Level Up XP - Gamification 🏅

Blocks ::: block_xp
Maintained by Frédéric Massart ⭐
🔥 🤩 The easiest way to add gamification to your Moodle site! Engage your learners! Gamify their learning experience to increase participation and completion rates. #gamification #engagement
Latest release:
9869 sites
607 fans
Current versions available: 5

Level Up XP

Gamify your Courses.
Engage Learners.
Increase Course Completion.


About XP

XP adds gamification to your Moodle courses. Learners receive points for their actions, visualise their progress, compete with others through a leaderboard, and unlock content based on their individual needs and experiences. Retain learners, increase completion, and provide a stimulating education experience!

25,000 websites and 8 million learners use the plugin! *

Why XP?

XP is the most popular gamification offer on Moodle with around 25,000 sites and 8 million learners using the plugin. Whether you are in charge of continuous training at your company, a university instructor looking to decrease drop-out rates, or a teacher who wants to provide a more engaging, fun learning environment, XP has you covered.

With XP you have complete control of your learners' pathways: decide what content they can access and which courses use gamification elements.

Built-in Features

Try XP and increase learning outcomes with the following features:

Motivate learners through experience points and individual leaderboards

  • Automatically attribute points to learners for their actions
  • Block that displays current level and progress towards next level
  • A leaderboard to show the ranking of the learners
  • Notifications to congratulate learners as they level up

Keep track of progress and steer their learning experience

  • Report for instructors to get an overview of their learners' levels
  • Ability to customise the number of levels, the points they require, and their appearance
  • Total control over the points earned per action
  • Experience points earned per course, or for the entire site
  • Support for shortcodes to include in content
  • Unlock content when a certain level is reached

XP is fully GDPR compliant and has been certified as a privacy-friendly plugin.

92% of our surveyed customers would recommend XP to their colleagues!

XP+ Features

Get serious about creating a fun learning environment! XP+ comes with even more personalisation options, the inclusion of team leaderboards, and more data evaluation possibilities. In addition to all XP features, XP+ allows you to:

Use the full potential of the Leaderboard

  • Create team leaderboards to increase team cohesion or competitiveness
  • Export leaderboards for data analytics

Award points for

  • Course behaviour
  • Learning activities
  • Course completion

Create an Individual Learner Pathway

  • Drops: award points by placing code snippets anywhere in your course
  • Award a badge on level up
  • Grade-based rewards
  • Individual rewards (e.g. for punctuality) and personalised notes
  • Limit learners' rewards (e.g. limit points for repeated actions)
  • Progress bar can display progress toward the next or ultimate level
  • Additional default-level badges

Implement New Design Features for an Engaging Learning Experience

  • Substitute experience points for other symbols
  • Viewing the block on someone's profile displays their level

Do even more…

  • Implement resilient cheat guard
  • Course selection, and activity name, rules
  • Import points from a CSV file
  • Export logs and reports for easy data evaluation
  • Receive email support

Still curious? Visit our website for more information on XP+.

Join thousands of educators,
and gamify your courses today!

What's new?

We constantly add new features and updates to our plugins. Here are some of the highlights of our recent releases:

  • Compatibility with Moodle 4.4
  • New and improved way to set completion rules (XP+)
  • Admins can reset levels in courses to the defaults
  • Award badge on level up (XP+)
  • For more, see the latest release notes

How are experience points calculated? How do I unlock new courses? How do I use shortcodes? Deep dive into XP's offers and learn how to use our features here.

Please report any issues, problems, or feature requests on the issue tracker. Thanks!

* based on our own usage statistics.


