Microsoft Word file Import/Export (Lesson)

General plugins (Local) ::: local_lesson_wordimport
Maintained by Eoin Campbell
Import the contents of a Word file in '.docx' format file into a Lesson, splitting it into pages based on the "Heading 1" style. Also supports exporting lessons to Word format, for round-trip editing.
Latest release:
442 sites
21 fans
Current versions available: 2

This plugin allows you to import Word files into a Lesson as pages, and export a Lesson into a Word file for offline review. On import, a separate page is created at each Heading 1 style in the Word file. When exporting lessons that include images, you must use Word 2020 or Word 365 to open the exported file, as images are embedded in a format that is not suitable for earlier versions of Word.

Only Lesson content pages can be imported, but question pages are exported in a readable format.


Screenshot #0


Eoin Campbell (Lead maintainer)
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Сэтгэгдлийг харуулах
  • Tomasz Muras
    Да, 5 4-р сар 2021, 12:43 AM
  • Laura DiFiore
    Ба, 30 7-р сар 2021, 7:37 AM
    Just used this for the first time, testing with a large, 72-page lesson. Every page imported perfectly, really like it! Simple, straightforward, no fussing importing of a large Word file that took me less than 3 minutes to make sure I had the page headings set to "Heading 1" style and import. Very nice!

    I do wish there was a way to set defaults for the jumps though. At a minimum, it'd be nice if on the first jump, it defaulted to putting the page title (or something generic like "This Page" on the first jump. Right now, the default for the first jump is "This Page" and it leaves the text field for "This Page" blank, which means I have to go through every page manually and edit the title field since that field is a required field.

  • Eoin Campbell
    Ба, 30 7-р сар 2021, 9:40 PM
    Thanks for your suggestions, I’ll try to implement this.
  • Laura DiFiore
    Ба, 3 9-р сар 2021, 5:23 PM
    2021/08/31 1.0.1 Improve question page export, add automatic page jumps on import.

    THANK YOU! ♥
  • Adam Morrey
    Мя, 1 2-р сар 2022, 7:55 PM
    Hey so would love to use this and just want to check that I use a heading and then whatever I choose for a content page, then I can use your word table format questions in subsequent pages to add questions?
  • Eoin Campbell
    Лх, 2 2-р сар 2022, 1:30 AM
    This initial version of the plugin doesn't yet support importing questions, just content pages.
  • Adam Morrey
    Пү, 3 2-р сар 2022, 7:52 PM
    Ok Eion, thanks for the reply. Loving all of your work. Thank you so much, it really speeds up quiz making in moodle!
  • Garrett Benson
    Мя, 29 11-р сар 2022, 7:06 PM
    Is there planned support for Moodle 4.1 or the upcoming 4.2?
  • Eoin Campbell
    Мя, 29 11-р сар 2022, 11:52 PM
    You can use the plugin with Moodle 4.1 now
  • Garrett Benson
    Пү, 23 2-р сар 2023, 6:50 PM
    Hi Eoin, we've installed the plugin on our Moodle test site (3.11.12). The import feature seems to be working okay, but when we export, we get a downloaded word document (with the name of the lesson as the title) but nothing within the document. Any ideas on what might be going on there?

    Thank you and appreciate your support!
  • Eoin Campbell
    Пү, 23 2-р сар 2023, 7:46 PM
    Hi Garrett, the export only includes content pages, so that might be a reason. If you tried to export the same lesson you imported, send me the Word file and I'll take a look.
  • Sandra Stickelmann
    Да, 5 6-р сар 2023, 3:16 PM
    thanks for providing this plugin.
    I'm not really able to get it working. I can see the import and Export to Word Option, but when I try to import a Word document, I get a database error ans when I try to export an existing Lesson, I get an "XSLT transformation failed".

    Any hints what's wrong?

    Thank you and appreciate your support!

  • Eoin Campbell
    Да, 5 6-р сар 2023, 4:46 PM
    The Word document you import must be structured to use heading styles, in particular, the "Heading 1" style. Also, it shouldn't contain non-Unicode compatible fonts, or Microsoft Draw objects. A database error is likely caused by a character in a font that isn't supported in the database character set. Send the file to and I can take a look. On export, content in Lesson pages must be well-formatted HTML. One way to achieve this is to open and save each page in the Atto editor, which always cleans up some markup issues when saving. IF that doesn't work, backup the lesson to a file and send it on, and I can take a look.
  • Kathy Cee
    Мя, 14 11-р сар 2023, 2:40 PM
    Hi, I just installed and used your new version. It works, but there are two things I find disconcerting. The first is that there is no onscreen confirmation that the upload has worked - I have to wait until I get the email to see what happened. The second is that neither email/screen confirm how many new users were enrolled or how many groups were created, both of which I found useful. It used to say people were already enrolled if they were, then list how many were enrolled for the first time. I miss that. Are these features returning? Thanks very much инээмсэглэл
  • Eoin Campbell
    Мя, 14 11-р сар 2023, 6:22 PM
    Hi Cathy, do you mean the Upload enrolment methods plugin at This Lesson plugin doesn’t affect users or groups
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