
Themes ::: theme_adaptable
Maintained by Jez H, Manoj Solanki, Gareth J BarnardGareth J Barnard
Part of set Adaptable UI.
Adaptable is a highly customisable responsive two column theme designed for use on both large University installations as well as small training companies.
Latest release:
17518 sites
737 fans
Current versions available: 8

Please, DO NOT ASK for technical support on this page. 

Use the Moodle Themes Forum instead.

Important: Please read and act upon "Adaptable, user preferences and GDPR".

Adaptable is a highly customisable responsive two column theme with an abundance of features. The concept behind adaptable is to have a common theme developed and tested by a community of users which can be branded and configured according to each organisations needs. The freedom to brand and customise whilst sharing the burden of testing and development.

  • Front page Marketing Blocks. You can display Up to 60 custom blocks with different layout.
  • Layout Builders! You can now define a custom layout to add blocks using drag and drop for:
    • Front Page
    • Footer
    • Dashboard
    • Course Page
  • Fully Customisable:
    • Fonts
    • Colours
    • Block styles (including icons)
    • Buttons (including radius)
  • Choice of two sliders on home page with custom colours
  • News / Announcements Ticker on Home / Dashboard
  • Multiple front page course styles
  • Extensive custom menus (can be targeted to different users based on custom profile field)
  • "My Courses" list can be organised to put older courses in sub menu item
  • Dismissible Bootstrap Alerts
    • Display site-wide notices using different Bootstrap styles
    • Allow users to dismiss alerts once read (persistent between page loads / login)
    • Allow re-use of alerts (display again even if user has dismissed) buy updating a "key" field
  • Additional layout settings for width, slider width, padding of various elements
  • Social icons or Search box in header (admin can choose between the two)
  • Activities and Resources Adaptable icon pack improved 
  • Support for Social Wall Course Format (thanks to Chris Kenniburg for help on this)
  • Support for Grid Course Format (thanks to Gareth J Barnard for help on this)
  • Mobile settings
  • Option to add login form in header on front page
  • Favicon uploader
  • Background image uploader
  • Activities status
  • Additional block regions for Adaptable News Slider and other plugins you may wish to add
  • Tabs on Dashboard and Course Pages for additional block regions
  • Choice of two or three row header


In addition many fields (menus, news items, alerts and help links) can be targeted using custom profile fields, thus it is possible to present different users with different navigation items and notices.

It is also possible for individual users to customise where they want top menu navigation to appear (disable, home pages only, site wide) using custom profile fields.

Adaptable has a lot of settings and may seem daunting at first, our advice is to simply install with the default settings and play with it afterwards.

With a little time you should be able to set up an attractive Moodle site with a high degree of individuality without without knowing any CSS.


Advice on migrating from BCU to Adaptable can be found here.

Please, DO NOT ASK for technical support on this page. 

Use the Moodle Themes Forum instead.

Version information

To be notified of 'Release candidate' versions, please change your 'updateminmaturity' setting ->

Moodle version Adaptable version Status
3.9 39.1.6 Last release for M3.9
3.10 310.1.6 Last release for M3.10
3.11 311.1.6 Last release for M3.11
4.0 400.1.5 Last release for M4.0
4.1 401.1.12 Current release for M4.1
4.2 402.1.4 Current release for M4.2
4.3 403.1.5 Current release for M4.3
4.4 404.1.0 Current release for M4.4
Note: Versions for Moodle 4.1 and above contain some functionality that is available to sponsors only. Always install on a test server to confirm that the theme does what you want it to do before updating or installing on a production server.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7
Screenshot #8
Screenshot #9


Jez H (Lead maintainer)
Gareth J Barnard
Gareth J Barnard
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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Vis kommentarer
  • Gareth J Barnard
    søn., 16 jul. 2023, 18:31
    Hello Nicolas / Alain,

    Hostage taking is a rather harsh statement, given the substantial amount of time I have commited to the theme for free over the years, and I can no longer sustain this level of 'free'. There has not been an abrupt stop, but rather the situation has been stated for a substantial amount of time already. I cannot see how I would have been any more 'smoother and more flexible' considering that I'm still making bug fixes to the M4.1 version as they are reported.