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Frédéric Massart ⭐ (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Tue, 16 Feb 2021, 10:25 AM
    Bonjour Christine. Level up! ne présente pas de questions, il ne fait que récolter les événements rapportés par Moodle et leur attribués des points. Si vous souhaitez attribuez des points via des questions, nous recommandons d'utiliser un plugin qui utilise les questions et y associent des événements (events). Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas connaissance de plugin qui permettent ceci par question.
  • christine fabre
    Wed, 17 Feb 2021, 10:55 PM
    Merci pour cette réponse rapide. Je crois que je n'ai pas bien compris le principe dans ce cas: je cherche un plugin qui fait des battle afin de motiver les élèves. Vous me dites que LevelUp reprend les données de Moodle, s'il ne s'agit pas des points obtenus aux questions que l'on peut créer dans moodle à travers diverses activités de quiz, je ne comprends pas la nature des données concernées. Je vous remercie d'avance
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Thu, 18 Feb 2021, 11:31 AM
    Bonjour Christine. Level up! peut aider à créer une compétition amicale, simplement les points que Level up! donne aux élèves dépendent des actions portées par ces derniers dans Moodle. Level up! tel quel ne pose pas de question, et n'offre pas de contenu, il observe ce qui se passe et attribue des points en fonction. Dans sa version payante, il est possible d'attribuer des points correspondants aux notes reçues. Nous vous conseillons d'essayer Level up!, et de naviguer dans l'onglet des règles afin de consulter les méthodes d'attribution de points.
  • Felipe Muñoz Jaramillo
    Mon, 22 Feb 2021, 10:31 AM
    Hi Frederic! I'm having a problem overwriting the default rules. I've changed the XP value of every rule to Zero but still the student is earing points for these actions. What could be the problem? I deleted the cache but the problem persists. thanks for your help!
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Mon, 22 Feb 2021, 12:48 PM
    Hi Felipe, there may be two reasons for this. Either you are not editing the rules from the right place, either you are changing the default rules from the admin, which are the rules that are applied to new instances of the block, or you may be changing the rules in a context that is not the one where students are earning the coins, we recommend that you check the logs from the plugin. The other reason is that the other rules are placed below the default ones. The easiest way to "disable" the default rules is simply by removing them altogether. For more help on how to debug the rules, please see this: https://levelup.plus/docs/article/event-rule-not-working
  • Felipe Muñoz Jaramillo
    Mon, 22 Feb 2021, 8:43 PM
    Hello Frederic, thanks for your response. You're right, I was doing the rule setting in the General Plugin part and not in the course rules. Now it's working correctly. Thank you so much!
  • Rafael Marinho
    Fri, 9 Apr 2021, 2:51 AM
    If you are not willing to pay for it, it's useless. Does any one know any real free alternative to level up?
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Fri, 9 Apr 2021, 12:24 PM
    Hi Rafael, we're sorry that the features found in the free plugin do not meet your requirements. We have never removed any features from the free version, and those have been present long before the introduction of the Plus package. Since then, we have added features to both versions to support both the community and our customers.
  • Glenn Carver
    Tue, 13 Apr 2021, 9:22 PM
    hi, sorry if this is a silly question but how exactly do I restrict access for user depending on their rating/score/whatever?
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Tue, 13 Apr 2021, 10:21 PM
    Hi Glenn, this would have to be done using the core "Restrict access" function of Moodle itself, here is the documentation page about it: https://docs.moodle.org/en/Restrict_access
  • Glenn Carver
    Thu, 15 Apr 2021, 5:33 PM
    Thanks Frederic. Any idea why there wouldn't be an option to use Level Up! restrictions in course/lesson options? Moodle version is 3.8.3+ I only see the standard options like "User must be in a cohort" or "User must complete that element"
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Thu, 15 Apr 2021, 8:38 PM
    Hi Glenn, would you please confirm that you installed and enabled the "Level up! Availability" (availability_xp) plugin?
  • Glenn Carver
    Tue, 20 Apr 2021, 7:32 PM
    Oh yeah I don't have it. I didn't know I need it. I'll install it asap and say if that fixes the issue, thanks
  • Алексей В
    Tue, 8 June 2021, 9:21 PM
    Hi, Frédéric!
    I have a small problem with this plugin. Can't see any way to display the level up block in the mobile app on my moodle 3.7. Block located at the dashboard page. I'm sure that it worked well in previous versions, but now it's just not displaying any information about level, or xp, or anything. Can you please tell me how to fix it?
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Tue, 8 June 2021, 11:29 PM
    Hi Алексей, we only added support for the mobile app via the Level up! Plus add-on, we haven't removed any mobile support from any version since it was introduced. We suspect that the issues you are experiencing are due to a change between the Moodle versions you migrated from and to.
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