Course completion overview

Reports ::: report_completionoverview
Maintained by Jim H, Ian F
The course completion overview report is a simple reporting tool based on the existing course completion report. This plugin allows the Moodle Admin and system level Managers to view course completion tracking information from a centralised location rather than having to access each course individually.
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Current versions available: 1

The course completion overview report is a simple reporting tool based on but extending the existing course completion report (report/completion) written by Aaron Barnes <>. This plugin allows the Moodle Admin and those assigned as system level Managers to view course completion tracking information for all courses from a centralised location (Administration > Site Administration > Reports) rather than having to access each course individually.

The course completion overview report extends the existing completion report by:

  • Detailing courses where completion tracking isn't enabled
  • Showing a simple table with course enrolment numbers, completions and non completions per course where completion tracking is enabled
  • Showing a simple table with the date and time learners started modules tracking completion, the date and time they completed the final module tracking completion and their overall course grade
  • Enabling access to course and learner completion information from a centralised point

Install this plugin in the normal way via Administration > Site Administration > Plugins > Install Plugins. Drag and drop the zipped folder (or browse to it), select 'Site report (report)' as the plugin type and click 'Install plugin from the ZIP file'

Admins and system level managers can access the reporting tool via Administration > Site Administration > Reports > Course completion overview


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Jim H (Lead maintainer)
Ian F: Contributor
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  • Jim H
    Thu, 20 June 2019, 12:56 AM
    Hi VPhyre

    Thank you for getting in touch and for using my plugin smile

    There are a few steps that you need to go through to enable course completion tracking. These are normal Moodle core/admin settings and not specific to my plugin

    First enable course completion site wide:
    Administration > Site administration > Advanced features - tick the Enable completion tracking option

    Second, enable course completion at course level by going to the course settings and enabling completion tracking

    When you have done the 2 steps above you should see a course completion link in your gear menu or navigation block

    You need to click this and then complete the course completion settings and activity completion settings

    All the info you need can be found here:

    Hope this helps!

    Oh, and by the way, your English is very good! smile


  • Syam Prasad
    Thu, 22 Aug 2019, 6:48 PM
    Is this compactable with Moodle version 3.6 and above. If not can you please suggest an alternative where I will be able to view the progress of multiple employees at once for various courses. (My version is 3.6.3)
  • Arun Kumar
    Wed, 4 Sept 2019, 8:31 PM
    In the Course completion report the completion Count is mismatch, to view the course select drop down individually ,can you make this issue periodically eg: completion count shows one at top in below drop down select the course to view the enrolled users completed users is two as shown in course completion column
  • Jim H
    Tue, 10 Sept 2019, 2:00 AM
    Hi Syam

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you

    I've only tested the plugin up to 3.4. It may work with later versions but it hasn't been tested and it's possible that core changes may mean it no longer functions.

    You are free to test it on your version of moodle but I would do so in a safe testing environment.

    Alas, I don't know of any plugin that does a similar job.

    Hopefully at some point I will have time to test the plugin against later versions of moodle.

  • Jim H
    Tue, 10 Sept 2019, 2:02 AM
    Hi Arun

    Thanks for getting in touch

    I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you are asking.

    Where are you seeing a mismatch of data?

  • Niaz Ud din
    Tue, 21 Apr 2020, 9:45 AM
    There are a few steps that you need to go through to enable course completion tracking, but is there any way that tells you how to enable module completion
  • Stephanie Worden
    Tue, 28 Apr 2020, 2:46 AM
    I've just installed the plugin and am really happy with what I've seen so far, primarily the report where I can see how many students are enrolled in a course, and how many students have completed/not completed each course. I see in the third screenshot what looks like a breakdown in a course of what activities each student has completed, as well as a listing of students who have not started the course. I've tried looking through the documentation, but can't find how to view this type of report. How do I do that?

    Also, I see another user of this plugin has requested the ability to filter out, or at least have a column listing, suspended users. I would like to second this request.

  • Niaz Ud din
    Thu, 21 May 2020, 1:17 PM
    Hi Aaron and Jim,
    I’ve been asked by one of our partners for a report on how much time students are spending on average completing individual modules on the Practical Dermoscopy course specifically. Could you please help us to tracks everyone’s participation I’m just unsure how to retrieve it.

    Thank you
  • Orlando Acevedo
    Sun, 21 June 2020, 1:06 AM
    Very good plugin. It would be even better if it could be filtered by users who completed the course and also gave you the option to download them in an Excel spreadsheet or even send to them a message through the platform.
  • Ray Shen
    Mon, 24 Aug 2020, 9:15 AM
    Hey Jim,
    We are using this amazing plugin. I can't not see any student in" course completion" status. I configured the activity completion and it works in the course completion overview. But no mark shows in the "course completion" columns. We want to get the student's course start time and complete time. But since i can't find the course status changed. I assumed that i can't get the time. The scenario is i got some students score of this course right now. Here i want to see their completion status and the course completion time. But after configuration, i can only see the activity completion. But no other data shows in the course completion overview. Did i miss any configuration?
  • Luis Gonzales
    Fri, 16 Oct 2020, 6:42 PM
    hello, with your plugin for moodle : completionoverview
    how i can add one more colum with the information of first access the user on

    thanks !
  • Eric Foster
    Fri, 2 July 2021, 3:45 AM
    Hi. The plug in is very useful. One upgrade would be a list of any courses that were completed within a specific date range.
  • Abhiram Yerramilli
    Tue, 17 May 2022, 11:20 PM
    I am using Moodle 3.10 and I have installed this plugin to monitor course completion. However, when I tested it, I only see the activity completion being ticked. Course completion box is still blank.
    I went and checked admin and course level settings to see if I needed to enable completion tracking, but I see that they are enabled already. I need this feature to work as expected, I am sure it saves a lot of time for me. Please suggest.
    Abhiram Y.
  • Vladimir Miranovic
    Sat, 6 Aug 2022, 2:07 AM
    Hi Abhiram, I hope that I am not too late with my reply. I have this very helpful plugin installed on 3.10 too (thank you, Jim and Ian). Now back to your problem, can you check if any of the courses have completion set.
    - Activity completion is one setting on course edit page - Edit settings > Completion tracking > Enable completion tracking (yes or no).
    - Course completion is different setting (link) in course administration block, where you need to choose which conditions must be met, for system to consider (mark or check) that course completed (for particular user).
    If first option is set then you will see in administration block - Administration > Course administration > Course completion - (just below Edit course).
    I hope this will help.
  • seaghan moriarty
    Fri, 30 June 2023, 10:12 PM
    May I ask - Have you any plans to update this plugin for Moodle 4.x? Thank you!
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