Favourite plugins

List of plugins that have been marked as favourite by the Moodle community members.
Name Plugin type Short description Lead maintainer Favourited
Course Awards - Vote Blocks A block used to collect a student's grade for a course (based on UK inspectorate OFSTED's scheme) and optionally a comment also. Paul Vaughan 3
Course Awards - Medal Blocks A block used by site admins to award a 'medal' to a course. Companion block to 'Course Awards - Vote'. Paul Vaughan 3
Enrolment Key Generator Blocks Enrolment Key Generator (EKG) is an administrative block (usable by teachers and above) which creates random course enrolment keys from lists of words, but with a number of configuration options if you are not keen on the defaults. Paul Vaughan 2
vmatching Question types Vertical Matching Ravi Vare 2
Mentor external database Administration tool This plugin syncs parent/mentor relationships using an external database table Michael Vangelovski 6
Above and Beyond Themes A simple, sleek new look for your personal use. Ryan Van Ess 3
Mass enrolments General plugins (Local) A tool to all teachers to enrol existing users to their courses using CSV files (without bothering the admins) Rogier van Dongen 59
TCPDF Fonts Administration tool TCPDF Fonts Manager for Moodle Rogier van Dongen 15
Gateway Payments Enrolment Enrolment Gateway Payments enrolment method -- Enrol on payment - extended with discounts and cohort restrictions. Rogier van Dongen 13
Gateway Payments availability condition for paid access Availability restriction Provides an availability restrcition making use of core Moodle's payment gateways to provide conditional access Rogier van Dongen 7
Gateway Payments activity module Activities Provides a means of restricting access to other resources in a course by having to pay for the course module. Access restriction to other courses can then be configured using normal availability conditions based on activity completion. Rogier van Dongen 4
PAY. Payment gateways PAY. provides a payment gateway implementation for the Dutch Payment Service Provides PAY. Rogier van Dongen 3
Enrol users with CSV Blocks This block allows teachers to enrol users into a course by allowing a teacher to upload an csv file with only email addresses. Ted van den Brink 12
Sticky Notes Activities Sticky Notes is a very simple activity for creating a sticky notes wall for your brainstormings, ranking... It can be configured as a collaborative or individual activity, and teacher can choose to enable votes, repositioning of notes, limitation for notes and votes, set codes for 6 available background colors... Notes can be moved by drag n drop to offer the most simple experience ! Olivier Valentin 52
Course Manager Reports Course Manager report is mainly intended for teachers as a tool for managing their courses and raising awareness of what they store in their courses, if their courses are alive or not… and encourage them to clean Moodle This tool offers for teachers several functions as shorcuts to clean courses and a complete dashboard to manage them. Several reports are calculated automatically and can be displayed directly in courses to warn teachers from possible problems detected. The report is completed by tools to manage courses without teachers and a reset tool for assigns that contain files submitted by unenrolled students. Olivier Valentin 13
Transition Themes Theme based on Material Design guidelines Magno Valdetaro 1
Acme BananaByte Themes Fluid theme with a dark typographic design. Marco Valadares 8
Bbyte Fusion Mod Themes BByte Fusion Mod is a redesign of the Fusion theme with some important settings that made ​​it even better. Marco Valadares 3
Advance course search Administration tool Course search plugin is replacement of existing course search with the more better performance & extra features. Shashikant Vaishnav 17
ODS OAI-PMH Blocks This Moodle block plugin serves as Data Provider for OAI-PMH 2.0 Harvester. Plugin enables Moodle administrator to define global settings for Data Provider as well as default metadata sharing for courses. Sinisa & Vlatka V&S 1
Autocomplete Activities General plugins (Local) If your course is offering the same material in different formats (e.g., book and PDF), this plugin can automatically mark all activities with the same material as done once one of them was completed (configurable via regular expressions) Dirk V 6
Wordcloud Activities With the wordcloud activity, it is possible to collect terms together with your course participants in a brainstorming process and to display them graphically in order of frequency. This can be used, for example, to capture a picture of the mood or to create a basis for a discussion. e-Learning Team University of Vienna 31
Contactlist General plugins (Local) The contactlist plugin allows students to decide if they want to share their contact information with their fellow students in accordance with the GDPR for each course they are registered in. e-Learning Team University of Vienna 8
QR code Blocks A Moodle block to display a QR code link that leads to the course page. The QR code can be downloaded by teachers, e.g. to put them into introductory slides. A custom logo can be shown within the QR code. Learnweb – University of Münster 68
Moodleoverflow Activities A non-linear, non-chronological discussion forum. Similar to the forum activity, but focuses on straightforward question-and-answer discussions. Additionally, users rate posts and gain a rating score ("reputation") by being rated by other users. Users who have started a discussion can mark an answer as helpful; and teachers can mark a post as a (correct) solution to the posed question. Learnweb – University of Münster 65
Course Life Cycle Administration tool Course Life Cycle is a moodle plugin, which has the purpose to help you with the execution of reoccurring tasks on your moodle platform. Possible use cases are (not limited to): Deleting courses at end of life (including asking teachers for permission). Doing a rollover at the end of a semester. Automatically setting an end date for courses. Learnweb – University of Münster 64
