Themes ::: theme_bcu
Maintained by Mike Grant, Jez H
Part of set BCU UI.
This is the theme from the moodle site of Birmingham City University. It's based on bootstrap and allows for extensive customisation and some unique features to help improve Moodle's usability.
Latest release:
429 sites
225 fans
Current versions available: 1

BCU Theme

This theme is no longer being actively developed, please see the forked Adaptable Theme instead.

This bootstrap based theme is in use on a large site and has been thoroughly tested using pretty well every possible permutation of a Moodle course including several third party course formats. It is customisable through admin settings and should serve you well!

Cool features: (at least we think so)

  • Toggle to hide show blocks in one click
  • Toggle to switch between fixed and full width
  • Support for bootstrap elements (Toggle, Modal, see our Bootstrap Elements Plugin Here )
  • Choice of two tiled renderers for My Courses on front page, one static and one with overlay

Home Page:

  • Jquery slider
  • Marketing spots on front page (three or four should render well)
  • 2 x info boxes on front page
  • My Courses rendered as "tiles" making better use of space
  • Four configurable blocks in theme footer (display sitewide)


Top navbar includes:

  • Messages icon showing alerts of unread messages + dropdown of users sending messages
  • Dropdown with users profile related links

Secondary navbar includes:

  • links to home, my home, events
  • My Courses drop down list of enrolled courses the order of which is controlled by My Home settings. Students can customise order of this navigation list in My Home. Drag courses to re-order them in My Home and the same order will be reflected in the drop down navigation
  • This Course drop down list provides consistent course navigation to activities (replicates activities block), participants and grades
  • Ability to add a "help" link into navigation for help pages

Other Features:

  • Ability to display a site wide message across the top of the site to notify of downtime or similar
  • Truncate course / category names in breadcrumbs, if you have long names and a deep category structure this will come in quite handy! (we plan to apply expanding breadcrumbs on mousever as seen in Essential theme)
  • Uses Font Awesome so icons can easily changed

Admin Settings: highly customisable with many settings:

  • Color pickers to alter look of theme
  • File uploader for slider images
  • File uploader for Logo
  • Field for stats tracking code (Piwik, Analytics etc)


We are continually improving the features in this theme and would appreciate feedback and suggestions you may have and If we like them we will integrate and update the version here.

If you find any problems please check the issue tracker, hopefully you will find we already have it on our list.

Future Plans: we will be adding more navigation items into the theme (configurable) with the aim of reaching a point where we can disable the administration and navigaion blocks for students giving a simplified more consistent way of navigating courses which is less dependant on the random availability and placement of blocks.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


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  • Jez H
    Fri, 23 Jan 2015, 11:00 PM
    Hi Rolf,

    Just paste in the url (no html) with the http prefix like http://moodle.org/help and it will add the text / icon for you.

    At the moment I don't think you can alter the text via language customization in Moodle for the link text so changing the text from "help" to something else would require a change to the theme. Those strings can be added to the lang pack easily enough (allowing you to use Moodles language customisation to update them), it just looks like they got missed.
  • Rolf Petersen
    Fri, 23 Jan 2015, 11:31 PM
    Oh boy as easy as that... Thank you, works fine wink
  • Jez H
    Sat, 24 Jan 2015, 12:52 AM
    Hi Rolf, the latest version should allow you to left align the blocks if you want to try it
  • Rolf Petersen
    Sat, 24 Jan 2015, 9:00 PM
    Thanks a lot to all who are involved. That's what I was looking for! I already installed it and it looks fine!
    I have been a litte to euphoric with my last comment regarding the "Help-Link". In deed I got it work, but one small idea for further developement remains: It would be fine to have the possibility to make the help-Link show up in a new ...href target="_blank"... page.
    In fact that is not vital but would be nice.
  • Rene Ouellette
    Thu, 29 Jan 2015, 2:47 AM
    Hi Gents, I was wondering if it is possible to have the My Courses be displayed as a list rather than using one of the tiles choices? Theme looks great, and is very responsive. Thanks, Rene
  • Jez H
    Thu, 29 Jan 2015, 3:46 PM
    @Rolf, yes we will add an option for the target of that link

    @Rene, yes we will add that option too
  • Pete Wells
    Thu, 5 Feb 2015, 7:52 PM
    Firstly, thanks for this great theme... I just wanted to say that I'm having what might be a related problem. Namely that the slider image consumes the (almost the) full screen and I have to scroll-down to read the marketing banner and the rest of the page.
    If I might ask a more specific question here and it is - how can we control the amount of screen devoted to the displayed slider image?
    Thanks for any help that you can offer.....Pete
  • Sumanta Ghosh
    Fri, 6 Feb 2015, 2:11 PM
    It's really a gorgeous fresh looking theme. Simple but feature packed. Thanks a lot for that. I was wondering how will I be able to add the feature of hiding blocks in the footer like Essential theme. It's a great little tool for SCORM player pages. I don't know whether it is even possible to add that feature as I guess you certainly do have some controller overlay on the blocks which is letting you hide and unhide blocks. Please let me know if possible and kindly give me some lead I will try to add that feature.

  • Jez H
    Fri, 6 Feb 2015, 9:35 PM
    @Sumanta, thanks for your feedback smile

    Which feature are you talking about in essential, the ability to drag sidebar blocks to the footer and hide them?

    If so I am not sure we need that given our theme allows users to toggle blocks on / off already?

    Also you can set SCORM up to open in a new window / popup so blocks need not be an issue there?

    If you mean something else like hiding the footer blocks on certain pages we will probably be looking at that in the near future.

    If I have misunderstood what you mean please let me know smile
  • Dan Carpenter
    Mon, 9 Feb 2015, 6:24 PM
    Very nice theme you've got here. Customisation options are excellent.

    One things though.
    The "My Sites" link under the header appears on a separate line from the other links. Cant see it like that in your screenshots and looks a bit funny.

  • baraa abd el-hady
    Mon, 9 Feb 2015, 8:49 PM
    very very very good them only thing i want to have the support for rtl langauge
    and i created anthor langauge the lang switch does appeare

    even i go to the lang folder in the them and add new folder with new lang
  • Constance Horne
    Tue, 10 Feb 2015, 11:06 PM
    I need some help with the menu colors. After you have followed a link, colors are too dark to read. I am currently testing the new themes on my PC with a Wamp stack and v2.8.3. I have a pic if you need it.

    By the way, gorgeous theme!
  • Constance Horne
    Wed, 11 Feb 2015, 12:03 AM
    Also, this theme ignores the custom menu items. Is there any plan to allow these to show?
  • Jez H
    Wed, 11 Feb 2015, 8:21 PM
    @Constance, I am not sure what you mean about teh colors being too dark, could you PM me a screen shot?

    Yes we will be putting custom menus back but we want to get icons working with it which has been a bit tricky

    @Baraa, we don't need RTL so its not going to be a priority, we will make a note of it and if its quick to do may add it. If you know what needs to be done and are able to give us a patch we can apply it to our copy.

    @Dan, what size monitor are you using? I have seen that happen, sometimes on laptops when you go into "My Home" and turn "customize this page" on, but across the rest of the site I have not seen a problem with it. It should collapse some of the menus down to icons on smaller screens, by guess is your screen size maybe somewhere in between it being able to display correctly and collapsing.

    If you can send a screen shot and confirm your screen size / resolution that would be a help.
  • Ron Horner
    Sat, 14 Feb 2015, 6:59 AM
    In the footer, I would like to make one of the sections some Quick Links. The problem is the color is a dark blue and when you actually hover over the link it is the same color as the theme. Can't see it at all. Can't seem to change it anywhere.
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