Themes ::: theme_bcu
Maintained by Mike Grant, Jez H
Part of set BCU UI.
This is the theme from the moodle site of Birmingham City University. It's based on bootstrap and allows for extensive customisation and some unique features to help improve Moodle's usability.
Latest release:
429 sites
225 fans
Current versions available: 1

BCU Theme

This theme is no longer being actively developed, please see the forked Adaptable Theme instead.

This bootstrap based theme is in use on a large site and has been thoroughly tested using pretty well every possible permutation of a Moodle course including several third party course formats. It is customisable through admin settings and should serve you well!

Cool features: (at least we think so)

  • Toggle to hide show blocks in one click
  • Toggle to switch between fixed and full width
  • Support for bootstrap elements (Toggle, Modal, see our Bootstrap Elements Plugin Here )
  • Choice of two tiled renderers for My Courses on front page, one static and one with overlay

Home Page:

  • Jquery slider
  • Marketing spots on front page (three or four should render well)
  • 2 x info boxes on front page
  • My Courses rendered as "tiles" making better use of space
  • Four configurable blocks in theme footer (display sitewide)


Top navbar includes:

  • Messages icon showing alerts of unread messages + dropdown of users sending messages
  • Dropdown with users profile related links

Secondary navbar includes:

  • links to home, my home, events
  • My Courses drop down list of enrolled courses the order of which is controlled by My Home settings. Students can customise order of this navigation list in My Home. Drag courses to re-order them in My Home and the same order will be reflected in the drop down navigation
  • This Course drop down list provides consistent course navigation to activities (replicates activities block), participants and grades
  • Ability to add a "help" link into navigation for help pages

Other Features:

  • Ability to display a site wide message across the top of the site to notify of downtime or similar
  • Truncate course / category names in breadcrumbs, if you have long names and a deep category structure this will come in quite handy! (we plan to apply expanding breadcrumbs on mousever as seen in Essential theme)
  • Uses Font Awesome so icons can easily changed

Admin Settings: highly customisable with many settings:

  • Color pickers to alter look of theme
  • File uploader for slider images
  • File uploader for Logo
  • Field for stats tracking code (Piwik, Analytics etc)


We are continually improving the features in this theme and would appreciate feedback and suggestions you may have and If we like them we will integrate and update the version here.

If you find any problems please check the issue tracker, hopefully you will find we already have it on our list.

Future Plans: we will be adding more navigation items into the theme (configurable) with the aim of reaching a point where we can disable the administration and navigaion blocks for students giving a simplified more consistent way of navigating courses which is less dependant on the random availability and placement of blocks.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


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  • Jez H
    Tue, 23 Dec 2014, 6:17 AM
    Hi Mahmut,

    I think we will try to add the option for to dismis the sitewide notice across the top in the near future.

    The idea would be users could click a "x" icon once they had read the notice and it would disapear, or something along those lines.
  • Mawuli Gatro
    Tue, 30 Dec 2014, 5:29 PM
    Greetings everyone!
    I am a newbie here, i have just configured the BCU theme and selected it as default theme on the moodle 2.7 but no change. can someone please help me out?
  • Jez H
    Mon, 5 Jan 2015, 7:14 AM
    Hi Mawuli,

    You need to go to:

    site administration > appearance > themes > theme selector

    then click "change theme" next to default and select this theme. After doing that you should see the screen shot for BCU theme and it will be selected.

    I think that is what you have already done based on your comments above, so there are a couple of other things to check:

    1) Use the "clear theme caches" button in the theme selector page and see if that helps

    2) You may also need to select this theme for "mobile" "tablet" etc, particularly if you are accessing on a mobile device.

    3) Check your user profile does not have a different theme set as depending on your site configuration a setting at your profile level will override the site setting

    Hope that helps
  • Najah Noor
    Mon, 5 Jan 2015, 4:39 PM

    Thank you for the nice theme. I am working with the Safari 6.2 browser on Mountain Lion on a mac laptop. My server is linux running Php 5.4 and MySQL 5.5. I am using Moodle 2.8. I haven't used Moodle since 1.9x, so please bear with me. The procedure for installing themes has changed a lot.

    I tried both uploading and dragging and dropping an image to set the logo. Neither method worked. I cleared the cache but it would not show up. When I right clicked the broken image icon and requested it to load in a new tab I could see that there was a 403 forbidden error. The file permissions are not correct. I did not know where the file was located in order to manually change the permissions. The error message included a url but, as far as I can see, it not a real one but a php instruction.

