Favourite plugins

List of plugins that have been marked as favourite by the Moodle community members.
Name Plugin type Short description Lead maintainer Favourited
VlabEmbed Filters A Moodle filter plug-in to embed ChemCollective Virtual Lab problems using the Vlab Java applet. It embeds any assigments (both local and global). This filter will replace links to a Vlab file (.xml) in [vlab]...[/vlab] block with a java applet that plays that ChemCollective Virtual Lab inline. Pavlo Nechipurenko 2
Attendancetable Block Blocks Plugin based on Attendance and Attendancetable Report that shows tutors their student's with the lowest attendance percentage and students their own session info and percentages on each course. Students may add this block to their dashboard. Alexis A22 FCT Navas Esteban 1
Own Context Class General plugins (Local) Manual on "how to build" your own context class for dynamic php pages with all the elements of the moodle universe. This is NOT a full working plugin, but an context class extension to your system. Danou Nauck 1
COORAD Activities Coorad Bridge is a COORAD Resource module. It let you nest within your Moodle Site all COORAD resources you need (COORAD is a free open source Configurable Object Oriented Rapid Application Development system). Cristian Natale 1
Office On Moodle Activities The Office On Moodle module enable to use Office Online in Moodle.You can select "share file" or "view file" from your Onedrive. And can select group for "share file". Tomoyuki Nakamura 1
Download essay submissions Quiz reports Moodle Quiz Report Plugin for downloading essay submissions. Kashmira Nagwekar 14
Merge PDF Files Administration tool The ‘Merge PDF Files’ plugin offers the user a convenient way by which they can merge the files (only PDF documents) in a Moodle course. Kashmira Nagwekar 4
Online Judge General plugins (Local) The Online Judge plugin for Moodle is designed for courses involving programming. It can automatically grade submitted source code by testing them against customizable test cases (ACM-ICPC/Online Judge style). Andrew Naguib 1
Site Statistics Blocks This block displays the site statistics (total number of active users, courses, activities and disk usage) on dashboard. It also provides hyperlinks to the user management, course management and activity management page. Santosh Nagargoje 1
CSV format import Question formats Import and export multiple choice question with five answer options. Modified from plugin originally https://moodle.org/plugins/qformat_csv contributed by Gopal Sharma. Fikri N 1
MyLiveChat Blocks My LiveChat plugin for Moodle provides an easy way to integrate your Moodle-powered website with the LiveChat solution. My LiveChat is a fast, high performance and most user-friendly live chat solution. It allows you to live chat with website visitors, monitor site traffic, and analyze visitors' web activities, including their search engine and keyword usage. adam mylivechat 8
Srce 2.2 - Universal Design Theme Themes This theme is made for better visual accessibility mode, but with design and colors that retain good look. It doesn't have super-high contrast, which can be set with block Accessibility, but it has bigger and leveled fonts for better visual accessiblity. Vedran Mušica 5
moosh Utilities Moosh stands for MOOdle SHell. It is a commandline tool that will allow you to perform most common Moodle tasks. It's inspired by Drush - a similar tool for Drupal. Tomasz Muras 96
Easy Collapsible Course formats Esaycollapsible is an easy plugin to make topics format courses collapsible. Stefano Mura 1
Dropout Detective™ General plugins (Local) Dropout Detective™ identifies students that are most at risk of dropping out of or failing courses. Kim Munzo 41
Archaius Themes Archaius is a moodle theme with several options to customize your Moodle Daniel Munera 52
Source code Pro TinyMCE An improved code editor for tinyMCE6 based on codeMirror6. Josep Mulet 5
Delegate Application General plugins (Local) The delegate plugin is a useful solution. As a result of a mutual discussion between a delegator and delegatee, the delegator gives his responsibility to the delegatee. With this plugin the delegator ie. a teacher / non-editing-teacher / the equivalent role can ask the admin to delegate their responsibility of any course, to the delegatee ie. the other teacher / non-editing-teacher / the equivalent role who both have been already enrolled in the same course. Sandipa Mukherjee 1
Course contents Blocks Course contents block displays a list of all visible sections (such as topics or weeks) in the course. Clicking at a link scrolls to that section or displays just that particular section, depending on the course layout setting. David Mudrák 92
Moodle plugin skeleton generator Administration tool Allows developers to quickly generate code skeleton for a new Moodle plugin. David Mudrák 91
Cohort members to group Enrolment Cohort to group sync for users already enrolled via different method. David Mudrák 54
Stamp collection Activities The Stamp collection module allows a teacher to give "stamps" (i.e. picture with a comment, similar concept to badges) to students so they collect these stamps. The activity can be used in many ways, such as motivative bonus marks, absence marks, certification records etc. David Mudrák 41