Fair Allocation Activities This Module lets you add an activity to courses, in which users can rate choices. You may then distribute the users fairly to the choices by maximizing overall 'happiness' in terms of ratings. This may be an alternative to the choice activity or first-come-first-served. Learnweb – University of Münster 50
Collabora - Collaborative document editing Activities This activity module provides a document editor for real-time collaboration. Changes to a document are immediately reflected for other users who are accessing the same document. Moodle users can collaborate on simple text files, word, spreadsheet and presentation documents or upload a document. The plugin requires a self-hosted Collabora Online Server (CODE) that is accessed using the so-called WOPI protocol. Learnweb – University of Münster 49
Groups and Groupings Blocks A Moodle block to display groups and groupings to users. The plugin differentiates between the capability rights of users to evaluate the appropriate amount of information to be displayed. Learnweb – University of Münster 43
Group Members Activities This plugin adds a resource module. Teachers can use it to communicate groups and group co-members to participants. Learnweb – University of Münster 33
Nextcloud Repositories Enable users to upload files from their private storage directly into Moodle. Supports Nextcloud and ownCloud! Learnweb – University of Münster 17
Opencast Videos Blocks This block can be used to link moodle courses to opencast series. Users with respective priviledges (in the following called teacher) can use this block to upload videos to moodle. These videos are transmitted to the opencast system by the cronjob and create a event for the respective series there. The block can be automatically set the access privileges of moodle user enrolled in the course. Learnweb – University of Münster 17
ownCloud Repositories Enable users to upload files from their private storage directly into Moodle. Supports Nextcloud and ownCloud! Learnweb – University of Münster 16
Collaborative submissions Assignment submissions Use live document collaboration within assignments, powered by Collabora Online Learnweb – University of Münster 16
Opencast API Administration tool This tool provides API functions as well as general settings for the different opencast tools (e.g. block_opencast, filter_opencast, repository_opencast) and is required by them. The tool stores the relation between courses and series ids and offers webservice endpoints for the opencast role provider. Learnweb – University of Münster 13
Collaborative Folders Activities Enhance collaboration by providing shared folders to your students automatically. No need to collect Dropbox or ownCloud e-mail addresses anymore: Just add it to a course and select the groups that should collaborate. ownCloud/Nextcloud will privately share one folder per group to its members! Learnweb – University of Münster 12
ONLYOFFICE document converter Document converters This is a tool that enables Moodle to use an ONLYOFFICE server for converting documents. For example, this is useful in assignment submissions. In combination with an ONLYOFFICE server, submitted text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations are automatically converted to PDF to simplify the grading workflow. Learnweb – University of Münster 9
Semesterfield Custom field Courses have an additional field, saving the semester. Learnweb – University of Münster 7
Chunkupload General plugins (Local) This plugin offers a new form element for moodle forms. The form element is a file upload field, which uploads one file as multiple small chunks. While uploading the form element shows a progress bar to the user. Learnweb – University of Münster 6
Admin Approve Step Course life cycle steps A step for Course Life Cycle, in which admins can manually decide for every course, whether the course should proceed or roll back. This is meant as a safeguard, so that admins can verify that their workflows are working correctly. Learnweb – University of Münster 2
Mime Blocker antivirus Antivirus An "antivirus" for Moodle that will accurately check the mimetype and allow only specific types of file uploads. Azmat Ullah 5
Ummul Qora calendar type Calendars A calendar type plugin for Moodle that will show the calendar dates as per Ummul Qora calculations. Azmat Ullah 1
Dataform Activities The Dataform module allows the course manager to design and construct an entry form from various input elements (text and rich text fields, urls, files, pictures, etc.) in a flexible layout. Users can then add information records to a collection, which can be viewed in various ways and searched for particular items. Itamar Tzadok 64
Login as General plugins (Local) A local plugin that allows admin to add a list of loginas action links to the settings block. Itamar Tzadok 17
Restriction by dataform content Availability restriction The Dataform content availability condition allows teachers to restrict user access to an activity or section based on content of a designated Dataform instance in the course. Requires: mod_dataform plugin. Itamar Tzadok 15
Dataform field access Blocks The Dataform field access block provides context and settings for Dataform field access rules. With such rules you can allow or prevent particular users (individually or by role) access to particular fields in particular views. Itamar Tzadok 13
Dataform entry access Blocks The Dataform entry access block provides context and settings for Dataform activity entry access rules. Itamar Tzadok 8
Dataform notification Blocks The Dataform notification block provides context and settings for Dataform activity notification rules. Itamar Tzadok 8
Dataform view Activities An activity module for displaying/Interacting with Dataform content in a course section. Itamar Tzadok 6
Dataform view Blocks A block to display dataform content on the course page. Itamar Tzadok 6