
Themes ::: theme_academi
Maintained by LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle ExpertsLMSACE e-learning experts
Academi is a clever responsive moodle free theme ever suitable for your academy. Academi is a modern and customizable theme for all supported Moodle versions.
Latest release:
9233 sites
355 fans
Current versions available: 13

Academi Theme Version 4.4

Academi is an intelligently responsive theme, free from the constraints of Moodle, making it perfect for your academy. It boasts a clean and highly modern design, ideally suited for your Moodle sites. This theme is entirely responsive, ensuring that your readers can enjoy browsing your site on mobile devices or tablets, guaranteeing a seamless experience. We have introduced a new theme preset such as Eguru, Klass and Enlightlite theme design and added extra new blocks to enhance its functionality."

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 Academi theme features!

We have added the eGuru, Klass, and Enlightlite theme styles as presets in the Academi theme, along with some additional feature blocks.



Additional Features:

Default Header Style

Theme Header Style

Theme Presets Style

Promoted Courses

Site Features

Marketing Spot


Course Categories

Course Combo

Academi Footer


12/06/24: v4.4.1

  • Footer spacing alignment

05/06/24: v4.4

  • Fixed:
    1. Added New Communication icon (V4.3)
    2. Home page slider auto-play and auto-play interval time issues
    3. Font awesome icon
    4. Administration UI tab
    5. Multi-language support for footer Info links.
    6. New Twitter (X) logo on Footer

  • Features
    1. Custom warning alert block when front page block is enabled but not configured
    2. Site features title link URL added
    3. Inner Page background image settings added

17/04/24: v4.3.3

  • Fixed the Message drawer style conflicting with the header on responsive layouts.

02/01/24: v4.3.2

  • Fixed the Font Awesome icon issue

24/10/2023: v4.3

  • Updated the academi theme source for the Moodle version 4.3.
  • Fixed the footer column issue.
  • Changed the design of the Marketing spot, Course categories, and Combo list on the Homepage for all the presets.

31/08/2023: v4.2.2

  • Added a new font size option for the content in the theme.

31/08/2023: v4.2

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 4.2
  • Two header options as Default boost and academic theme header.
  • Theme preset designs such as Eguru, Klass, Enlightlite and preset settings added.
  • Colour picker option for Primary and Secondary colours.
  • Homepage additional blocks added, such as Promoted Courses, Site Features, Marketing Spot and Jumbotron block.
  • Updated new design for the Homepage slider and Available courses.
  • The footer block is updated with multiple columns and a Background image option.

Source and Credits:


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LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle Experts
LMSACE e-learning experts (Lead maintainer)
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  • This is me
    ср, 29 ное 2023, 05:36
    Hi, Dear Moodle Support Team/Theme Developer,
    I am using Moodle 4.3 and the latest version of the Moodle Academi theme.
    I am adding the Communication Custom Link for the course, but the message sticky icon does not appear in the lower right corner.
    I can see it when I use the default theme.
    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

  • Jack Williams
    ср, 6 дек 2023, 16:34
    Hi Theme Developer,
    Really love the theme - we are using Moodle 4.3 and the plugin 'Group Members' appears to have a bug when running on academi. A large empty gap is created on the page between the header and the content. Thanks for looking into this.

    All the best,

  • This is me
    пт, 5 яну 2024, 19:52
    In some listings, it is difficult to view the listed content because the background image is visible. For example, in some reports.
    Moodle : 4.3 (Build: 20231009)
    Academi Theme : v4.3.1 (Build: 2024010200)
  • Dácil Blanco Francisco
    ср, 17 яну 2024, 02:48
    I work in moodle 4.1.4 with php 8.1, postgres 14 and theme academi (v4.3 2023102400). When update any plugins is very slow, I see that file version.php of theme academi need :

    $plugin->version = 2023102400; // This component release level.
    $plugin->maturity = MATURITY_STABLE; // This version's maturity level.
    $plugin->release = 'v4.3'; // This version's release version.
    $plugin->requires = 2022041200; // This version's moodle require release.
    $plugin->component = 'theme_academi'; // This component type_name.
    $plugin->dependencies = [
    'theme_boost' => 2022041900, // This version depended the component and its require release.

    But into moodle 4.1 the theme boost version is 2022111800 is would not problem?
  • Abinesh Suseendran
    ср, 14 фев 2024, 14:11
    Hello Jack Williams,

    Thank you for providing the information. The bug has been fixed, and the latest version of the theme has been updated.
  • Peg Koedel
    ср, 21 фев 2024, 04:25
    Hello there,
    i am looking forward getting a hint how to implement the instragram logo in the footer. I tried to replace the "google-plus" with "instagram" and "instagram-fa" but it didnt work out ... it worked well with "linkedin" ... please help усмивка
  • Matias Abella
    нд, 3 март 2024, 07:25
    Hi! I'm using the very latest version with latest moodle and when opening the messaging drawer on a smaller screen, the header covers the search box so it's impossible to use the messaging drawer on mobile screen.
    I'm using Eguru preset with moodle header.
  • let's dance
    чт, 25 апр 2024, 13:04
    Just wondering if this theme will be available in Moodle 4.4. Is there a compatible version in the works?
  • José Bulies
    сб, 27 апр 2024, 17:29
    The slider on the homepage is behaving erratically. It does not recognize the values for autoplay or pause time. Whatever value is defined in the configuration, the slider always plays automatically and changes slides very quickly, 1 second or less for each one. I would appreciate a response to correct this situation.
  • Sebastian Abbey
    ср, 3 юли 2024, 00:13
    I am trying to set up Promoted courses, but when I put in course IDs, they do not effect the outcome of the promoted courses section in the home menu. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Nithyanandan LMSACE
    ср, 3 юли 2024, 17:11
    Hi Sebastian,

    Can you check if you have entered the correct course IDs? If the course ID is incorrect, the course won't be available in the promoted courses block. The Promoted section works fine.

    You can check the demo here,
  • Werner Messner
    пн, 15 юли 2024, 21:20
    Ich verwende das Design Akademie v4.3.3 unter Moodle 4.3.4+
    Gibt es irgendeine Möglichkeit, dass die Benutzer links nur mehr die Hauptmenüpunkte / Kapitelüberschriften sehen können? Alle Untermenüpunkte sollen ausgeblendet sein und auch ausgeblendet bleiben? - Herzlichen Dank!
  • Werner Messner
    чт, 18 юли 2024, 00:46
    I am using Design Academy v4.3.3 on Moodle 4.3.4+
    Is there any way that users can only see the main menu items / chapter headings on the left? All submenu items should be hidden and remain hidden? - Thank you very much!
  • Abinesh Suseendran
    пт, 19 юли 2024, 14:33
    Hi Werner Messner,

    The main menu order has been adjusted through CSS since Moodle doesn't provide settings for this.
    We can include these settings in the upcoming theme update for the new Moodle version.

  • Werner Messner
    нд, 21 юли 2024, 04:42
    Hi Abinesh LMSACE
    Thank you very much for the quick reply. Until the next theme update, isn't there a CSS command that can be used to display only the chapter headings on the left in the navigation, without sub-items such as text fields and actions?
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