YouTube Anywhere

TinyMCE (legacy) ::: tinymce_youtube
Maintained by Justin Hunt
YouTube Anywhere enables direct recording and uploading into YouTube from the TinyMCE HTML editor.
Latest release:
28 sites
17 fans
Current versions available: 1

YouTube Anywhere allows students and teachers to record directly from webcams and mobile devices, or to upload video files, into YouTube. 

YouTube takes care of the storage of the videos and handles all the pesky file conversions and playback stuff.

Care has been taken to give the Moodle administrator control over who can access YouTube Anywhere. Authentication with YouTube can be done  using the same Google keys as used in the Google Docs repository.

* Moodle 2.4 or greater
* Internet access
* Multimedia plugins filter enabled (to turn YouTube links into YouTube players)
* YouTube API keys (Public API Key, OAUTH2 client id, OAUTH2 client secret).
These are available free of charge from YouTube/Google.

The YouTube Anywhere plugin is contained in the youtube folder. That folder should be placed in the following directory of a Moodle installation: [PATH TO MOODLE]/lib/editor/tinymce/plugins
Other folders in that directory will include, spellchecker and moodlemedia.

Once the folder is in place Moodle will be able to install the plugin. Login as the site administrator. Moodle should detect the YouTube Anywhere plugin and present a page with plugin information and the option to proceed to install a new plugin. If Moodle does not automatically direct you to this page, you can go there from the Moodle menu:
Site Administration -> Notifications

Follow the prompts to install the plugin. On the last step Moodle will show the settings page for YouTube Anywhere. The settings can be accessed by the administrator at any time from the Moodle menu:
Site Administration -> Plugins -> Text Editors->TinyMCE HTML Editor -> YouTube Anywhere

Post Installation Settings
You will need several keys to authorize access to the YouTube API.
To get this go to:

You will need to create a project for your website. Only one is necessary for your Moodle site, and you can use the same keys for Google Docs or Picasa. If you are running either of those with Moodle, you can use the keys you already have. You will need to create and get:
i) a public api key
ii) an oauth2 client id
iii) an oauth2 client secret

This screenshot indicates how your API project on Google might look.

Google Developers Console

More information on getting Google OAuth2 set up for Moodle is here: 

There are two authentication methods possible, "master account" and "student account."
If using master account authentication, you will need to enter a valid YouTube username and password.

More detailed documentation can be found in a PDF file, that should accompany this plugin.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Justin Hunt (Lead maintainer)
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  • Justin Hunt
    Tue, 23 June 2015, 10:36 PM
    I see. Realistically the best thing is really to port the TinyMCE YouTube Anywhere to Atto for Moodle 2.9 and beyond. Its been on my "to do" list for well over a year now. But I will try over the summer to do that.
  • Philip Morris
    Thu, 2 July 2015, 11:14 PM
    OK Justin thank you for your time I appreciate it.
  • Mike McLaughlin
    Fri, 19 Feb 2016, 10:10 AM
    Good Afternoon all.
    Is this plugin still working I have heard that there some issues with this plugin I believe it stopped working a few years ago as it was not set up to use the new YouTube API. It kept returning a server error rather than uploading the videos so we had to turn that function off.
    I was looking forward to using it for this particular function: The Upload Video Form
    The upload form allows the student to choose a video file from their computer/device and upload to YouTube. So it is simply a matter of clicking the "choose" button, followed by the "upload" button.
    Any information would be great.

  • Justin Hunt
    Sun, 21 Feb 2016, 8:23 AM
    hi Mike, I have not really had a chance to test it recently, but I think its broken. To be honest, I don't see much future development for this. I feel a bit bad about that but an Atto version is really a better investment of time.
  • Sameera K
    Sat, 1 Dec 2018, 12:11 PM
    Hi, Is this plugin working with moodle 3.5? I added this but i can't find the youtube icon in tinyMCE?
  • Justin Hunt
    Sun, 2 Dec 2018, 4:58 PM
    I think it will load in TinyMCE, but its not going to work. The YouTube API has changed and this plugin got left behind. I plan to fix it
  • Pequenos Sorrisos
    Fri, 19 Apr 2019, 3:24 AM
    Is this plugin working ? I really needed a way to easily upload youtube videos
  • Justin Hunt
    Fri, 19 Apr 2019, 11:16 AM
    Hi Pequenos, Right now this is not working. Let me confirm how you want to use this. Do you want to record straight to Youtube, and embed. Or do you want to search/choose from Youtube and embed?
  • Pequenos Sorrisos
    Fri, 19 Apr 2019, 3:40 PM
    Hello, thank you for your answer, let me explain.
    Right now when a teacher wants to place a video on their course page I have to upload the video on YouTube page, then copy the link, create hyperlink shortcut and paste it on an activity description such as a gallery. This is because teachers find this to hard to do.
    I wanted an easy way for teacher to upload the video (on the activity editing mode) and the hyperlink be automatically created, so that the YouTube player shows up after editing.
    This plugin would be exactly what I needed and I can't find anything like it
  • Justin Hunt
    Fri, 19 Apr 2019, 3:52 PM
    I understand. This is possible of course, and I will see if I can fix it up. I just cannot promise when.
    Please look at the "Upload" tab in the CloudPoodll Editor for Atto. It is described here.
    This will upload the video as you describe and convert it and return a link that is inserted into the HTML area. There is no Youtube. But it does do subtitles. You can try it on this page.
  • Pequenos Sorrisos
    Fri, 19 Apr 2019, 8:31 PM
    thank you! the privacy type of Atto is the same as "unlisted" youtube type?
    Just by curiosity, is it possible to do the same with google photos for instance? Like upload the video to google photos and automaticaly create link into HTML area?
  • Justin Hunt
    Mon, 22 Apr 2019, 2:57 PM
    I do not know about Google Photos. Yes the video is 'unlisted' in that it will not appear in search results or be easy to guess a URL
  • Pequenos Sorrisos
    Tue, 23 Apr 2019, 9:12 PM
    Hello , I just read on that atto cloudpoodl is paid , can you confirm that ? I didn't want to pay for this kind of service : /
  • Justin Hunt
    Tue, 23 Apr 2019, 9:29 PM
    Oh, yeah. Cloud Poodll for Atto is paid. Sorry I might have mentioned that.
  • Pequenos Sorrisos
    Tue, 23 Apr 2019, 9:48 PM
    I guess I prefer to wait for your update 😆
    Can't find anything free like this
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