Lucimoo EPUB export

Book tools ::: booktool_exportepub
Maintained by Haakon Meland Eriksen
Lucimoo EPUB import/export add-ons for the Moodle book module. Lucimoo consists of two add-ons for the Moodle book module: * The "exportepub" add-on provides functionality to export book module books as EPUB ebooks.
Latest release:
123 sites
9 fans
Current versions available: 1
Add a book activity to your Moodle course, add content to the book - either by writing or importing from EPUB ebooks, then use the Lucimoo ebook export tool to export the book as a regular EPUB ebook. This can be handy to give students or teachers an off-line version of a book, which they can enjoy in their favourite ebook reader on their smartphone, tablet or PC, e.g. FBreader for Android or Lucifox for Firefox.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Haakon Meland Eriksen (Lead maintainer)
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  • Anthony Borrow
    śr., 21 sty 2015, 05:52
    Haakon contacted me and will be contacting the author of the plugin as well so that we can get the meta-data sorted out. For now, I am going to mark these as needing more work and once the meta-data is provided it can be scheduled for a quick review. Peace - Anthony
  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
    pon., 8 cze 2015, 21:22
    It was actually quite some time since Ordbrand got back to me, and I am sorry to say I have not been able to pursue this till now. Ordbrand wrote (my translation):

    "Most of the messages from the quality service pertain to files in the stylesheet folder, the CSS folder. This contains external code not written by me, and it would be inconvenient to change it just to comply with Moodle's coding standard. Either these need to be removed, but then Lucimoo will not be able to handle CSS, or we let the functionality be as it is. Moodle itself contains several external coding libraries which in a similar manner diviates from the standard, so it is hard to understand why a plugin cannot also do this."
  • David Mudrák
    czw., 11 cze 2015, 02:59

    Hi Haakon, good to hear back from you. I am afraid there's a bit of misunderstanding here. I assume Ordbrand refers to the coding checker warnings.

    • Firstly, these are not the reason for the plugin not being approved yet. These automatically generated checks are supposed to help plugin developers to improve the coding style so it is in line with Moodle coding guidelines.
    • Secondly, 3rd party libraries should be excluded from these checks, of course. And there is a mechanism for that - see

    Bug again, both of your ebook plugins were marked as needing more work because of missing meta-data filled here. See the Plugin check results box at the top:

    • Provide bug tracker URL
    • Provide the source control URL
    • Provide an illustrative screenshot

    All these have a help icon associated with them with further details. As Anthony said above, please do not hesitate to let us know if you need more help with setting these things up.

  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
    czw., 11 cze 2015, 13:39
    I have imported Lucimoo ebook export into this Git repository at GitHub:
  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
    pt., 12 cze 2015, 03:44
    I think I have managed to fix most issues, and have requested a re-approval.
  • David Mudrák
    pt., 12 cze 2015, 04:17

    Thanks for fixing all the raised issues. While reviewing the code, I spotted one minor details and reported it as a suggestion for further development in your plugin's tracker. You are cleared to land now, welcome to the Plugins directory!

  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
    pt., 12 cze 2015, 04:26
    Wonderful! uśmiech Thank you for your guidance, David! I have notified Ordbrand about the issue you found.
  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
    śr., 17 sie 2016, 15:09
    Lucimoo EPUB import version 0.17 for Moodle 3.1 is now available. uśmiech

    Version 0.17 should work if the server uses PHP 7, while version 0.16 does not work if the server uses PHP 7.

    Version 0.16 should also work with Moodle 3.1 if the server does not use PHP 7.
  • Alex Briones
    czw., 1 wrz 2016, 01:48
    Hi, I just installed the Lucimoo ebook export 0.17 for Moodle 3.1 on CentOS 6.8. PHP 5.5.4. I can download my file as ebook, but will not open. Do I need a specific reader for ebook? Which one would you suggest? Thanks
  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
    czw., 1 wrz 2016, 02:18
    Hi, Alex!
    Yes, you need an EPUB reader to read ebooks in EPUB format. This is an open standard, supported by a number of ebook apps on different operating systems. You can use the Lucifox addon for Firefox available at , FBReader at for Android devices, or iBook on iOS devices like iPad.
  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
    czw., 1 wrz 2016, 02:21
    You could say the Lucimoo import and export tools turns the Book module into an EPUB reader and writer. uśmiech
  • Jesus Marquez
    śr., 22 lut 2017, 05:24
    Hi Haakon,

    I installed plugin in server moodle 3.1 php 5.6. The theme used is .
    but book administration not it is showed.

    Any help thanks!
  • Alex Briones
    śr., 24 sty 2018, 03:33
    Hi Haakon,
    A quick question for you: when do you plan to have the Lucimoo EPUB on Moodle 3.2? Thank you very much.
  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
    wt., 30 sty 2018, 02:39
    Hi Jesus, sorry I have not been able to keep up. Unfortunately, it is not possible in Moodle to simply drag-and-drop an EPUB file and have it directly imported into the Book module. You need to first add a Book to your course, just like you add any other activity. Then from the administration menu of the Book, you can now import content from an EPUB ebook file, or export the content of the Book to a new EPUB ebook file.
  • Haakon Meland Eriksen
    wt., 30 sty 2018, 02:42
    Hi Alex, I have not bumped the version number for Lucimoo EPUB export to include newer versions of Moodle, but unless you tell me it does not work, then I think you are good to go. However, we released version 1.0 of Lucimoo EPUB import today with support from the Ministry Division of the Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England. See uśmiech
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