
Themes ::: theme_klass
Maintained by LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle ExpertsLMSACE e-learning experts
Klass is fully responsive and coded with the latest techniques in HTML5 and CSS3,so it will work on all devices, all browsers, and it does it all seamlessly.Just download and make your e-learn website modern.
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5529 sites
241 fans
Current versions available: 14

Klass Theme Version 4.2

A new Modern Responsive moodle theme ‘Klass’ has been released for your online e-learning websites. This is a very very modern theme suitable for your school/college/university and other online educational websites. , This theme is fully responsive meaning your readers can enjoy viewing your site on android/ios / all devices for a seamless experience. 

 The Klass theme has been discontinued, and its style has been incorporated as a preset within the Academi theme!

We have multiple themes to manage. The process of reviewing each version upgrade, addressing bugs, and ensuring compatibility with the latest Moodle release is time-consuming, leading to delays in the themes' release. As a result, we decided to stop upgrading the eGuru, Klass, and Enlightlite themes after Moodle version 4.2. However, we have integrated the Klass theme style as a preset, along with additional features, into the Academi theme. In the future, we plan to release new presets with additional features and improvements.

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Change log:

01/08/2023: v4.2

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 4.2

25/01/2023: v4.1

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 4.1

05/05/2022: v4.0

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 4.0

21/05/2021: v3.11

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.11

30/11/2020: v3.10

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.10

22/06/2020: v3.9

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.9

22/11/2019: v3.8.0.1

  • Fixed custom CSS in the theme setting.

20/11/2019: v3.8

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.8

20/05/2019: v3.7

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.7

26/01/2019: v3.6.2

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.6.2

29/12/2018: v3.6.1

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.6.1

15/11/2018: v3.5.3

  • Fixed the login token security issue in the theme for the moodle ver-3.5 latest

17/05/2018: v3.5.2

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.5.2

12/05/2018: v3.5

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.5

29/12/2017: v3.4.0.4

  • fixed js file missing issues

14/11/2017: v3.4.0.3

  • fixed CSS issues

13/11/2017: v3.4.0.2

  • fixed CSS issues

10/11/2017: v3.4.0.1

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.4

17/05/2017: v1.5.1

  • Fixed installation issues
16/05/2017: v1.5

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.3
  • fixed CSS issues

24/04/2017: v1.4

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.2.2+

04/11/2016: v1.3

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.1.2+
  • Removed hard-coded texts and added language strings for those

28/12/2015: v1.2

  • Upgraded up to 3.0.1

03/08/2015: v1.1

  • Added a new logo for the theme
  • Theme settings are provided for frontpage "Who we are" section
  • Theme settings are provided to modify  links in the "INFO" block on the footer section
  • Theme settings are provided to change social media links in the "Get Social" block on the footer section
  • Theme settings provided to change copyright information on the footer section

12/07/2015: v1.0

  • Initial release


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Screenshot #8


LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle Experts
LMSACE e-learning experts (Lead maintainer)
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  • LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle Experts
    Thu, 16 July 2015, 2:49 PM
    Hi Jodie,

    Thanks for your great feedback , There is no content management option for this via admin in this version , will make it in next version, but we would like to guide you to change the details using the file
    Just go to your moodle root folder >> theme >> klass >> layout >> frontpage.php line number 62 approximately , there you can change with your own details

    Hope it will work fine , Please feel free to ask if you have any questions

  • lucho moyano
    Fri, 17 July 2015, 3:29 AM
    Thanks for your template. Please I would like to know
    1) How can I do automatic and more fast the slideshow pics?, by admin panel only can add pics, not automatically or faster. Is this function in layout/includes/slideshow.php? wich is de appropiate code please?
    2) I have create 02 new courses but the image per course in front page dont appears. How can add image to each course that i create and see it in front page?
    3) I follow the recomend image size inside admin to slideshow pics, So I put in this size 1366x385 px, but it seems too big. What is the more apropiate size to the slideshow pics to see good in PC, laptop, tablet and smartphone at same time?
    Thanks a lot !

  • LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle Experts
    Fri, 17 July 2015, 4:04 AM
    Hi Luchokike,

    Sure we would like to support you , Our dev team will answer you shortly.

  • Andrea Pruccoli
    Wed, 22 July 2015, 9:07 PM
    Hi, how can I add an image to the course presentation in front page? I don't get to achieve this.
  • LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle Experts
    Wed, 22 July 2015, 9:20 PM
    Hi Andrea,

    Just go to your Add course or Edit course settings and find the "Course summary files " in Description section and add your course image that's all you will get the course image in the front page.

  • Andrea Pruccoli
    Wed, 22 July 2015, 9:30 PM
    Many thanks!
  • Abbie Evitts
    Mon, 27 July 2015, 5:21 PM

    I've just downloaded the Klass theme and would like to know if you can change the colour of the background from blue or is it just a standard colour which cannot be changed?
    If you can change it please could you explain how to.

  • Keith Strickland
    Mon, 3 Aug 2015, 6:40 PM

    I feel great right now! I was able to actually edit the front page using your notes! You guys are great, and I really do appreciate all the hard work you put into doing this. I have another question though. How do I remove the "read more" link from the slider on the front page?

    Thank you,
  • LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle Experts
    Tue, 4 Aug 2015, 12:08 AM
    Hi Guys,

    We have released our Klass theme version 1.1 , Now the following things are included

    # Added new logo for the theme
    #Theme settings provided for frontpage "Who we are" section
    # Theme settings provided to modify links in "INFO" block on footer section
    # Theme settings provided to change social media links in "Get social" block on footer section
    # Theme settings provided to change copyright information on footer section

    Take a look and update.

  • Keith Strickland
    Wed, 5 Aug 2015, 1:50 AM
    How do I update your theme? Do I have to install the new update, or is there a process to just update the current theme so I do not have to redo anything?

  • Henry Nurdin
    Mon, 10 Aug 2015, 6:48 PM
    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for a great looking theme!

    One small point - I notice that the slideshow on the Home page does not start automatically, only once it has been clicked does it start scrolling. Is there some way of changing this so the default behaviouris to auto-scroll?

    Cheers - Henry
  • LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle Experts
    Mon, 10 Aug 2015, 8:34 PM
    Hi Henry,

    Please go to your moodle root folder >> theme >> klass >> layout >> includes >> slideshow.php and add the following script lines at the bottom of the page (please make sure you that shouldn't put this script inside the <?php tags)

    Even you can change the sliding duration by adjusting the value of interval 2000.

  • LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle Experts
    Mon, 10 Aug 2015, 8:39 PM
    Hi Henry,

    I believe Moodle restricting the script tags due to security purpose , please find the script code below and add the tags as mentioned
    // Please add the javascript open tag
    interval: 2000
    // Please add the javascript close tag

  • Frédéric Armand
    Mon, 10 Aug 2015, 9:43 PM
    thanks a lot for this great theme
    I can't manage a problem, when I connect on the home page, the slideshow does not appear !
  • Scott Farrington
    Fri, 14 Aug 2015, 1:13 AM
    Hey guys, I have installed the KLASS theme and it is fantastic. The only issue I am having is being able to manually enrol students. I have added the plugin but cant seem to find the option to enrol them anywhere?? Any ideas please. Thank you
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