Data privacy

Administration tool ::: tool_dataprivacy
Maintained by Moodle HQ, Jun Pataleta
Part of set GDPR.
Provides the workflow for users to submit subject access requests and for site administrators and privacy officers to process these requests.

Data privacy 33.8.0

Moodle 3.3
Released: lørdag, 8. september 2018, 08:55

Build Status


The Data Privacy Plugin Tool for Moodle

Notes: 1. Moodle versions 3.3.8, 3.4.5 and 3.5 ship with tool_dataprivacy by default. So if you're installing or upgrading to Moodle 3.5, you don't need to install this plugin. 2. If you are using Moodle 3.3.7/3.4.4 or below, and you already have this tool installed, please remember to remove this plugin's code folder before upgrading to the latest Moodle versions.

What's new?

Various fixes in-sync with the release of the tool's Moodle 3.5.2 version.

This will probably be the last release for the tool since it will be part of the standard Moodle distribution starting from versions 3.3.8 and 3.4.5.

Important: If you are upgrading to Moodle 3.4.5 or 3.3.8 and you have this tool installed as an additional plugin, remember that you have to remove the folder containing the tool's code before you proceed with the upgrading of the Moodle codebase.

UI and Usability fixes:

  1. MDL-62026 - Allow manual completion of general enquiries
  2. MDL-61652 - Add capabilities to control data downloads
  3. MDL-62600 - Corrected availability of PO pages to admins
  4. MDL-62660 - Add ability to expire data requests
  5. MDL-62989 - Improve data request sorting on requesters' view

Other fixes:

  1. MDL-62799 - Follow-up: Add new data request modal type
  2. MDL-62884 - Fix data request table styles for rendering action menus
  3. MDL-63187 - Fix data category/purpose deletion confirmation modal texts

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
Stabil versjon
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 3.3

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL
VCS tag

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Administration tool

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder (eg "mytool") in the "admin/tool" subdirectory.
  4. Visit to finish the installation