easily manage your users and courses within a single window without reloading whole pages. Look up users and courses, enrol students, change settings and much more.
Latest release:
291 sites
43 fans
Current versions available: 3


With the Supporter you can simply find & manage your students and courses - all in one, intuitive window.

It is the successor to the Moodle Analyst which was also created at the TU Darmstadt (Technical University of Darmstadt).

The Supporter is developed with asynchronous calls and thus only retrieves the information from the database which are needed, not requiring reloading of the whole page; bringing a whole new user experience to Moodle admins.

It has the standard Moodle Capability-Checks built-in so there are no extra capabilities needed and multiple levels of Support can be accomplished (see chapter "Capabilites").


  • Find Students & Courses
  • Display additional information about your students
    • Enrolled Courses/Students
    • Amount of enrolled Students
  • Enrol users in courses
  • Create a new Course
  • Delete users from courses
  • Hotlinks to additional features
    • Edit, Settings, Visibility of courses
    • Log in as the selected user


  • This version is tested on Moodle 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (branch master and moodle_4_dev, without a link in navigation), 3.10, 3.11 (branch 310)
  • For Moodle 3.9 and older use v1.03
  • It is recommended to activate zlib compression in your php.ini to reduce transmitted data
    • Add "zlib.output_compression = On"



With this Plugin, we strove to implement all necessary Moodle-capabilities. As such, there is no need to give users additional caps. If there is a need to divide different levels of support, these caps need to be set in a system-context:

Level 1 Support (read-only):

  • moodle/site:viewparticipants
  • moodle/user:viewdetails (requires site:viewparticipants)
  • moodle/course:viewhiddencourses
  • moodle/course:view (requires course:viewhiddencourses)

level 2 Support (also write):

  • Read-Capabilites from above
  • moodle/user:loginas
  • moodle/course:create
  • moodle/course:update
  • enrol/manual:enrol
    • This requires the defined role to be able to "Allow role assignments" in its settings


  • Open Supporter using admin-navigation "General->Supporter" or via /admin/tool/supporter
  • Blocks are disabled by default and the nav drawer gets closed for maximum viewing
  • The settings can be accessed with the cog in the header or by going to /admin/settings.php?section=tool_supporter


Since v4-r1 admins can choose from 0 to 5 layers of course categories to be represented (from 0 to 2 layers in v1.07 for Moodle 3.x), however, user detail table always shows 2.



Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


TU Darmstadt
Technische Universität Darmstadt (Lead maintainer)
oa73neve Königstein
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