
Activities ::: mod_teamup
Maintained by Dominique Palumbo
This is an advanced tool for building groups based off a set of criteria. You ask students some questions. After the groups are created based on four simple actions on students answers (Group similar individuals, Disperse similar individuals, Avoid minorities, Balancing Level)
Latest release:
225 sites
22 fans
Current versions available: 1

The purpose of the Team Up module is to allow the creation of groups, based on a multiple answer questions survey, with possible restrictions.

The first tab, Questionnaire, enables you to create the questions for students.
Preview questions, the second tab, presents the questionnaire for students to answer.
The last tab, Groups creation, enables you to launch the groups creation.

The groups creation takes place in two steps. The first one is a simulation. During simulation, it is possible to modify criterias to reorder them and to move students manually from one group to another. On the next step; the groups are actually created in Moodle.
Do not forget to click the button "Create Groups in Moodle" to finalize the group creation.

There are 4 operators to create groupes.
There are four basic operators to create the groups.

Group similar individuals = Form groups whose members are similar to defined criteria. Creation of homogeneous groups. Applied to discrete values, with no obligation whatsoever numerical.
Disperse similar individuals = Distribute qualifying students across groups. Applied to discrete values, with no obligation whatsoever numerical.
Avoid minorities = Divide students so that at least two students sharing a criterion are in the same group (especially for minorities). Applied to discrete values, with no obligation whatsoever numerical.
Balancing Level = Create groups that are \"right\", whose total forces are similar in all groups (usually based on academic results). Applied to numerical values ​​(continuous and discrete).

When you preview a group distribution, you may click on a student block to see its informations and answers in a tooltip.
If one student does not have to enter in the group distribution, you may click on the X in regard of its name to remove him from the group preview.

The action bar :
Number of teams :31 / 123(4)    
  • The number of teams fixes the number of students in each group. For example, 123 students in 31 groupes makes 4 individuals in groups.
  • Preview : This button launches the group creation with the selected criterias.
  • Reset : This button empties all groups and sets students in the part non affected to groups.
  • Optimize : This button makes some switches in students distribution to improve the criterias. Succes is not guaranteed but you may repeat optimization several times.
  • Equalize : Force to equalize the number of student in each groups. Sometimes necessary after optimization.

Team up is a Moodle plugin fork from Teambuilder plug-in ( developped by  UNSW and maintained by Adam Olley but with an algorithm like the one use in GROUPENG 1.3.

It's developped by the UCLouvain belgian university since 2019 by the Team that organized the french Moodle Moot 2018.Logo Moodle Moot
The main contributors are Bruno Schoumaker, Philippe Bocquier, Patrick Gérin, Andreia Lemaître, Séverine Gossiaux, Marie Demoulin and Isabelle Motte.

Documentation in french :


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Dominique Palumbo (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    Fri, Mar 8, 2019, 11:20 PM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7641
  • Dominique Palumbo
    Tue, Apr 2, 2019, 9:32 PM
    This plug in will be presented in the next french Moodle Moot 2019 at the university Renne 1.
  • Kees Koopman
    Fri, Jun 7, 2019, 4:04 PM
    Hi, is there a version for Moodle 3.7?
  • Dominique Palumbo
    Fri, Jun 7, 2019, 9:05 PM
    Hi, I've test it on version 3.7+ with the standard theme both role student and teacher. And everythings was fine (UI and functionalities).
    I'll try it asap on 3.6 version.
  • Dominique Palumbo
    Tue, Jun 11, 2019, 10:18 PM
    Hi, it's work fine on 3.6 too.
    I also continue to improove the look on boost theme (and boostrap theme in general)
  • Dominique Palumbo
    Wed, Sep 18, 2019, 4:27 PM
    Only the version (and later) support mssql server. Sorry.
  • Dominique Palumbo
    Mon, Dec 2, 2019, 4:36 PM
    Latest version are always on GIT
  • Yannick Geynet
    Mon, Aug 24, 2020, 4:59 PM
    Wondertop plugin !! Any chance to see a 3.9 version ?
  • Dominique Palumbo
    Sat, Aug 29, 2020, 11:22 PM
    Hi Yannick, thank you for you comment. We don't have, for now, a version 3.9 of Moodle. But I'll test it and adapt it, asap.
  • Dominique Palumbo
    Mon, Sep 14, 2020, 5:12 PM
    Hi Yannick, I've install on local a vanilla Moodle 3.9 in English, install the last version of the plugin and test it. I redo the full process create question, let's students (me) answer to questions, generate grouping and groups and it's work. No glitch in the UI with the default theme. I also test duplicate, delete, backup and restore with success.
  • Dillon Esterhuizen
    Tue, Oct 27, 2020, 6:30 PM
    Hi Dominique

    Is there any plan to get this plugin to work in the Moodle Mobile app as well?

  • Dominique Palumbo
    Tue, Nov 3, 2020, 6:42 PM
    Hi Dillon,

    It's not plan for now or soon. But that's not mean never.
    I'm still working on another plugin...


  • Yannick Vrolant
    Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 5:19 PM
    Bonjour Dominique,

    Tout d'abord, merci pour ce plugin très utile, que j'ai déjà pu utiliser par le passé ! Dans le cadre d'un nouveau projet pédagogique, nous serions intéressés par l'ajout d'une notion de coefficient / pondération sur chacune des questions qui composent le formulaire de répartition assistée des groupes. L'idée serait de pouvoir donner un poids plus ou moins important pour chaque question, un peu à la manière des pourcentages positifs / négatifs qui peuvent être attribués aux choix de réponses dans une question de type QCM (activité test). Cet ajout de fonctionnalité vous parait-il envisageable ? Par avance, un grand merci pour votre réponse et belle journée !

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