Level Up XP - Gamification 🏅

Blocks ::: block_xp
Maintained by Frédéric Massart ⭐
🔥 🤩 The easiest way to add gamification to your Moodle site! Engage your learners! Gamify their learning experience to increase participation and completion rates. #gamification #engagement
Latest release:
10037 sites
611 fans
Current versions available: 5

Level Up XP

Gamify your Courses.
Engage Learners.
Increase Course Completion.


About XP

XP adds gamification to your Moodle courses. Learners receive points for their actions, visualise their progress, compete with others through a leaderboard, and unlock content based on their individual needs and experiences. Retain learners, increase completion, and provide a stimulating education experience!

25,000 websites and 8 million learners use the plugin! *

Why XP?

XP is the most popular gamification offer on Moodle with around 25,000 sites and 8 million learners using the plugin. Whether you are in charge of continuous training at your company, a university instructor looking to decrease drop-out rates, or a teacher who wants to provide a more engaging, fun learning environment, XP has you covered.

With XP you have complete control of your learners' pathways: decide what content they can access and which courses use gamification elements.

Built-in Features

Try XP and increase learning outcomes with the following features:

Motivate learners through experience points and individual leaderboards

  • Automatically attribute points to learners for their actions
  • Block that displays current level and progress towards next level
  • A leaderboard to show the ranking of the learners
  • Notifications to congratulate learners as they level up

Keep track of progress and steer their learning experience

  • Report for instructors to get an overview of their learners' levels
  • Ability to customise the number of levels, the points they require, and their appearance
  • Total control over the points earned per action
  • Experience points earned per course, or for the entire site
  • Support for shortcodes to include in content
  • Unlock content when a certain level is reached

XP is fully GDPR compliant and has been certified as a privacy-friendly plugin.

92% of our surveyed customers would recommend XP to their colleagues!

XP+ Features

Get serious about creating a fun learning environment! XP+ comes with even more personalisation options, the inclusion of team leaderboards, and more data evaluation possibilities. In addition to all XP features, XP+ allows you to:

Use the full potential of the Leaderboard

  • Create team leaderboards to increase team cohesion or competitiveness
  • Export leaderboards for data analytics

Award points for

  • Course behaviour
  • Learning activities
  • Course completion

Create an Individual Learner Pathway

  • Drops: award points by placing code snippets anywhere in your course
  • Award a badge on level up
  • Grade-based rewards
  • Individual rewards (e.g. for punctuality) and personalised notes
  • Limit learners' rewards (e.g. limit points for repeated actions)
  • Progress bar can display progress toward the next or ultimate level
  • Additional default-level badges

Implement New Design Features for an Engaging Learning Experience

  • Substitute experience points for other symbols
  • Viewing the block on someone's profile displays their level

Do even more…

  • Implement resilient cheat guard
  • Course selection, and activity name, rules
  • Import points from a CSV file
  • Export logs and reports for easy data evaluation
  • Receive email support

Still curious? Visit our website for more information on XP+.

Join thousands of educators,
and gamify your courses today!

What's new?

We constantly add new features and updates to our plugins. Here are some of the highlights of our recent releases:

  • Compatibility with Moodle 4.4
  • New and improved way to set completion rules (XP+)
  • Admins can reset levels in courses to the defaults
  • Award badge on level up (XP+)
  • For more, see the latest release notes

How are experience points calculated? How do I unlock new courses? How do I use shortcodes? Deep dive into XP's offers and learn how to use our features here.

Please report any issues, problems, or feature requests on the issue tracker. Thanks!

* based on our own usage statistics.


