Restriction by course completion

Availability restriction ::: availability_coursecompleted
Maintained by RenaatRenaat Debleu
Restrict module and section access based on course completion.

Restriction by course completion 2.7 - 2.9 for Moodle 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0

Helen Foster
%A 09/27/2016D %B %Y, %H:%M
General comments
Restriction by course completion works in the same way as other availability restriction plugins such as 'Restriction by activity completion'. Restriction by course completion is extremely useful if you have a certificate of course completion, as it avoids having to add a long list of activity completion access restrictions. It can also be used to show a final feedback activity or a label with a link and enrolment key to a follow-up course. Restriction by course completion may also be ...
To use this plugin, obviously restrict access must be enabled on your site (as described in the documentation [Restrict access settings]( and also course completion (as described in [Course completion settings]( Restriction by course completion is very simple to use. A 'Course completed' restriction can be added to any activity, resource or course section in any course with course comp...
The plugin is currently maintained by Renaat Debleu, who has also [contributed several other additional plugins](, including another availability restriction plugin, restriction by language.