Onetopic format

Course formats ::: format_onetopic
Maintained by que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...David Herney
Course format that allows showing each topic in a tab, keeping the current tab between calls to resources, in such a way that when it returns from a module as the blog or the glossary it returns to tab from where you started. This format is based on the Moodle standard format: “Topics”.
Latest release:
8573 sites
166 fans
Current versions available: 19

Developed by: David Herney Bernal García - davidherney at gmail dot com


Powered by: BambuCo
Documentation: En - Es

In new release:


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6


que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
David Herney (Lead maintainer)
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  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Tū, 13 Rangi 2012, 12:50 AM
    Hola Edgar...

    ¿seguro que lo instalaste como un formato de curso? por el error me da la impresión de que lo colocaste como un módulo. La instalación debe ser en la carpeta course/format/. Ya lo había probado con la versión 2.3.2 y funcionaba sin problemas, lo acabo de probar con la última versión (2.3.3+) y también funciona normalmente. Revisa entonces bien tu proceso de instalación y que hayas bajado la última versión del formato.

  • Philippe Decloitre
    Apa, 21 Rangi 2012, 6:22 PM
    I am a very happy user of the "OneTopic" format. thanks for the gread job.
    One slight thing: Is there a way to completely remove the tabs that sit on top of each topic (section)?
    I have my students navigating via hyperlinks rather than tabs. So I would like the first page tab to disappear from view (just a question of visual consistency).
  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Par, 22 Rangi 2012, 2:24 AM
    Hi Philippe...

    if I understand your question, You can hide the tab bar with CSS style. Something like:
    .course-content #middle-column .tabtree { display: none; }

    What Moodle version you use? To Moodle 2.3+ I created the "Menu topic" format and this format is more according to you request. (

  • Gaby Dias
    Par, 22 Rangi 2012, 2:35 AM

    I installed moodle yesterday, and I'm using onetopic.

    When I edit or replicate an activity he always comes back to the topic 1. Is this normal?

    If I'm on the topic 4 and duplicate an activity he returns to the topic 1.

    This is a bug or am I doing something wrong?

    Can anyone help me!

    Moodle 2.3.3+ (Build: 20121116)
    Onetopic format 2012062604
    Config Course: Show one section per page
  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Par, 22 Rangi 2012, 12:30 PM
    Hi Gaby...

    you have the reason, the most new moodle release require a new parameter to return into the correct section. I corrected the "mistake", now the page return to the current section.

    Changed in version: Onetopic format 2012062605

  • Philippe Decloitre
    Par, 22 Rangi 2012, 4:28 PM
    @David Herney Bernal

    Thank you so much for your incredibily fast answer!
    I'm using Moodle 2.3+ so I'll check out your format_menutopic and alternatively will add your CSS line add...but I don't know where to paste you line of code, can you tell me which file and which line in the file (if it matters)?
    thanks again.
  • Horacio Martínez
    Mer, 23 Rangi 2012, 9:52 AM
    Hola cómo va??,

    Felicitaciones y gracias por compartir tu trabajo!
    Acabo de instalarlo en Moodle 2.4 y solamente muestra la 1º pestaña, en 2.3 funciona bien.

    Nos leemos!!
  • Philippe Decloitre
    Mer, 23 Rangi 2012, 4:10 PM
    @David Herney Bernal
    Hola David,
    I tried adding your line of code to the "styles" file in the ONETOPIC folder.
    It did not change anything.
    I then tried deleting everything, it did not change anything either.
    So I suppose this file is not in play.
    what should I do?
    Gracia David
  • tim st.clair
    Hin, 26 Rangi 2012, 9:36 AM
    I've made a variant of this plugin called 'Single'. It does NOT draw the tabs, but it does draw a second navigation at the top (which you can hide using CSS). This works with 2.3.3+. Plugin is available here :
  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Hin, 26 Rangi 2012, 12:06 PM
    Hi Philippe...

    enable you the theme design mode in your Moodle? Parameter "themedesignermode" in theme settings option.

    also, in the new Moodle version, use the next line:
    .course-content div.single-section .tabtree { display: none; }

  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Hin, 26 Rangi 2012, 3:07 PM
    @Horacio Martínez
    Hola Horacio...

    ya actualicé el formato para la versión 2.4 Beta de Moodle, ahora se ven todas las pestañas ata . Sería bueno si puedes probar esta nueva versión.

  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Hin, 26 Rangi 2012, 3:07 PM
    @tim st.clair
    Hi Tim...

    In the version to Moodle 2.4 I added a new course parameter to hide the tabs bar, according your suggestion (your develop). Are you agree with it? ata


  • Sam Stegers
    Tū, 27 Rangi 2012, 7:20 PM
    Hi David,

    I really like this course format. I have a question regarding hidden topics (hidden by the conditional access function). When a student has NOT fullfilled the prerequesites for access to a next topic, the topic is still shown in the tab-bar. When the student clicks on the topic in the tab-bar, he gets (as expected) an error-message that hidden topics are not visible. Would it be possible to completely hide topics from the tab-bar when the topic is not (yet) visible and only show the tab when the topic has been unlocked?

  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Tū, 27 Rangi 2012, 11:41 PM
    Hi Sam...

    Try using the course parameter "Hidden sections", set it to "Hidden sections are completely invisible"

  • Love Skating!
    Mer, 7 Haki 2012, 11:24 PM
    Hi David, we are using Moodle 2.2 and the theme Aerie and we have noticed that the topic does not change colour anymore when selected. I think this is a theme issue but where would we edit to have this feature. We love the course format and the theme so do not want to lose either. In your screen shot it is red / green, but ours stays the same colour when selected. It used to be really useful to see the different colour especially for staff and learners. Thanks Belinda
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