Course ratings

Administration tool ::: tool_courserating
Maintained by Marina Glancy
Add ratings and reviews to the courses
Latest release:
663 sites
55 fans
Current versions available: 1

"Course ratings" plugin allows students to add ratings and reviews to the courses, and teachers and other users to read them.

The custom course field that stores the average course rating is created automatically. The course ratings will be displayed in any course listing that displays custom profile fields, for example, "All courses" page and site home.

The current course rating is also automatically added to each course home page.

Managers are able to permanently delete course reviews that were flagged by users.

By default every student enrolled into a course can leave a rating. It can be configured that only students who completed the course can do it. There is also an option to allow to enable or disable course ratings for individual courses.


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Marina Glancy (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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Parādīt komentārus
  • Juan Gomez
    piektd., 2023. gada 28. jūl.., 22:55
    Hello Marina,

    Thanks for this solution. Do you know if this plugin will be updated for newer moodle versions? Thank you again.
  • sadafe
    sestd., 2023. gada 12. aug.., 02:30
    version 1.4 not work for moodle 3.11. show nothing in course
  • viviane vicente
    sestd., 2023. gada 30. sept.., 04:21
    É possível tirar os Reviews? Não queria que os outros users vissem os comentários nem avaliação!
  • Marina Glancy
    svētd., 2023. gada 1. okt.., 17:12
    Hello! Just a reminder that this comments section is not for requesting new features or reporting bugs. Please use the bug tracker linked above.
  • Bas Harkink
    ceturtd., 2023. gada 19. okt.., 20:31
    Hello Marina, One of our clients wil be using this plugin. They wrote a language a complete language file for Dutch. Is it possible that we supply you with this file so you can integrate it in the plugin files?
  • Marina Glancy
    ceturtd., 2023. gada 19. okt.., 21:25
    Hi Bas, you need to submit translations to, when they are accepted there, you just update your locally installed language packs and they will be imported
  • Bas Harkink
    ceturtd., 2023. gada 26. okt.., 19:30
    Hello Marina, I am slightly confused… This is a plugin that is not part of Moodle Core, so why does the translation have to go though to get accepted?
  • Marina Glancy
    ceturtd., 2023. gada 26. okt.., 21:13
    AMOS also has translations for all plugins that are submitted to . And also you can see the "Translations" tab on top of this page and see which languages this plugin is already translated to
  • Bas Harkink
    otrd., 2023. gada 7. nov.., 17:45
    THNX for the answers. I have logged into AMOS. Tho now I see a portal that is kind of the same as the Language-string editor in Moodle. I have a complete Lang file, but I have to copy / paste every single line / translation? (almost 100x copy paste). Is there any way to upload the actual file?
  • Marina Glancy
    sestd., 2023. gada 25. nov.., 02:27
    Hi Bas, as far as I know, only language maintainers can upload files
  • luke nio
    ceturtd., 2023. gada 28. dec.., 21:05

    Hi Bas, I installed the plugin on Moodle version 3.10. However, when attempting to rate the course, I encountered an error stating "No define call for core_form/modalform."Kindly assist me in addressing this error.
  • Marina Glancy
    sestd., 2024. gada 25. maijs., 04:58
    Version 3.10 is not supported and will never be supported
  • Pui Yee Leong
    pirmd., 2024. gada 1. jūl.., 15:54
    Hi Marina, thanks for the solution. May I know if there is an API which can be used to extract the course rating rated by each user (along with their identity and timestamp)?
  • Marina Glancy
    pirmd., 2024. gada 1. jūl.., 17:26
    Hello Pui, there is a custom report source that you can use to build reports. You can also export reports and/or schedule to receive them regularly. If you need anything more specific please create an issue in github (see link above) or submit a pull request.
  • Pui Yee Leong
    piektd., 2024. gada 12. jūl.., 12:12
    Thanks Marina for the answer.
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