Safe Exam Browser quiz access rule

Quiz access rules ::: quizaccess_safeexambrowser
Maintained by TimTim Hunt, Luca Bösch
This quiz access rule plugin provides Safe Exam Browser 2.0 integration for Moodle
Latest release:
852 sites
38 fans
Current versions available: 4

Note! since Moodle 3.9 a better SEB integration is built into the standard Moodle release. You probably don't need this plugin any more.

This quiz access rule was created by Tim Hunt at the Open University. It provides integration for Safe Exam Browser 2.0 or later with Moodle. It can be used with versions 2.7 of Moodle, or later.

If you install this plugin, there is a new option 'Allowed browser exam keys' on the quiz settings form where you can enter valid keys for version of SEB that should be allowed to attempt the quiz. There is also a new capability 'Not required to use Safe Exam Browser'. Users with that capability (by default teachers and above) are exempt from the secure browser check.

Note this plugin is not needed from Moodle 3.9 onwards any more. Its function is embedded in the default quizaccess_seb access rule. Version 'Release 1.4 for Moodle 3.4+ (20200727)' is the final release.


Screenshot #0


Tim Hunt (Lead maintainer)
Luca Bösch: Developer
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  • Carlos Lopez
    Tue, 4 Sept 2018, 2:36 AM
    My institution would like to protect a little more the content like the review after the exam because the students sometimes copy the information to other students in the review. Is there any way to force the use of the browser in the entire site with moodle?
  • Tim
    Wed, 5 Sept 2018, 12:15 AM
    Carlos, that would require custom coding. If your site uses a custom theme, then putting this sort of protection code in the theme is a good way to do something that affects every page without changing core code. It should be possible to just call the the functions in this plugin to check for SEB, which should minimise the amount of code that you need to write.
  • Joseph Liaw
    Tue, 25 Sept 2018, 9:35 AM
    +1 to Carlos' request to require Safe Exam Browser to Review quiz attempts--is there a way to modify the SEB quiz access rule to also check for the SEB for quiz attempt reviews?

    Any hints on what code would need to be modified or would it be possible to extend this plugin to also include checking for SEB for quiz attempt reviews?

    Also wanted to provide positive feedback that the SEB access rule works flawlessly with Moodle and has been a HUGE boost for our teachers to try electronic quizzing and allow students to retake quizzes for mastery and learn from mistakes since quizzes can now be delivered securely...thank you for sharing your great work with the Moodle community!
  • Heikki Wilenius
    Mon, 12 Aug 2019, 4:34 PM
    Any plans to support Safe Exam Browser's new Config Key feature? That would remove the hassle of updating Browser Exam Keys.
  • Tim
    Mon, 12 Aug 2019, 6:01 PM
    I don't have plans like that. I assume that the makers of SEB are planning to implement something.
  • Heikki Wilenius
    Mon, 12 Aug 2019, 6:33 PM
    Thanks for the quick reply. Ok, I'll ask the SEB devs then.
  • Edwin Yeong
    Wed, 1 Apr 2020, 10:35 AM
    Hi guys, I like this plugin. Used it with my moodle version but now I have upgraded my moodle to moodle 3.7. I would like to ask if this could be installed into 3.7? Because I don't see the direct install option available. Please advise.
  • Abdullah Hasan Tufail
    Mon, 6 Apr 2020, 9:49 PM
    Hi guys, I am using MOODLE 3.7, and have installed SEB 1.3 in the MOODLE environment. But when a student access Quiz through SEB, no option comes for starting the quiz for a student. Is there SEB 1.3 compatibility issue with MOODLE 3.7 or some configuration needed to be done?
  • mario gharib
    Thu, 9 Apr 2020, 2:10 AM
    Dear Moodlers,

    Does anyone knows how to allow Microsoft Teams to be added to the list of Application in the configuration File of the Safe Exam Browser ??? Is it possible ?

  • Asher Baig
    Sun, 12 Apr 2020, 11:50 PM
    Plugin update required for version 3.8
  • Luca Bösch
    Sat, 4 July 2020, 1:04 AM
    Note: This plugin is neither needed nor maintained from Moodle 3.9 anymore.
    This is because its functionality is built in.
    Two plugins, one shipped (experimental setting) and this one were both merged into a new standard one
    quizaccess_safeexambrowser ⬂
    ----------------------------------------------- quizaccess_seb
    quizaccess_safebrowser ⬀
  • Joseph Liaw
    Tue, 28 July 2020, 8:06 AM
    Congratulations Luca and Tim for your work being put into the Moodle core! Thanks for sharing your great work with the Moodle community!
  • Yazmin
    Sun, 30 Aug 2020, 10:16 AM
    Hola, he actualizado la versión del Moodle a 3.9 , pero cuando hago clic en el botón de Activar edición me muestra el siguiente mensaje: Detectado un error de codificación, debe ser corregido por un programador: Invalid component used in plugin/component_callback():quizaccess_safebrowser
    Alguien que me ayude por favor
  • Irith Herman
    Thu, 3 Sept 2020, 5:17 PM

    I Crated a new moodle site 3.9.1

    Then restord courses from moodle 3.7/

    now when i want to add an activity Igot this error

    Invalid component used in plugin/component_callback():quizaccess_safebrowser
  • Luca Bösch
    Thu, 3 Sept 2020, 5:52 PM
    Dear Irith.
    To me, that sounds like something you should report to, since it does not have to do with the quizaccess_safeexambrowser 3.7 and 3.8 backport which is the subject here.

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