User favourites / favorite / bookmark

Blocks ::: block_user_favorites
Maintained by Luuk VerhoevenLuuk Verhoeven, Gemma Lesterhuis
Marking Moodle pages as user favourites.
Latest release:
516 sites
39 fans
Current versions available: 3
Please be aware: 
  1. We don't support OLDER versions of this plugin 
  2. We don't reply on the comment section. 
  3. Please make use of the Moodle fora to ask the community for help.
  4. We tested each version on deployment, any bugs/issue you experience after the release can be reported on  Github.
  5. We will triage this issues and decided from that point what to do.
  6. Don't expect us to fix your bug of new feature request for free.
  7. We welcome any Pull request from the community. 
  8. You want garenteed (bug) support and version management? Please contact


Screenshot #0


Luuk Verhoeven
Luuk Verhoeven (Lead maintainer)
Gemma Lesterhuis
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Ken Farrimond
    Sat, 2 Feb 2019, 9:59 PM
    Many thanks, I had looked in numerous places, but not there.

  • Dnyaneshwar Somwanshi
    Tue, 8 Oct 2019, 1:36 PM
    gr8 plugin. do you have plan to add mobile support to this feature? thanks. thanks.
  • Luuk Verhoeven
    Sat, 12 Oct 2019, 6:49 PM
    Hi Dnyaneshwar, there are no plans for now to build mobile support.
    You can add this request to GitHub issue tracker

    Greets, Luuk
  • Carlos Kiyan Tsunami
    Wed, 8 Jan 2020, 9:10 PM
    hello, can you add this block to all the pages of your moodle site. Do I have to manually enable on each course?
  • Luuk Verhoeven
    Sat, 11 Jan 2020, 10:11 PM
    Hi Carlos,

    Yes, you should add it manual to each course. It's a normal block instance.

    You can make it a default course block see this comment:
  • Richard Newton
    Sat, 3 Oct 2020, 12:13 AM
    Do you know if there's a way to add that functionality of the button to a link? I'd really like to have this functionality in the footer.
  • Fabian Busse
    Wed, 2 Dec 2020, 4:03 AM
    Hey, is it possible to add/ integrate this plugin/block in the moodle mobile app? If yes, how can I do it?
  • Gemma Lesterhuis
    Wed, 2 Dec 2020, 5:58 PM
    @richard could you explain a little bit more what goal you want to achive with the block? I am not sure if I understand you correctly.

    @Fabian the block is not ready for the Moodle Mobile App, I am actually not sure if it would really work properly. You are always free to make changes to the block and push it back to the community. You could find more information on how to make it work on the Moodle website, by example:
  • Wynand Louw
    Tue, 9 Aug 2022, 7:32 PM
    Moodle 4, PHP8

    Debug info:
    Error code: generalexceptionmessage
    Stack trace:

    line 81 of /blocks/user_bookmarks/block_user_bookmarks.php: Error thrown
    line 478 of /blocks/moodleblock.class.php: call to block_user_bookmarks->specialization()
    line 2091 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_base->_load_instance()
    line 1097 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_instance()
    line 1258 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_manager->create_block_instances()
    line 1145 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_manager->ensure_instances_exist()
    line 1649 of /lib/pagelib.php: call to block_manager->create_all_block_instances()
    line 1110 of /lib/pagelib.php: call to moodle_page->starting_output()
    line 1391 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to moodle_page->set_state()
    line 121 of /index.php: call to core_renderer->header()

    I have removed the User Bookmarks block from all tabs and now it is fine. It seems that this is the problem creating the error.
  • Gemma Lesterhuis
    Wed, 10 Aug 2022, 10:19 PM
    @wynand thank you for reporting this. The plugin has not been tested by us on PHP8 which just been recently supported by Moodle LMS. At the moment I am not sure if we will take this step ór just wait for Moodle 4.1 to arrive. But be free to put in a pull request to solve this error on our Github:
  • Wynand Louw
    Wed, 21 Dec 2022, 10:32 PM
    @Gemma thanks. Will wait for the update for 4.1 and then reactivate on my site.
  • Wynand Louw
    Mon, 1 May 2023, 4:08 AM
    2023032200 Works as expected. Thanks, @gemma.
  • Paula W.
    Sat, 13 July 2024, 2:22 AM
    Hi @Gemma. This plugin looks great! Any chance it's been tested in a screen reader?
  • Gemma Lesterhuis
    Sat, 13 July 2024, 6:30 PM
    @Paula it has not been tested by us in a screen reader. Though if you find issues with it please feel free to create a Github Issue. I don't make any promises we will pick it up free of charge, it all depends on the changes that need to be done. But if you (or your organisation) is up for supporting the module, we welcome pull request or financial support.
  • Paula W.
    Tue, 16 July 2024, 4:36 AM
    We will check it out and let you know what we find. If our organization can support any changes needed, I will see that we do!
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