Timing of reminder notifications

Timing of reminder notifications

by Daniel Biedermann -
Number of replies: 2


we incorporate the timing of reminder notifications in analytics that we perform, and we noticed that not all participants receive the reminders to complete an activity on the same day, but always at the same time. Where does this variance come from and how can we control it?

Best regards,


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In reply to Daniel Biedermann

Re: Timing of reminder notifications

by Giovanni Vosloo -
Hi Daniel,

Any Moodle platform is 100% dependent on the "cron.php" that needs to run. This action handles notifications, backups, clean-ups, etc. If there are too many tasks to perform in a short amount of time, then the task will time out or get overridden and thus it can be that some of your email get stuck and only go out in the next time slot the next day?

In this case then it might be good to run the cron manually a few times till it is done with all the tasks and make sure it is set up to run every 5-10 min.

If you require more customised notifications in a course, perhaps take a look at the "re-engagement" plugin: https://moodle.org/plugins/mod_reengagement
In reply to Giovanni Vosloo

Re: Timing of reminder notifications

by Joost Elshoff -
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In addition to Giovanni's reply:
You can check the Scheduled tasks that are run in the cron maintenance script through Site admin > Server > Tasks > Scheduled tasks. Here you can see if a task runs ASAP or at a specific moment of the day / week.
Also, it's recommended cron itself run each minute, in order to have a smoothly operating LMS instance.
For more info, check the Moodle Docs on cron: https://docs.moodle.org/310/en/Cron
Average of ratings: Useful (1)