    Where are the theme files located on the server? Must all customization be done through the plugin interface? How can I change the permissions for the file?

    Thank you and best wishes for the new year.

    Kind regards,
  • Daniel Munera
    Wed, 14 Jan 2015, 2:26 AM

    It is very nice the way you override the course renderers, look very nice.

  • Dwight Hawley
    Thu, 15 Jan 2015, 1:00 PM
    Just trying out the theme and really like it. When adding the slider on front page, can you tell me the optimum image size?
    A 311 x 162 pixel image got blown up huge, taking up half the width of the page and one-third the height and is terribly pixelated
    Any info greatly appreciated.

  • Jez H
    Thu, 15 Jan 2015, 6:10 PM
    Hi Dwight,

    Ours are 1140 x 300 but there is an issue with this slider as you move between full and fixed width using the toggle in the navigation bar.

    Whilst it looks ok on fixed width, if you go up to full screen on a widescreen monitor it will scale up to fill a lot of the screen and pixelate.

    I guess you could try a larger image which should scale down on smaller screens / fixed width.

  • baraa abd el-hady
    Sun, 18 Jan 2015, 6:30 AM
    greate work i have very nice look
    sorry but after i use the them i can't see the language menu

    also you give me the html code of the info boxes it have very nice buttons
  • Mawuli Gatro
    Tue, 20 Jan 2015, 12:09 AM
    Hi Guys,
    I have been able to installed the bcu theme and working perfectly but the top alert or info box wont disappear even if there is no message . I want to know how to hide it if i don't have any info to publish.
  • Rene Ouellette
    Thu, 22 Jan 2015, 5:42 AM
    Hi Gentlemen, Great work on the theme, quick and clean. I am wondering if I can enable an old style list choice instead of the Tile / Tile w Overlay to display the list of courses.


  • Elias Sfeir
    Thu, 22 Jan 2015, 3:28 PM
    Hey Mike,

    Let me start by thanking you on such a great theme.
    I was wondering if i can change the layout of the courses tiles on the front page by altering the size and the number of courses per row.

  • Rolf Petersen
    Thu, 22 Jan 2015, 11:26 PM
    Hi and a large THANKS to all who are involved in developing this great new theme. We are using it with M2.8.2 on Win-Server 2012/2 an everything works fine. Good job!!!.
    Now we got arequest, if it is possible to switch Blocks from right to left. Is there a simple way, or do we have ti dig deeply in config and/or css-files?
    Tanks a lot Rolf
  • Jez H
    Fri, 23 Jan 2015, 7:03 PM
    @Rolf: we will look at the L/R block alignment option can be done, longer term it would be good to let users choose their own layout, a first step to that would be an option in the theme settings to allow this.

    @Elias: Not at the moment, we spent quite a lot of time playing with different layouts and trying to find one that works full/fixed width with/without blocks on all devices is a bit of a pain. That said if you go full width without blocks showing on the front page it does not look the best, if we can improve it we will but I am afraid its not really a priority for us.

    @Rene: Yes we will do that and should have left that option in from the beginning particularly as the tiled layout does not work well if you use the "combo list" option on the front page.

    @Mawuli: Have you tried clearing your theme cache? We have never had a problem with that ourselves, once text is removed the top notice should disappear. Please let us know if you still have a problem with that (after clearing the theme cache which is an option/button in Moodles Theme Selector).

    @Baraa: There are no language packs for this, only English. If you want to create a language pack you will need to copy /theme/bcu/lang/en to another directory (for example I think fr would be french etc) and modify the theme_bcu.php file to add another translation. If people wanted to contribute language packs they could but they have to be maintained, so if we add new strings the lang packs would need to be updated. One way to do that would be to create another GIT repo others could contribute to. If you wanted to set one up on GitHub or similar we could add a link to it from this page.

  • Rolf Petersen
    Fri, 23 Jan 2015, 10:04 PM
    Hello jez H. That sounds like a good further developement. In the meantime I wonder, how to set up Header --> Help link. How to give this help link a certain target url outside Moodle i. e. 'www.company.net/help.html' and make that appear in a _blank window? I tried ---help--- But it does not work. Now it obviousley links to ...admin/support. But that I would have to set up again and again after every moodle-Update, don't I??
  • Rolf Petersen
    Fri, 23 Jan 2015, 10:09 PM
    Sorry, I forgot that html-tags will not show up.
    My try was with <a href="www.company.net/help.html" target="_blank">Help</a> but that didn't work
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