Generico Icon

Atto ::: atto_generico
Maintained by Justin Hunt
A companion for Poodll's Generico filter. It makes available a select button, and a form for each Generico filter template from a popup dialog.
Latest release:
1243 sites
45 fans
Current versions available: 4

The Generico Atto icon works with the Generico filter to provide a simple way to insert Generico filter strings into Moodle. For more information see the Generico Filter plugin page. Or watch this video:

The plugin author rarely sees comments posted to this page. So if you have questions or comments about the plugin, please post them here:


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Justin Hunt (Lead maintainer)
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  • Carlos Barrios
    Fri, 22 Dec 2017, 6:16 PM

    I'm having the same problem that Zabelle has, but also only the "Welcome user" template was loaded. I have manually created the accordion template and is working fine., bit I would like to save time by having the G icon otion on my text editor.
    For your information, I am ussing Generico and Generico atto icon plugins on Moodle 3.4 and I have selected the Atto text editor as default.

    Please your help.

    Thanks in advance.
  • jahnavi manjunath
    Mon, 6 Aug 2018, 5:55 PM
    I have installed the "generico" filter plugin and "generico_atto_icon". Later, in the text editor, I also wrote "style3 = generico" in the text editing bar... but I am unable to see the G icon
  • Justin Hunt
    Tue, 7 Aug 2018, 9:15 AM
    Are you using TinyMCE or Atto? Generico only has an Atto plugin right now.
  • Joan Cervan
    Wed, 10 Oct 2018, 11:41 PM
    To show G icon you must add it at Atto Editor opcions (/admin/settings.php?section=editorsettingsatto), for example:

    files = image, media, recordrtc, managefiles, generico
  • MarkAnthony Chesner
    Sun, 16 Feb 2020, 12:38 PM
    Hello...I have installed everything and none of the templates are working in my lesson pages...Moodle 3.8

  • Justin Hunt
    Sun, 16 Feb 2020, 2:09 PM
    Mark, you probably just need to enable the Generico filter. Go to site admin - plugins - filters - manage filters
  • Tonnie Oostbeek
    Sat, 4 Apr 2020, 7:46 PM
    I also tried installing the Generico Atto plugin at a Moodle 3.8 version and nothing shows up at the Atto editor.
  • Justin Hunt
    Mon, 6 Apr 2020, 1:14 PM
    You need o add eh word "generico" to the CSV list of icons at : Site administration -> Plugins -> Text editors -> Atto- > Atto Toolbar Settings
  • Juan Carlos Galdos
    Tue, 9 May 2023, 6:36 PM
    Juastin, do you have any plans to make this plugin for TinyMCE?
  • Justin Hunt
    Wed, 10 May 2023, 9:42 AM
    Yes we will make a Generico version
  • Flemming Bornemann
    Fri, 29 Sept 2023, 7:17 PM
    Hi Justin
    Do you have any idea when this will be ready?. We are shifting back and forth between Atto and Tiny as it is now, but would love to be able to have the Generico Icon on the toolbar in Tiny smile
  • Justin Hunt
    Sat, 7 Oct 2023, 5:26 PM
    Hi Flemming, it is available now at:

    You can download a zip file to install from there, or use git if you prefer. I will upload it to in the next day or two. It might take some time to be approved (..or it might not).

  • Ezzeddin Hamed
    Mon, 15 Apr 2024, 6:22 PM
    Hi Justin,

    Using latest version 4.2 in Moodle 4.3 does not show the icon. Anything to do with it? Or that it needs an update?

  • Ezzeddin Hamed
    Mon, 15 Apr 2024, 6:46 PM
    I also used the tiny link provided above, it shows and I can enter the background as per, the code is inserted, but the background is not showing.

    I am trying to use it on the front page, it is not showing, I tried it also on the course level, but it did not show as well.

    Any suggestions?

  • Justin Hunt
    Tue, 16 Apr 2024, 2:06 PM
    Check that the html editor on your Moodle 4.3 is actually "Atto", because by default is is "Tiny." That might explain why the icon does not show.
    As for the background image, i don't know. Please post questions in the forum linked to above. ie
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