Moodle AnalyST

Experimental ::: report_moodleanalyst
Maintained by Steffen Pegenau, TU DarmstadtTechnische Universität Darmstadt
Support tool for medium and large sites, that provides you with - a better search function for courses and users - a fast overview about a course with participants and their roles, activities, enrolment methods - a fast overview about a user with their courses and roles
Latest release:
20 sites
21 fans
Current versions available: 2
General information
moodle-analyst is a tool for support and administration tasks for 
moodle (, implemented as a report plugin.
NEW: check out the successor, adding capability-support and configurability: Tool Supporter Features - summary =================== - extreme fast and accurate course and user search - get fast summary of users and courses with all relevant information - reach frequently used moodle administration functions without any reloads Did I mention that everything is pretty fast? ;) Status: beta ============= moodle-analyst has proved itself very useful on our productive system (Apache on Linux with MSSQL backend) with about 25,000 users. We also tested it successfully on smaller systems with MySQL backend. We would like to hear all about your experiences, bugs you have found and all kind of suggestions!


Send your feedback to the successor Tool Supporter

- Put all files into /report/moodleanalyst in your moodle directory 
- open the moodle administration page to install plugin 
- you find the plugin in tht site reports: Administration -> Site administration -> Reports ->
Moodle AnalyST (user needs to be at least 'course creator') 



Moodle makes (for good reasons) only very conservately use of JavaScript. For the reasons see [1], [2] and [3]. In consequence many full page reloads are necessary to perform even simple tasks. For this project we dropped the moodle principles of accessibility to get a high speed support/administration tool, realised under heavy JavaScript usage. Libraries we used: - AngularJS, [4] - Google Charts, [5] at the moment (february 2015) used for the tables, and filters (dashboards) - Slim, [6] "a micro framework for PHP" to realise a simple API to get the needed data as JSON






Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Steffen Pegenau (Lead maintainer)
TU Darmstadt
Technische Universität Darmstadt: (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    Wed, 8 Apr 2015, 4:59 PM
  • David Mudrák
    Thu, 7 May 2015, 12:11 AM

    Hi Steffen. Thanks for sharing this plugin with the community. The plugin definitely aims to become a useful admin tool (btw, as such, you may consider to refactor it into a plugin of type tool rather than report). However, it can't be approved in this Plugins directory yet.

    There were some issues spotted while reviewing the code, and I reported them into your tracker. The licensing issue is a real approval blocker for now and should be sorted out. The problems with $CFG->wwwroot being ignored are serious, too.

    Also note, I had multiple issues while trying to use all the features of the plugin, and even spotted some TODOs in the UI (e.g. in the html/newusers.tpl.html). Some features did not simply work or did not show anything to me.

    I am sure this will be a useful and popular tool for many admins. But it would be good to promote it via our community channels first (e.g. on a forum, twitter etc) and get some feedback from wider range of users to catch the most obvious bugs, prior to submitting it here.

    For now, I am going to mark this as needing more work.

  • Plugins bot
    Thu, 16 June 2016, 7:57 PM
  • David Mudrák
    Thu, 16 June 2016, 8:57 PM

    Hi Steffen. Good to hear from you again. It's been a while since I saw this plugin last time and I see some good progress here. Same as last time, I understand your plugin uses a lot of techniques not common in Moodle development world. I like it as kind of experiment that shows alternative ways to contribute to Moodle. But it also makes it harder to review and judge all impacts of these techniques.

    One particular thing I spotted is that it seems you only require your report's capability report/moodleanalyst:view to use the plugin. But it seems to me that you display details about users and courses that go beyond the scope of the coursereport/log:view that you clone permissions from (by the way, your db/access.php defines clonepermissionsfrom twice by mistake and is confusing to read. I believe your report should be available to site admins only and all the REST calls should simply fail for all non-admins.

    For now, I am going to publish the plugin in the "incubating" state to give you a chance to gather feedback from wider community.

  • punisher
    Mon, 27 Feb 2017, 11:50 PM
    Hi, is there away to add extra columns to the userlist in the right panel.. For example it would be really useful if i could see the Student/staff ID which we update from active directory when they login to moodle..

    Is there a file i can update to include extra fields?

  • oa73neve Königstein
    Wed, 14 June 2017, 8:32 PM
    Hello Mark Little,
    this question was already posted on Steffen's Github as an Issue:

    Sadly, Steffen has left us in March.

    We are currently developing a spiritual successor for the moodle analyst here at the TU Darmstadt which is called the Supporter and is referenced in aforementioned Issue. I have created an Issue on the github repo for the Supporter which you can see here:

    The Supporter is still under developement and there is not a stable version yet. When it is, we will post it here in the moodle repo.
    I have to mention that the supporter is currently not a priority in our team and your wish is an enhanced feature which will only be tackled once the rest is done and final.

    Best Regards,
    Benedikt Schneider
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