
Blocks ::: block_stash
Maintained by Adrian Greeve, Frédéric Massart ⭐
Part of sets Stash, Gamification.
Add an inventory of items to your course and let your students find items by exploring the activities. #game #gamification

Stash 1.1.0 for Moodle 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Note This plugin version is no longer available here in the plugins directory.

Mary Cooch
Mary Cooch
Dydd Llun, 10 Hydref 2016, 6:29 PM
General comments
The Stash block brings gamification and motivation into a Moodle course with a slightly different take than with badges.Once the teacher has added the block to her course, she can then upload an image representing an achievement - a coin, some treasure, a key etc.Code is produced which the teacher can then add to various places in the course via the code icon in the Atto text editor so that when a student accesses those locations, the 'stash' object is displayed and the student can 'pick it up' ...
Documentation on the stash block is available as well as an introductory video so the technical side of setting up the block is well covered, although ideas for making the most of the block's potential are left to the imagination of the course teacher. One or more instances of the stash object may be placed in the course. In this example, the teacher creates a 'treasure' stash object from 'Set up' in the block and then clicks the 'Location' text to get the code needed to paste into the Atto...
The plugin was developed and is maintained by two members of Moodle HQ, Adrian Greeve and Frédéric Massart so you can expect it to be of high quality and kept up to date.