
Themes ::: theme_moove
Maintained by Willian Mano
Moove it's a Moodle's theme that makes online environments more clean and intuitive for learners and educators. If you like it, please show some love by clicking "favourite" ( ♥ ) below!
Latest release:
23715 sites
642 fans
Current versions available: 15

Moove premium version!

We are proud to announce that now Moove has a premium version. Look at this as an alternative to help the free plugin version. Check this out!

Go to Moove Premium site

Moove Premium live preview

The main idea behind the Moove premium is to keep the open-source project alive. So, thanks for considering it.

About this plugin

Moodle is awesome, but we can be better together!

Moove it's a Moodle's theme that makes online environments more clean and intuitive for learners and educators.

Its intuitive layout is optimized for online learning, focusing on the things that matter - your learning activities and content.

Moove frontpage

Moove start page

The new Moove brings a cleaner and standardized platform.

Texts, backgrounds, and fonts are more uniform and enjoyable

Some present features

  • Slideshow;
  • Marketing boxes, which can be disabled;
  • Site numbers;
  • FAQ;
  • And all blocks available on Site administration > Front page settings.

Footer area

A footer re-design was made to make it compact, but still having all important data like contacts, social media, Moodle stuff, and others.

Moove frontpage
Moove frontpage

Login page

Modern, responsive, and easy to use. If you do not have a front page for guest users, there is no problem, your first page will be perfect for your learners.

Login page can have 1 or 2 columns, depending on the elements your site have.

Moove frontpage

Front page

Nothing is too good that could not be improved! This is our frontpage.

Course cards received special care to bring a modern view view.

Moove frontpage

Course page

Moove keeps on its path to focus on what matters, your content!

The new course page is the page with more improvements on Moodle 4.0.

  • Course index navigation(which can be disabled in the theme settings): displays all course sections and activities;
  • Course blocks: now users can show/hide(already present on Moove);
  • New activities icons;
  • New visualization for activities restrictions, deadlines, completion;
  • New collapsible topics.
Moove frontpage

Profile page

The new Profile page was simplified but still improved.

User info, user interaction buttons, and some performance improvements.

New Moodle 4.0 special Moove features

Site font

Now it is possible to choose a font for your site.

Mobile APP links

You can redirect your users to download your Moodle APP.


It is possible now to create a FAQ to be displayed for your users on the front page.

Enable/Disable course index navigation

Moodle 4.0 introduced the course index navigation, which displays all course sections and activities on a left-side navbar. This resource is amazing, but if you don't like it, no problem, Moove can disable it for you.

Premium features

The main idea behind the Moove premium is to keep the open-source project alive. After a year of the launch of a premium feature, this feature will be added in the free version, so... it is time to add some cool stuff here. Wait for news.

Because education is for everyone.

Moove is the only theme with accessibility focus.

Moove accessibility settings

Accessibility features

  • Font type — currently there are only options to choose between the default font and the OpenDyslexic font. This is a new open-source font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia.
  • Enable accessibility toolbar — the bar has options for increasing and decreasing the site font size, and 3 different types of text contrast can be chosen.

The accessibility bar was inspired by the accessibility block, but all javascript has been rewritten, along with how the stylesheets are displayed.

When enabled, the accessibility bar is displayed at the top of the site, as you can see below.


You can see the theme documentation on


First way

  • Clone this repository into the folder theme.
  • Access the notification area in moodle and install

Second way

  • Download this repository
  • Extract the content
  • Put the folder into the folder theme of your moodle
  • Access the notification area in moodle and install

Stay updated!

