Cloze editor

Atto ::: atto_cloze
Maintained by Daniel Thies, Germán and TemudginGermán Valero
An Atto editor plugin to help create embedded answer questions
Latest release:
3667 sites
87 fans
Current versions available: 2

This Atto editor plugin provides a user friendly interface for creating and modifying embedded answer (cloze) questions. The plugin reads subquestion specifications into a form to be edited, and writes the values of the form in the correct syntax for the embedded answer (cloze) question type.

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Screenshot #0


Daniel Thies (Lead maintainer)
Andreas Glombitza: Original developer of similar plugin for TinyMCE
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  • Kashmira Nagwekar
    Sat, Nov 3, 2018, 2:39 AM
    I recently installed this plugin in moodle 3.5. Having issues with assigning -ve marks to wrong choices.
    Assigning -33.333% to a wrong choice is not working properly. The grade gets displayed as a part of the option text and also, if a wrong choice is selected, the marks given are 0.
    Please guide me on this.

  • Daniel Thies
    Wed, Nov 7, 2018, 7:39 AM
    Hello Kashmira,

    I think that this is a bug with the cloze question type rather than this editor plugin. It does not seem to support decimal negative numbers at the moment although the syntax looks correct. I thought that this was working before so it may be a regression.
  • Carl Miller
    Sun, May 17, 2020, 2:33 PM
    I have installed this plugin and it works on the standard "Embedded answers (Cloze)" question type.
    However, on the WIRIS "Cloze" type question it does not show, yet it looks like it is the same ATTO toolbar.
    Have I missed a setting?
  • Daniel Thies
    Mon, May 18, 2020, 5:11 AM
    @Carl, I did not realize that WIRIS cloze uses the same syntax. I modified it so it should show now with the WIRIS question type. Please let me know if it is not working. I do not have WIRIS installed to test it.
  • Arjun Lal
    Mon, May 18, 2020, 5:47 PM
    Thankyou for sharing this useful plugin! It is very very special for advanced technology.
  • Carl Miller
    Tue, May 19, 2020, 1:59 PM
    @Daniel, thanks so much for that, all appears to be working very nicely.
  • Joseph Liaw
    Sat, Oct 3, 2020, 12:10 AM
    This is a FANTASTIC plugin to make CLOZE more "doable" for teachers!

    Question: is there a way to set the penalty factor mentioned in the Moodle documentation, or does anyone know the syntax to put in the penalty factor?

    We are trying to get the CLOZE question type to work with either "Adaptive" or "Interactive with multiple tries", so that students can try a question again and earn back partial credits for correcting mistakes and encouraging learning from errors. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the CLOZE question type plays nice with those modes, and I was hoping someone would know how to do this or if the CLOZE editor had a way to put in the syntax properly for the CLOZE penalty factor that is supposed to fix this bug.

  • Daniel Thies
    Thu, Oct 8, 2020, 10:27 PM
    @Joseph The penalty factor is not part of the syntax of the question text. It is found on the question editing form under that heading _Multiple tries_. You will need to set that there for each question although it should default to 33.3333%.
  • H. A. Osorio Lara
    Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 2:59 PM
    Close question button not showing in atto tool bar
  • Ezekiel Lozano
    Sun, Feb 28, 2021, 12:40 AM
    Tried and tested. It still works on Moodle 3.10.
    The Cloze Editor button only shows if you are editing a Cloze type of question.
  • Mão Doãn
    Mon, Apr 5, 2021, 11:20 AM
    Hi. I have moodle 3.10 installed, I can't find the cloze editor button in the atto tool bar after I installed the plugin. Could anyone show me how to fix it? Thank you.
  • Germán and Temudgin
    Mon, Apr 5, 2021, 11:41 AM
    Please read the installation instructions at ,

    After visiting notifications and updating the Moodle database, you must add the cloze button cloze icon.gif to the Atto toolbar as described in adding the line cloze = cloze .
  • Klaus Steitz
    Thu, Jun 22, 2023, 2:22 PM
    == Version for new TinyMCE is now in development ==
    At Moodle mootDACH in Zürich in June 2023 work on a version for the new TinyMCE (TinyMCE 6 standard editor since Moodle 4.2) startet. The current state can be found at
  • Gintarė Lošė
    Thu, Oct 12, 2023, 4:17 PM
    Hello. We still use the Atto editor. There is an error: after filling in the question fields, the Insert button is displayed incorrectly: displayed common:insert.
  • Daniel Thies
    Sun, Oct 15, 2023, 5:30 AM
    @Gintare are you using an older version of the plugin? That looks like a reference to a old TinyMCE string that is not in Moodle 4.2. I do not think it is there in the current version.
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