
Reports ::: report_coursestats
Maintained by my profile picturePaulo Júnior
That is a Moodle report plugin that helps the admin to known how the courses are being used by users (e.g. as forum, as file repositories or as activities repositories).
Latest release:
3840 sites
67 fans
Current versions available: 1


In our institution (Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Brazil - in portuguese, Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, we have an expressive amount of courses in progress (~ 1.7k in just one Moodle instance, called "Campus Virtual"). The sector that coordinates the activities related to the "Campus Virtual" administration is called "Diretoria de Educação à Distância (DIRED)". A question we have made to ourselves is: "how are all these courses being used by the professors?". 

In our preliminary research, we have found three main types of usage:

  • The course is simply used as a communication channel by means of the announcement forum (forum usage is not recorded unless it's a discussion created in the news forum);
  • The course is used as either a repository of files or a repository of URLs to external resources; and
  • The course is effectively used by means of several types of activities, such as Quiz, Chat, Lesson, Wiki, among others.

We believe that the knowledge about the courses usage types is important because this may improve the strategies of training and information dissemination about the resources available in Moodle. However, gathering the statistics of courses usage is not a trivial task, mainly when this is performed in a manual way; the last time we did that, it took us 16 hours of our precious time ;).

Hence, we developed "Courses Usage Statistics"; this is a Moodle report plugin that helps the admin to known how the courses are being used by users (e.g. as forum, as file repositories or as activities repositories). Feel free to use and contribute to this project by improving the plugin functionality or letting us to know about possible bugs existing in its code.

Important: this plugin only records information after it's been installed.


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my profile picture
Paulo Júnior (Lead maintainer)
Alexandre José de Carvalho Silva: Product Owner
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აჩვენე კომენტარები
  • my profile picture
    ოთხ, თებ 5 2020, 3:34 AM
    Hi Abdullah. Certainly, this is a great feature. It's in our wish list for development...
  • Sabine Fritsch
    ხუთ, მარ 12 2020, 3:46 PM
    Dear Paulo,

    thank you for this great plugin! This is really useful for us.
    I have a question to you:
    Can you explain me how often the analyses are running?
    Yesterday (March, 11, 2020), I did some changes in one course (adding links or documents and deleted tests). So the course is now using as a repository and no longer in use as active course.
    However, the course statistics doesn’t actualize their analyses. The last update date is March, 6, 2020 and the course is still an active course.

    Have you an idea why there is no update?

    Thank you very much for your help!
  • my profile picture
    ხუთ, მარ 12 2020, 7:14 PM
    Hi Sabine.

    Thanks for your question. There is an order of relevance about the types of usage of virtual courses: A. as an announcement forum; B. as a file repository; and C. as a framework of activities. Hence, when a professor accesses his/her virtual course for the first time and register a post in the forum, the type of usage of his/her course will be “Announcement Forum”. Later, if he/she accesses the course again and upload a PDF file with class notes for the students, the type of usage of his/her course will become “Repository”. It is considered that the way of using his/her virtual course has progressed. If the professor posts a new message on the announcement forum to advise students that class notes are available, the type of usage of his/her course will remain “Repository”. As the course has already been used as repository, its usage can not be regressed to announcement forum.

    Best regards. Paulo.
  • Sabine Fritsch
    პარ, მარ 13 2020, 3:27 PM
    Hi Paulo,
    thank you very much for your helpful response.

    Best regards
  • Diego de la Riva
    პარ, მარ 27 2020, 4:07 AM
    Hi, there is a way to allow users to see the reports without being administrators. For example with a custom role.
  • my profile picture
    პარ, მარ 27 2020, 8:22 PM
    Dear Diego.

    This is a recurrent question, but, unfortunately, the plugin does not support this feature. We actually intent to develop it in the future.

    Best regards.
  • Diego de la Riva
    ორშ, მარ 30 2020, 10:39 PM
    Dear Paulo, thanks for your answer.
    It would be useful to add 2 things: the full name of the course in the usage detail and a list of unused courses.
    Best regards.
  • my profile picture
    სამ, მარ 31 2020, 4:05 AM
    Dear Diego.

    It is a pleasure to inform you that we implemented the first issue you mentioned (plugin version: 2.9). However, we do not understand the second one, since the plugin already has a link that redirect the user to the list of unsed courses.

    Best regards. Paulo.
  • Ricardo Caiado
    სამ, აგვ 18 2020, 4:39 AM
    Oi, alguma previsão para lançar uma versão compatível com M3.9+?
  • my profile picture
    სამ, აგვ 18 2020, 10:12 PM
    Olá Ricardo.

    Já atualizei a versão. Agradecemos pelo interesse.

    Até mais.
  • Damion Martin
    შაბ, სექ 5 2020, 3:24 AM

    I recently installed the plugin on my Test site. I'm not seeing the field "User profile field" to add users first and last name under the column section. Am I missing anything?
  • my profile picture
    შაბ, სექ 5 2020, 3:30 AM
    Hi, Damion. This plugin does not contain "User profile field". Are you sure it is about this plugin?
  • Abdullah Hasan Tufail
    ხუთ, აპრ 29 2021, 4:06 PM
    Dear Paulo, Just checking upon, If I (as a MyMoodle site administrator) could assign specific "teachers" with administrative rights in this plugin so that they could view course usage statistics w.r.t their course categories. This will allow me to delegate course usage monitoring to senior faculty members respectively. Instead i go down to multiple and lots of sub-categories one by one to explore active/inactive courses.
  • Wynand Louw
    ოთხ, დეკ 21 2022, 11:02 PM
    Is this ready for PHP8 and M4.1?
  • Snip Togar
    სამ, ნოე 14 2023, 5:32 AM
    I think, stats should be categorized into terms. For instance; I must see fall term stats except from spring term.
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