Embedded questions progress

Reports ::: report_embedquestion
Maintained by TimTim Hunt, at the OU (Perry building)Mahmoud Kassaei
Part of set Embed questions.
Works with the Embed questions filter to store Student's attempts permanently and make them available for review.
Latest release:
563 sites
18 fans
Current versions available: 3
This report works with the embed questions filter. It shows students and staff the progress they have made on all the embedded questions in a particular course or activity.


Screenshot #0


Tim Hunt (Lead maintainer)
at the OU (Perry building)
Mahmoud Kassaei: Developer
Chris Nelson: Product owner
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Yorumları göster
  • Tim
    Pzt, 20 Tem 2020, 5:10 Öğleden Sonra
    Sorry, this does not work on 3.5. It uses some stuff that is only available in more recent Moodle versions.
  • Morris Samuels
    Çar, 30 Eyl 2020, 10:00 Öğleden Sonra
    Hi all. Tim and Mahmoud, I'm very interested in this plugin, but can one of you please confirm whether there are more detail available regarding the attempts for each question than that shown in the screen capture that you have included above? The reason for asking that is I have a lecturer who has decided to use the Lesson activity for both his formative and summative assessments, but has bemoaned the fact that the option to download a detailed report of students' attempts is not available in that tool. Therefore, I was thinking of suggesting this as an alternative, if it provides that type of reporting.
  • Chris Nelson
    Çar, 30 Eyl 2020, 10:15 Öğleden Sonra
    Hi Morris,
    There is a little more attempt than shown (the screenshot is from v1.0 release) - you can click on the 'Latest attempt' for some extra information.
    But for the next release (December), we should have added even more detail - basically the same detail as if you were looking at a student's attempt in Moodle Quiz.
    The entire feature set has seen improvements every quarter, so I really should try to redo (and add additional images) in the next week or so!
  • Andreas Siebel
    Cum, 27 Kas 2020, 3:54 Öğleden önce

    is this plugin still alive? Last version and last commit in git is from july.

    I would be happy if this way of asking questions would be a real alternative.
  • Tim
    Cum, 27 Kas 2020, 4:42 Öğleden önce
    Yes, it is still activitely developed. It tends to get developed internally at the Open University, and then pushed to github when I get the time.

    Getting the time is currently blocked by the previously free automated testing setup we used ot use having stopped working for free https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=413252#p1669339. Pushing the latest version is on my todo list, but so is a lot more stuff.
  • Joseph Rézeau
    Per, 2 Eyl 2021, 5:29 Öğleden önce
    It says "This report works with the embed questions filter. It shows students and staff the progress they have made on all the embedded questions in a particular course or activity."
    How can a student view this report? They can only see their grades...
  • Chris Nelson
    Per, 2 Eyl 2021, 4:30 Öğleden Sonra
    Hi @Joseph Rézeau, in standard Moodle, it is a report that users can access via the Administration block (though I imagine many might hide this block from students). At the OU, we have some propriety content tech that we added the link to the report to, which is how students access it for our particular server configuration. I would assume that a Custom Block is how others might do it if the Administration block is hidden from students.

    Note that this progress report is more about 'participation' than 'grade'. It is primarily for GDPR purposes (user record review, export and deletion - student only sees their own, tutors should see their group only, higher-level faculty staff should see the whole cohort if there more than one tutor group).
  • Joseph Rézeau
    Cum, 3 Eyl 2021, 1:43 Öğleden önce
    Thanks for your answer @Chris. Actually, just found how a student can access this via the Admin block. And yes, I realize this report is only about participation, not about grade.
  • Sarah Poulin
    Çar, 9 Şub 2022, 7:00 Öğleden önce
    I have all 3 plugins installed and the embedded works great! However, where can I view student answers? In a normal quiz, I can go to Attempts: > Review Attempt (under the student) and then look at each answer for each question. But I don't understand how to view answers for questions added to a question bank and them not being in a quiz.
  • Chris Nelson
    Çar, 9 Şub 2022, 6:26 Öğleden Sonra
    Hi @Sarah Poulin,

    If no students have taken part yet, you might need to use the example student account to create an embedded question attempt first.

    Once you know you have data, and while looking at the activity that has the embedded question, you should find the "Embedded question progress" report link in the administration block. Assuming that there's at least one full attempt, you will then need to click on "Latest attempt" (right-hand column), and then on the "Grade" hyperlink. That'll give you the attempt.

    A better way to view all students in a group/cohort and see their latest/highest attempt for a specific embedded question (with export for analysis) is something we'd /like/ to do, but I honestly don't know when we can fit it in during the near future. If anyone feels that they could contribute that, we'd be over the moon!
  • Sarah Poulin
    Çar, 9 Şub 2022, 10:32 Öğleden Sonra
    @Chris Nelson,

    Ohhhhhh. I finally found it. But it's not working. I found it by going to the course main page, clicking on the gear (the Course Administration Block), going to "more," and then changing to the "Reports" tab. That's where I was failing to find it before. Changing the tab to "Reports."

    But when I click on "Embedded questions progress," I get "Can't find data record in database table context." I have the cron.php script running every minute, and I have run it manually several times too, but it doesn't resolve the problem.
  • Chris Nelson
    Çar, 9 Şub 2022, 10:46 Öğleden Sonra
    @Sarah It's always difficult trying to help from afar without screenshots kafasıkarışık. It sounds like you've found the course-wide report, which has a filtering bug (new version with the fix due soon) but is otherwise usable. However, you should still see an attempt. So let's start with the basics: are you definitely sure you have at least one full attempt (not a Preview) with a user in the activity (e.g. a forum or sub-page) the question is embedded in? Ah, potential gotcha: is the user enrolled on the course? If not, their data won't show in the course report.
  • Chris Nelson
    Cum, 11 Şub 2022, 11:47 Öğleden Sonra
    @Sarah: we've got our Test Server updated with the latest Moodle (v3.11.5) and plug-ins, and I now see the first issue you've reported: the report link isn't showing /anywhere/ obvious in the standard theme. However, I afraid I cannot replicate the "Can't find data record in database table context".
  • Stephanie Glick
    Per, 5 Eki 2023, 4:27 Öğleden Sonra
    Hi, I am using Moodle 4.1. I have embedded the questions in a Page. Can the question results be added to the gradebook?
  • Chris Nelson
    Per, 5 Eki 2023, 4:31 Öğleden Sonra
    @Stephanie: not at the moment, it's just the 'progress report', but Gradebook integration (and possibly a 'question completion' view like the current 'Activity completion' report) are things we'd like to do. Unfortunately more urgent jobs seem to add themselves to the top of our 'to do' list.
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