Follow the theme profile in medium and stay inside the news. Link to the medium profile

Special thanks

  • Some designs were made in partnership with Kaptiva.
  • A special thanks to Irandy and all your efforts.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6


Willian Mano (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Philippe C
    Wed, 10 Jan 2024, 3:41 AM
    Very nice work, the best theme for Moodle. However, I have noticed some display bugs, sometimes inconvenient, since the latest Moodle updates. The content that appears in the TinyMCE text editor is displayed incorrectly. Even with Bootstrap tags, images do not appear in the right place, they do not have the correct size, they are distorted, and sometimes even the text is not in its proper place. I want to clarify that this only happens with TinyMCE and not with ATTO.
  • Brendan Clarke
    Wed, 14 Feb 2024, 12:47 AM
    hi I've tried five times now to instale moove the free to test before the premium - and used Cpanel but I keep getting a VAR error? any suggestions? thanks Brendan
  • Dave Foord
    Thu, 15 Feb 2024, 10:40 PM
    Hi - Is there any way that I can turn off/hide the accessibility options? I have just been made aware that for users that have the accessibility toolbar enabled, this can then cause problems for certain activities - e.g. h5p (where the presence of the accessibility toolbar pushes the 'start' button out of view).
  • mario gharib
    Thu, 29 Feb 2024, 5:10 AM
    Is it possible that the accessibility toolbar be ticked by default for all users?
  • Marco Tulio Mejía
    Fri, 15 Mar 2024, 12:03 AM
    Hola saludos, ayuda porque no puedo ingresar a la seccion de
    "configuraciones avanzadas"

  • Carlos Gallegos
    Sat, 13 Apr 2024, 3:46 AM
    Good afternoon, night or day. I had a question: can the premium theme be modified and customized?
  • Dr. Nellie Deutsch
    Tue, 30 Apr 2024, 3:43 PM
    Great theme! I have just upgraded to Moodle 4.4. Everything seems to be working well, but available courses appear on the left instead of the center and the card images are tiny. Can you check please? Thank you.
  • Francisco Carrizo
    Sun, 5 May 2024, 2:14 AM
    Good afternoon, I hope you're doing well. I have a Moodle instance with the URL /enrol/index.php?id=xxx. I added the course_info_box function to display the course description. The problem I'm having is that when I use the Moove theme, the course_info_box function gets hidden. Is there a way to make it continue appearing? Thank you very much!
  • German Ariel Chavez
    Tue, 7 May 2024, 4:33 AM
    Is there a way to include the main page FAQ menu in the categories?
  • Richard Pinnell
    Sat, 25 May 2024, 2:49 AM
    This is a great theme, but I seem to be having problems with the course cards displayed on the home page. I'm finding it really difficult to create images that display correctly in all scenarios. For example if I have 3 course they are displayed in one row, but if I have 4 courses the first 3 are displayed in one row next to each other and the fourth course is displayed on the next row on it's own. This mean that it takes up the entire row an the course card also spreads across the entire row. Similarly if I only have two course in a row they will take up the entire row. In each case the course cards are spread across the available space making it difficult to create course card images that display correctly in all scenarios. Is there a default size which I should use to create the course cards? If not how can I disable the course cards completely? Thanks
  • Sélim MEZITI
    Tue, 16 July 2024, 4:54 PM
    Hello everyone,

    I hope you can help me with a problem I'm encountering with the Moove theme after updating to Moodle 4.4 and Moove 4.4.1, running on PHP 8.3.

    The issue is with the responsiveness of the course cards on the homepage and the "My Courses" page. Specifically, the responsive design doesn't seem to be working correctly. On mobile devices, the three columns of course cards are displayed on the same line, making the text illegible.

    I've tried clearing the theme cache and ensuring all settings are correct, but the problem persists. I noticed that others have mentioned similar issues, so I'm hoping someone might have a solution or workaround.

    Thank you.
  • Sali Kaceli
    Wed, 17 July 2024, 7:35 AM
    Is there a way to add sections for various additional links in separate columns as part of the footer. We were able to do this in the 3.x version but not in 4.4.1 even with the premium version.
  • Sali Kaceli
    Wed, 17 July 2024, 7:36 AM
    Is there a way to make the login as part of the front page without the user having to click on Login on the top right each time? This used to be available in Moodle 3.x.
  • Sali Kaceli
    Wed, 17 July 2024, 9:38 PM
    Does anyone know how to access the data from a custom footer we had in Moodle 3.x using the Moove theme? In the Footer section we used to have a whole bunch of links and need them. The new upgrade to 4.4 did not retrieve that data. Is that data stored in the DB and if so where, or was it stored in one of the files of the Moodle theme?
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