
Themes ::: theme_klass
Maintained by LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle ExpertsLMSACE e-learning experts
Klass is fully responsive and coded with the latest techniques in HTML5 and CSS3,so it will work on all devices, all browsers, and it does it all seamlessly.Just download and make your e-learn website modern.
Latest release:
4757 sites
242 fans
Current versions available: 14

Klass Theme Version 4.2

A new Modern Responsive moodle theme ‘Klass’ has been released for your online e-learning websites. This is a very very modern theme suitable for your school/college/university and other online educational websites. , This theme is fully responsive meaning your readers can enjoy viewing your site on android/ios / all devices for a seamless experience. 

 The Klass theme has been discontinued, and its style has been incorporated as a preset within the Academi theme!

We have multiple themes to manage. The process of reviewing each version upgrade, addressing bugs, and ensuring compatibility with the latest Moodle release is time-consuming, leading to delays in the themes' release. As a result, we decided to stop upgrading the eGuru, Klass, and Enlightlite themes after Moodle version 4.2. However, we have integrated the Klass theme style as a preset, along with additional features, into the Academi theme. In the future, we plan to release new presets with additional features and improvements.

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Change log:

01/08/2023: v4.2

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 4.2

25/01/2023: v4.1

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 4.1

05/05/2022: v4.0

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 4.0

21/05/2021: v3.11

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.11

30/11/2020: v3.10

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.10

22/06/2020: v3.9

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.9

22/11/2019: v3.8.0.1

  • Fixed custom CSS in the theme setting.

20/11/2019: v3.8

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.8

20/05/2019: v3.7

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.7

26/01/2019: v3.6.2

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.6.2

29/12/2018: v3.6.1

  • Upgraded to support Moodle version - 3.6.1

15/11/2018: v3.5.3

  • Fixed the login token security issue in the theme for the moodle ver-3.5 latest

17/05/2018: v3.5.2

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.5.2

12/05/2018: v3.5

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.5

29/12/2017: v3.4.0.4

  • fixed js file missing issues

14/11/2017: v3.4.0.3

  • fixed CSS issues

13/11/2017: v3.4.0.2

  • fixed CSS issues

10/11/2017: v3.4.0.1

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.4

17/05/2017: v1.5.1

  • Fixed installation issues
16/05/2017: v1.5

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.3
  • fixed CSS issues

24/04/2017: v1.4

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.2.2+

04/11/2016: v1.3

  • Upgraded to support Moodle 3.1.2+
  • Removed hard-coded texts and added language strings for those

28/12/2015: v1.2

  • Upgraded up to 3.0.1

03/08/2015: v1.1

  • Added a new logo for the theme
  • Theme settings are provided for frontpage "Who we are" section
  • Theme settings are provided to modify  links in the "INFO" block on the footer section
  • Theme settings are provided to change social media links in the "Get Social" block on the footer section
  • Theme settings provided to change copyright information on the footer section

12/07/2015: v1.0

  • Initial release


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Screenshot #8


LMSACE - E-learning development company , Moodle Experts
LMSACE e-learning experts (Lead maintainer)
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إظهار التعليقات
  • Josick Guermeur
    الأحد، 29 نوفمبر 2020، 9:10 PM
    Hello I use moodle 3.9 and klass last version 3.9 and I just discovered that the slider does not work anymore?
    Do you were the probleme comes from and have a fix?
  • Jay Van Zeeland
    الثلاثاء، 13 أبريل 2021، 4:29 AM
    I have been working with the theme.css file to make changes to the colors of my site to have them match the color scheme of the rest of my web site. Can anyone tell me which variable or block that it is that controls the column titles on the participant screen? Somehow I managed to have that and the background the same color. Also, does anyone know how to change the background of the navigation block?
  • Ajit Singh
    الأربعاء، 26 مايو 2021، 6:25 PM
    Please share custom CSS to disable Navbar which is below the header. Need the slideshow to take maximum space.
  • Michael Milette
    الاثنين، 1 نوفمبر 2021، 6:10 AM
    Did you know? The domain for your demo site, lmsace.com, has expired.
  • Irith Herman
    الاثنين، 20 ديسمبر 2021، 7:55 PM
    When I use lists I cant see the bullets
  • Visvanath Ratnaweera
    الخميس، 23 ديسمبر 2021، 1:38 AM
    I discoverd Klass only recently. Very neat and practical. What I am looking for is the possibility of linking the "ReadMore" link in the tiles in site home to something other than the course itself. I have for example the course outlines as a site-wide glossary. Would like to link the ReadMore to an entry in the glossary.
  • Michael Milette
    الأربعاء، 26 يناير 2022، 8:47 AM
    I noticed that you moved your source files from GitHub to Bitbucket a while ago. Could you please update the "Source control URL" and "Issue tracker" links on the plugin's page on moodle.org?
  • luciano tronchin
    الجمعة، 18 مارس 2022، 11:46 PM
    Course thumbnail image in frontpage theme Klass. Course thumbnail image in frontpage, available courses, is too small; the image is as cut into the edges. I sent a message to LMSACE in order to have a css code to insert all the image in the thumbnail. But no response. So I did it myself. Here's the css code:
    .fp-coursebox .fp-coursethumb a img {
    width: 100%;
    vertical-align: middle;
    object-fit: contain;
  • Эдуард Скуматов
    الأحد، 20 مارس 2022، 11:54 AM
    Hello. Will there be a theme for Moodle 4? So far, it only works on Moodle 3.11, but does not work on Moodle 4. We are very accustomed to the theme Klass.
  • Andrea Merlin
    الأربعاء، 11 مايو 2022، 8:55 PM
    Hi, is possibile enable enlarge the number of characters into enroll page? Thanks
  • Daniel Pereira
    الثلاثاء، 11 أكتوبر 2022، 12:28 AM
    Is it possible to change the icons of the activities?
  • let's dance
    الاثنين، 31 أكتوبر 2022، 9:22 PM
    Hi, I am also wondering how I might change the icons of the activities. I would like revert to the Boost defaults, which seem to get displayed anyway once the activity is opened.
  • Nithyanandan LMSACE
    الأربعاء، 2 نوفمبر 2022، 6:51 PM
    Hi Daniel & Martin,

    To change the "Activity icons", please follow the below steps.

    Goto your moodle folder / theme / klass,

    In the klass theme create new folder "pix_plugins" / "mod"/ "mod_name" / "mymodule"

    Eg: theme/klass/pix_plugins/mod/assign/monologo (.png, .svg),
    Eg: theme/klass/pix_plugins/mod/quiz/monologo (.png, .svg)

    After changing the images,
    Dashboard / Site administration / Development / Purge caches
    and Clear the "Purge caches".

  • Sara Bozzini
    الثلاثاء، 14 فبراير 2023، 4:41 PM
    Hi, I installed Moodle 4.1 theme version. Inside the footer, columns titles don't appear. I mean the theme_klass translation of "info", "get_social" and "contact_us". In this new version is there a setting to show/hide them? Could you give me any help?
    Thank you
  • María Teresa Juárez
    الجمعة، 5 يناير 2024، 5:05 AM
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