
Activities ::: mod_scheduler
Maintained by Henning Bostelmann
An appointment scheduler for planning face-to-face meetings between teachers and students. Teachers can set up time slots, and students can choose one of these on Moodle.
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197 fans
Current versions available: 10

The Scheduler module helps you in scheduling appointments with your students. Teachers specify time slots for meetings, students then choose one of them on Moodle. Teachers in turn can record the outcome of the meeting - and optionally a grade - within the scheduler.

Group scheduling is supported; that is, each time slot can accomodate several students, and optionally it is possible to schedule appointments for entire groups at the same time.

Please note that minor updates to this module will normally be released on github only.

For help and discussion about the module, including feature requests etc., please use the Scheduler forum on or the bug tracker. Please don't use the comment section below for that, queries might go unanswered.

For an earlier version supporting Moodle up to release 1.9, see the Scheduler 1.9 module.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Henning Bostelmann (Lead maintainer)
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  • Juan Carlos Galdos
    Mon, Sep 11, 2023, 3:57 PM
    Hello Henning. Thank you for this great plugin. I have a short question:
    Is it possible to filter the slots by date in some way in the main page :/mod/scheduler/view.php?id=124&subpage=allappointments&offset=-1&what=view ?
    ...i was thinking maybe modifying the url with something like &date=11092023

    Thanks in advance.
  • Terry Aulenbach
    Wed, Nov 8, 2023, 2:17 AM
    One of our courses that uses Scheduler has suddenly run into a big problem. When accessing one of the two Scheduler activities, we get an "Invalid user" error message and none of the previous or upcoming slots display. Clicking on the "More information about this error" link gives the following info:


    This error can occur when Moodle tries to access a user in the Moodle database that does not exist. This can happen when you try to view your student profile in Moodle by manually entering the URL in the address bar of your browser. Example if you type into your browser and the 12345 id does not correspond to the id of your Moodle profile you will get this error.

    You should always avoid typing a url directly in the address bar of your browser when you are navigating through your Moodle site. Always use the navigation that is part of Moodle to get around the site.

    This leads me to think a user who had signed up for an appointment is no longer in the Moodle database. However, after carefully searching the database, I can find no indication that there are/were any users deleted who are in the scheduler_appointment table. I am able to grab all their particulars from the user table. I can supply my SQL if it helps. I'm currently stumped as to what is causing the error, but it is preventing the Prof from dealing with sessions that are upcoming. BTW, users (with the student role) can access the sessions (slots) and sign up or remove their sign-up. It's the schedule/view.php file that is showing the error.

  • Henning Bostelmann
    Wed, Nov 8, 2023, 2:32 AM
    Hello Terry, I'm not sure whether I can help much with this - it will very much have to do with your database contents. Note that the user in question need not be a student, it may also be a teacher (assigned to a slot in the scheduler_slots table).
  • Terry Aulenbach
    Wed, Nov 8, 2023, 3:34 AM
    Thanks, Henning. I have been thinking and poking at this for hours and finally managed to find the missing link. I had used a tool to merge 2 user accounts a while back (housecleaning sucks). My DB query was missing something that kept me from seeing the deleted account (a LEFT to go with the JOIN). Once I fixed the query I could see the reference to the missing account in the scheduler_appointment table. I simply updated the studentid (for 2 entries) to match the user's current studentid (id in the user table). Everything is fine now.

    Might I suggest a check in view.php that somehow acknowledges or ignores user references that have no corresponding entry in the user table?

    Thank you very much for this plugin. It is widely used on our campus at Acadia University.
  • Przemek Kaszubski
    Tue, Dec 19, 2023, 4:01 AM
    Hi, just a question about Scheduler's compatibility with the new Moodle 4.3? Can it be used (I plan to ask the same on the forums)? Will there be an official update sometime soon?
    Thanks, again and again, for this great plugin !
  • Colin G
    Fri, Feb 2, 2024, 1:04 PM
    In Moodle 4.3 php8 When i go to create a new course with the scheduler i get the following error when trying to add time slots

    Exception - Undefined constant "viewurl"
  • Ramy Desouky
    Wed, Mar 13, 2024, 2:56 PM
    We face problems with Moodle 4.3
  • Paul Mayer
    Mon, Apr 15, 2024, 7:06 PM
    I really miss the ability to send messages to students who have already booked an appointment. I can only send messages to students who have not yet booked, but I cannot reach those who have already booked. Please add the message broadcast for all dates, but also for just selected dates, or for a single Student.
  • Sébastien Petit
    Fri, May 17, 2024, 9:39 PM
    Hey Henning. Thanks for the plugin - I've been using it for close to 10 years now!
    I've changed my workflow, though, and I was wondering if there could be an easy way to upload a pdf for each appointment in the scheduler (in the "Notes for appointment section"): tinyMCE doesn't seem to support it - I get an error when I try to drag and drop a pdf.
    The reason I'm asking is because I'd like to write on my tablet when listening to individual students & then upload my notes for them in each booked slot, and this seems impossible right now in moodle / tinyMCE / the scheduler. Any help appreciated.
  • Sebastien Jaffredo
    Sat, May 18, 2024, 10:27 AM
    Hi Sébastien. Don't know about tinyMCE but with Atto there's a file drag & drop plugin that I've been using: You just drag and drop a pdf file into the text box, it works fine.
  • Noortje Engels
    Tue, Aug 27, 2024, 3:24 PM
    Thanks for this wonderful plugin! I have a suggestion for improvement and don't know where to do that other than here.
    We've learned that users appreciate a confirmation mail to make sure that they've booked the slot.
    It's a functionality that's often seen at booking or ordering stuff. So I'm curious if this feature can be included in the scheduler plugin.
  • Christophe Coussement
    Thu, Sep 5, 2024, 10:32 PM
    Hey Henning. Thanks for the plugin ! In Moodle 4.4 php8 (staging server) I get the following error when trying to add time slots

    Exception - Undefined constant "viewurl"

    This is holding us for upgrading our production server to Moodle 4.4. Any chance for producing a 4.4 compatible version anytime ?

    Thanks a lot for your efforts!
  • Henning Bostelmann
    Fri, Sep 6, 2024, 4:13 PM
    Hello Christophe,

    I think this bug has been recently fixed on current master ( Hence zou might try the master branch to see whether this fixed the problem. Anyway, as far as I'm aware, this problem will only show up if no teacher is actually enrolled in the course where you are trying to add a slot.
  • Christophe Coussement
    Fri, Sep 6, 2024, 8:40 PM
    Hi Henning, thanks you so much for your quick answer. You are right ! Adding a teacher solve the problem. Nice, now we can go 4.4. smile
    Thanks !
  • Jean-Roch Meurisse
    Thu, Sep 12, 2024, 5:00 PM
    Hi Henning,
    Is it safe to pull the master branch of the plugin on Moodle 4.3. Do you plan to make a release compatible with Moodle 4.3 and 4.4 on
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