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Frédéric Massart ⭐ (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

Comments RSS


  • Mohamed Atia
    Thu, 24 May 2018, 5:52 PM
    Hi Frédéric,
    I followed the URL but I can't see any guides for windows and IIS, do you have a direct link on how to apply this in windows and IIS?
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Thu, 24 May 2018, 6:01 PM
    Hi Mohamed. I'm not familiar with IIS, but according to this documentation (https://docs.moodle.org/33/en/Internet_Information_Services#URL_rewriting), the problem should solve itself by using a rewrite rule such as: {R:1}\?_r={R:2}
  • Mohamed Atia
    Thu, 24 May 2018, 6:57 PM
    Hi Frédéric,
    I had applied the URL rewrite rule and restarted the IIS, but still having the same error.
    a screenshot of what I did here https://taifedusa-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/matia_tu_edu_sa/EbifsmWODXJJnFqICuKzDUIBp12uK1hbya0wJZtiFuDANQ?e=MiGjs3

    any Idea how to troubleshoot this?
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Thu, 24 May 2018, 11:01 PM
    This does not include the rule I suggested to use. The alternative is to disable slasharguments altogether.
  • Mohamed Atia
    Sun, 27 May 2018, 1:42 AM
    Hi Frederic,
    I created a new rewrite rule you can check it here https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amdk-vbboLpgh0qcGTN2p81i8R60 and I also made a test pattern shown in the screenshot is that the expected values for the rewrite?
  • Mohamed Atia
    Sun, 27 May 2018, 2:11 AM
    Hi Frederic,
    It is now working fine for me
    the pattern should be ^(blocks\/xp\/[^\?]+?\.php)(\/.+)$
    and the rewrite URL should be {R:1}?_r={R:2}
    screenshot below show the correct rule for the workaround


    Thank you for your help smile

    this rewrite {R:1}\?_r={R:2} is not correct
  • Phuong Hoang
    Thu, 19 July 2018, 6:16 PM
    Hi Frédéric,
    Thanks a lot for combining Level up with Shortcodes. Brilliant! Finally I can display Ladder directly in html block. However, it would be great if ladder could be displayed more neatly or directly in Level up blocks instead of redirecting to a page.
    - my screenshot:

  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Thu, 19 July 2018, 6:18 PM
    Hi Phuong, thank you for your feedback, we will consider it for future upgrades. Feel free to raise issues on Github if you have other concerns. Thanks!
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Thu, 19 July 2018, 6:21 PM
    Also, note that the shortcode xpladder is _not_ the just the top 5, it is actually displayed according to the current user. As you probably are an admin/teacher and are not ranked, you see the top students. If you login as the 20th student, the ladder will show students ranked from 18th to the 24th.
  • Raymond Frangie
    Mon, 30 July 2018, 11:55 AM
    Hi Frederic,

    Love the plugin! Thanks for the great work!

    Question - is it possible to grade a certain number of XP based on a grade received in a quiz?

    For example, a quiz will have 5 Grade Boundaries, being High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, Pass, Fail. Is it possible award say 10XP for HD, 8 for D, 6 for C, 3 for P and 0 for F?

    Appreciate the assistance!

  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Mon, 30 July 2018, 12:04 PM
    Hi Ray. Thanks for your kind words. Not grade-based rewards are not supported at the moment, but it's high on our priority list!
  • Elizabeth Dalton
    Sat, 24 Nov 2018, 12:02 PM
    Cool plugin! On my site, I want to reward participants who rate the forum posts of other participants. I’d also like to display the name of the poster’s level next to forum posts (e.g. “Beginner,” “Expert” etc.). It doesn’t look like the current short-codes would support that— I only see the ability to display based on the current user. Do you have any suggestions?
  • Frédéric Massart ⭐
    Mon, 26 Nov 2018, 11:56 AM
    Hi Elizabeth. Ratings do not seem to be triggered events when they occur, they would be needed to enable support in Level up!. Displaying the level of another person's than the currently logged in one is possible, but not with shortcodes. It requires a bit of coding, here are some snippets that you may find useful: https://gist.github.com/FMCorz/2e6d29c8dda5ec9d6d6c349d6b2e8528
  • Elizabeth Dalton
    Mon, 26 Nov 2018, 3:50 PM
    Thanks, Frédéric!
  • Katja Breznik
    Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 7:57 PM
    Hello. Excellent plugin – thank you! smile I just have one question. What is the reason behind the blue coloured line with some student’s name in the ladder? I have been testing different situations … Is it the first time when that students gets to see change in his/her result … Is it when the points are manually changed? Is it when that student levelled up? But sometimes it changes to blue, sometimes not. I get that you can see this blue colour only for yourself. It must be something simple, I just can’t see it. Thank you!
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