    A bemused,



    Bonjour Nicolas / Alain, La prise d'otages est une déclaration plutôt dure, étant donné le temps considérable que j'ai consacré gratuitement au thème au fil des ans, et je ne peux plus maintenir ce niveau de « gratuité ». Il n'y a pas eu d'arrêt brutal, mais plutôt la situation est énoncée depuis longtemps déjà. Je ne vois pas comment j'aurais été plus « plus fluide et plus flexible » étant donné que je suis toujours en train de corriger les bogues de la version M4.1 telle qu'elle est signalée. Un perplexe, Gareth
  • Jon Bolton
    søn., 16 jul. 2023, 18:50
    This attitude really does have to stop. I’m quite tired of reading comments like this. Gareth has provided this theme as a free plugin for a long time and has always made it clear that development could also be funded if you needed extra functionality or things done quicker than he could manage in his spare time. If you want “free” software, there is a price to be paid. Either accept it as it is with the inherent risk that it may not always be available or developed to the latest version, or if it’s “mission critical” to your site, pay the developer for his time. The expectation that you can run your project because of someone else’s expertise without consequence is fundamentally flawed. There is no hostage taking here… but there is some ungrateful behaviour.
  • Gareth J Barnard
    man., 17 jul. 2023, 02:19
    Dear Alain,

    Please may I remind you of the site policy,, specifically 'Respect others'.

  • Maria Mucciacito
    tir., 29 aug. 2023, 22:53
    è possibile sapere quando uscirà la versione di Adaptable theme adatta per Moodle 4.2.1?
  • Gareth J Barnard
    ons., 30 aug. 2023, 00:47
  • Dácil Blanco Francisco
    tir., 12 sep. 2023, 18:12
    Theme adaptable and format grid not run. Show this error in moodle 4.1.4 and php 8.1

    Excepción - Call to undefined method format_grid::is_section0_attop()
    Debug info:
    Error code: generalexceptionmessage
    Stack trace:

    line 53 of /course/format/grid/renderer.php: Error thrown
    line 406 of /lib/outputfactories.php: call to format_grid_renderer->__construct()
    line 2421 of /lib/outputlib.php: call to theme_overridden_renderer_factory->get_renderer()
    line 1006 of /lib/pagelib.php: call to theme_config->get_renderer()
    line 1256 of /course/format/classes/base.php: call to moodle_page->get_renderer()
    line 140 of /course/view.php: call to core_courseformat\base->get_renderer()

    Excepción - Call to undefined method format_grid::is_section0_attop()
    Debug info:
    Error code: generalexceptionmessage
    Stack trace:

    line 53 of /course/format/grid/renderer.php: Error thrown
    line 406 of /lib/outputfactories.php: call to format_grid_renderer->__construct()
    line 2421 of /lib/outputlib.php: call to theme_overridden_renderer_factory->get_renderer()
    line 1006 of /lib/pagelib.php: call to theme_config->get_renderer()
    line 1256 of /course/format/classes/base.php: call to moodle_page->get_renderer()
    line 3759 of /course/lib.php: call to core_courseformat\base->get_renderer()
    line 38 of /theme/adaptable/layout/includes/courseindexheader.php: call to core_course_drawer()
    line 152 of /theme/adaptable/layout/includes/header.php: call to require_once()
    line 38 of /theme/adaptable/layout/course.php: call to require_once()
    line 1477 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to include()
    line 1403 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_renderer->render_page_layout()
    line 2967 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_renderer->header()
    line 390 of /lib/setuplib.php: call to core_renderer->fatal_error()
    line ? of unknownfile: call to default_exception_handler()
  • chandan kumar
    man., 2 okt. 2023, 23:24
    Adaptable is the best theme. Highly Customizable. Navbar is Superb. It may take some time to learn to implement this theme but it can provide you with Tools to turn your imagination/Requirements into reality.
  • Catherine Bachelet
    tir., 10 okt. 2023, 00:41
    Hello !
    The site notifies me of a programming error when I want to drag and drop blocks into the page area.
  • Cobus van Loggerenberg
    tor., 9 nov. 2023, 18:52
    Good day, is it possible to have more then 12 slides in the Frontpage slider. I just need one or two more.
  • José Fager
    tor., 14 des. 2023, 01:26
    First of all, congratulations for your excellent work!!!
    I have installed the latest version of Adaptable and some configuration menus are disabled, indicating that they are only available for sponsors.
    Is there a possibility of free access to a version without limitations?
    If not, what does it entail and how can I become a sponsor?
    Greetings and thanks
    Jose Fager
  • Gareth J Barnard
    tor., 14 des. 2023, 01:49
    Dear Jose,

    There is no possibility of free access to the additional functionality. Please see in the first instance.

  • Pierre Scotto
    tir., 23 jan. 2024, 21:19
    Good morning,
    The local_adaptable plugin is only available if you become a sponsor.
    What is the link to make a donation as a sponsor and how to download the local_adaptable plugin.
    Awaiting your reply.
  • Gareth J Barnard
    ons., 24 jan. 2024, 01:28
    Dear Pierre,

    Please see the 'Information' tab as directed by the message.

  • Antonio Nieto
    fre., 15 mar. 2024, 17:56
    Dear Gareth:
    I can't find any link or tab that allows me to become a sponsor.
    Could you give me a valid link?

    Un saludo
  • Gareth J Barnard
    fre., 15 mar. 2024, 20:32
    Dear Antonio,

    Please see the 'Information' tab in the theme settings.

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