Moodle Plugins directory: Geolocation condition |

Geolocation condition
Availability restriction ::: availability_gps
Maintained by
Robert Schrenk,
Zentrum für Lernmanagement,
Andreas Riepl
This adds the availability condition by gps coordinates to sections and course modules. This plugin requires the block_gps plugin to work.
Latest release:
112 sites
14 fans
Current versions available: 1
This adds the availability condition by gps coordinates to sections and course modules. This plugin requires the block_gps plugin to work. The block also allows to show all locations within a course on an interactive map or as list.
Attention: your site needs to be run under https to use geolocation!
Useful links
Robert Schrenk (Lead maintainer)
Zentrum für Lernmanagement
Andreas Riepl
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them
thank you very much for this wonderful plugin for gamification. Participants need to move themselves to a particular geolocation to see more course topics, activities, and resources. Is there any idea to make it work in the mobile Moodle app? The Moodle app is able to store all course content temporarily on the mobile device so participants can "play" the course without internet and without mobile data connection.
Thank you. Danke sehr.