Marklar Text editor Reclaim the control over formatting your text with this Markdown friendly editor for Moodle. Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format that is automatically converted to structurally valid HTML. David Mudrák 31
Course auto-approval Administration tool Moodle plugin allowing to automatically process the pending course requests. David Mudrák 15
Participation credit Workshop evaluation plugins Simple grading evaluation method that gives credit to peer-reviewers just for their participation in the activity without comparing their assessment with the others. David Mudrák 14
Moderator Guide Blocks This block displays guides for external teachers/graders. These guides are created by teachers and are based on templates created by administrators. The template creation system allows the generation of Moodle forms containing textarea, file uploader and links. Jérôme Mouneyrac 10
Course guide Activities This plugin allows a teacher to create a guide. However the teacher cannot create his own "freestyle" guide, when tutors add a Course guide activity in their course, they must pick a template. Jérôme Mouneyrac 9
Oauth2 Easy Themes Obsolote: this theme is not used anymore as the Oauth2 auth plugin now display the buttons. Jérôme Mouneyrac 1
Search Questions General plugins (Local) Adds text search to the question bank. Ray Morris 20
Question bank unused questions General plugins (Local) Extends the Moodle question bank to find questions which are / are not used in a quiz. Ray Morris 19
Stripe Payment gateways Connect Moodle with Stripe to collect payments through various providers. E.g. credit cards, Alipay, Sofort. Requires a Stripe account. Alex Morris 31
Forum discussion embed Filters Embed forum discussions anywhere with filter tags. Alex Morris 15
Restrict by marking guide criterion score Availability restriction Restrict course activity & resources by assignment marking guide score Alex Morris 6
Task List Blocks Allows users to manage their own short list of tasks. Alex Morris 5
Restrict by rubric criterion grade/level Availability restriction Restrict course activity & resources by assignment rubric grade/level Alex Morris 2
User Sync CSV General plugins (Local) Moodle users import/export via CSV files Antonello Moro 23
Dropdown dynamic menu User profile fields Dynamic menu user profile field for moodle Now users can create user menu fields whose values are retrieved from the moodle DB. Antonello Moro 15
Dynamic Multi Select User profile fields Dynamic Multi Select user profile field for Moodle. Now users can create user multi select fields whose values are retrieved from the moodle DB. Antonello Moro 11
Café con leche Themes Theme based in Decaf, more easily customizable. ES: Tema basado en Decaf, más fácimente personalizable y traducido, también, al español. Jose Alejandro Morán Pérez 3
Innovate News Blocks This block is a Moodle custom text marquee. You can create custom text with active and inactive. It's a tool suitable for admins to display the text and information in the block of body content. SVS Moodle 1
NOACSC Progressbook grade export module Exports The NOACSC Progressbook grade export module exports grades in a format that can be directly imported in the Progressbook gradebook application. When in your gradebook, the entry "NOACSC Progressbook file" will be available with the other grade export options that ship with Moodle. Select that option and follow the prompts. NOACSC Moodle 1
Inspire Administration tool The Inspire plugin implements open source, transparent next-generation learning analytics using machine learning backends that go beyond simple descriptive analytics to provide predictions of learner success, and ultimately diagnosis and prescriptions (advisements) to learners and teachers. From Moodle HQ. David Monllaó 30
Moodle flavours General plugins (Local) Tool to package (into downloadable files) and deploy sets of Moodle plugins, settings, language packs and language customizations David Monllaó 24
Students at risk of missing assignment due dates General plugins (Local) This Moodle plugin adds a new predictive model to identify students that are likely to miss assignment due dates. The model automatically generates insights for teachers about these students. David Monllaó 9
Course/site navigation Blocks This Plugin will create block for total course navigation Rajul Mondal 1
Offline Grading methods This Advanced Grading plugin allows course administrators to submit rubrics they have created offline and have it automatically inserted into the system when uploaded to use for grading. Zafeer Mohammed 3
SageCell Filters A Moodle filter plug-in to view results of Sage code using the SageMathCell server. It embeds any code as plain text. This filter will replace Sage code in [sage]...[/sage] block with the result of calculations in embedded sagecell. Eugene Modlo 5
SAML2 SSO Auth Authentication Authentication using exists SimpleSAMLphp Service Provider Daniel Miranda 16
Assignment submission and export report Reports Assignment report and data/files export. Particularly handy for anonymous assignments. Howard Miller 27
Course overview (legacy) Blocks The Course overview block is visible on a user's Dashboard and shows a list of all courses in which a user is enrolled/has an assigned role. Howard Miller 17