Proctoring quiz access rule

Quiz access rules ::: quizaccess_quizproctoring
Maintained by Take2 Technologies, Asha Yadav
Proctoring quiz access rule plugin offers quiz surveillance through the proctoring interface. It helps in a candidate’s identity verification and proves fruitful in generating warnings for unfair participation.
Latest release:
43 sites
13 fans
Current versions available: 3

📢Attention all users!

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest and most advanced proctoring plugin,"Take2 Proctoring". which is now available for download. This new version encompasses enhanced features and improved performance.

🚀 What's New

💯Exclusive Feature: Live Group Proctoring:  Available only through the Take2 Proctoring API, our live Group Proctoring feature offers real-time supervision, enhancing security and integrity during exams.

💲More Features, Lesser Price: Take2 Proctoring delivers a robust suite of features at a price that fits your budget, ensuring you get the best value in the industry.

🔗Advanced API Integration: Use of our proprietary API by default, with an option for users to switch to the AWS API based on their preference.

💻User-Friendly Interface: A redesigned interface for a more intuitive user experience.

🔍Improved Identity Verification: Enhanced image verification processes to ensure accuracy and security.

⏰Real-Time Alerts: Prompt responsive and configurable real-time monitoring and intervention warning systems.

🔧Enhanced Compatibility: Better compatibility with various Moodle versions and server environments.

👀 For any demo, queries or support please reach out to us at 🎯

Download the new version today and experience the enhanced features and performance improvements!

Developed by Take2 Technologies, this Moodle™ proctoring plugin is easily accessible. It monitors the quiz by capturing the user’s activity with the webcam at custom-specified intervals. It executes identity verification by checking the candidate’s image against the proctoring image captured during the quiz.

Also, the plugin warns the candidate if any deviation from attempting the quiz is detected. One can also set the number of warnings and the time interval between the image-capturing process.



All the functionalities of the quiz activity are present. The capabilities are as followed:

  • The quiz is opened in a proctoring interface. 
  • A custom number of warnings can be applied. 
  • Automatic quiz submission when all the warnings are exhausted. 
  • The candidate’s identity verification is ensured.


  1. You can download the plugin from Moodle Plugin Directory and install it by going to the Site administration -> Plugins -> Install Plugins page; or
  2. Download the zip file, Extract the folder, and copy the 'quizproctoring' folder into root/mod/quiz/accessrule/.

New Quiz Settings:

Once the plugin is installed and configured in moodle, follow these instructions to enable proctoring for the quiz:

  1. Go to your course and turn on Edit Mode.

  2. Add a quiz from Add an activity or resource; or If you already have a quiz, Go to Edit Settings of the quiz.

  3. In the Extra restrictions on attempts section, select yes to enable the proctoring for the quiz.

  4. Set up the Time interval between the proctoring image capturing, during the quiz.

  5. Set up the number of warnings to be issued from Warnings Threshold During proctored exam


Please drop your inquiries at for any support-related queries.

Get a Demo:

To get a plugin demo, please reach out to


1. Where can I get the Take2 Proctoring API key and Secret key?

2. I do not have an AWS account, can I access this plugin?

  • Yes, you can access the plugin. you can use the Take2 Proctoring API, which does not require an AWS account. If you want to use the ‘AWS Rekognition API’, an AWS account is mandatory. The ‘API key and Secret key’ are required from the AWS account.

3. Why the ‘Start Attempt’ modal is showing a ‘No face detected’ warning?

  • Please allow ‘webcam access’ from your browser settings.
  • For chrome, enable ‘camera access’ from the video icon on the right side of the address bar. For safari, in the safari browser, go to preferences, and click 'allow' for your website to access the camera.

4. Where can I get the AWS API key and Secret key?

  • Please refer to the ‘Usage Accessibility’ section in the Plugin Documentation to generate AWS keys from your AWS account.

5. How can I add the AWS API key and Secret Key in Moodle™?

6. As an admin, why am I getting the warning ‘Please complete AWS configuration to continue with the quiz?

  • Check whether the ‘AWS access and Secret keys’ are set up in the ‘Proctoring quiz access rule’. Refer to the ‘Proctoring plugin configuration’ section in the Plugin Documentation.

7. As a student, Why am I getting the warning ‘The quiz is not properly configured. Please contact the site administrator.’

  • For a properly configured quiz, the plugin requires a mandatory ‘AWS API key and Secret key’ to be set up in the ‘Proctoring quiz access rule.’

8. Where can I report an issue regarding this plugin?

9. Why am I unable to use this plugin on localhost?

10. How to fix this error on moodle site hosted on Windows?

Error executing "DetectFaces" on ""; AWS HTTP error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
  1. Download and extract cacert.pem following the instructions at
  2. Save it on your filesystem somewhere (for example, XAMPP users might use C:\xampp\php\extras\ssl\cacert.pem)
  3. In your php.ini, put this file location in the [curl] section (putting it in the [openssl] section is also a good idea): 
    curl.cainfo = "C:\xampp\php\extras\ssl\cacert.pem"
    openssl.cafile = "C:\xampp\php\extras\ssl\cacert.pem"
  4. Restart your webserver (e.g. Apache) and PHP FPM server if applicable

11. Why am I unable to see Proctoring Images and Proctoring Identity Buttons for any user?

  • Make sure you haveProctoring Images Show checkbox marked in Site administration -> Plugins -> Activity modules -> Quiz -> Proctoring quiz access rule.
  • Make sure you are allowed the user role permission named View the Proctoring Images and Proctoring Identity buttons.

12. Why only the main image is showing in the Proctoring Images button?

  • If the user did not get any warning during the quiz then the Proctoring Images button will display the main image only.

13. Why am I unable to see the Proctoring Identity button for any user?

  • Since the Photo ID field of the ‘Start Attempt’ modal has been made optional the Proctoring Identity button will not appear if the participant has not uploaded the photo ID.



Screenshot #0


Take2 Technologies (Lead maintainer)
Asha Yadav: Developer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Plugins bot
    Fri, 23 July 2021, 5:50 PM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-8615
  • Gladys Gituku
    Thu, 9 Mar 2023, 4:04 PM
    I uploaded this plug in to our LMS and i encountered the following error. what could be the problem "Error reading from the Database" what could be the problem.
  • Take2 Technologies
    Thu, 9 Mar 2023, 4:35 PM
    Please share moodle version you're using. Also please enable debug mode and share screenshot here or you can share it at and I will get back to you. Please note that the plugin has a dependency of AWS Rekognition API.
  • Dinis Medeiros
    Mon, 27 Mar 2023, 3:21 AM

    Oops! The page you're looking for cannot be found!
  • Take2 Technologies
    Mon, 27 Mar 2023, 10:40 AM
    @Dinis Medeiros : Thanks for raising this issue. It has now been fixed. Thank you.
  • sarath kumar
    Sat, 1 June 2024, 4:28 PM
    I am using quizaccess_quizproctoring plugin for moodle 3.11 and this is enabled for quiz without enable the safe exam browser it is working, but if we enable quizproctoring with safe exam browser enabled then in the mac system i am not able to see the face for capture the picture but the camera is on in safe exam browser also can you please suggest me it is priority based issue
  • Take2 Technologies
    Sat, 29 June 2024, 2:59 PM
    @sarath : There are limitations at safe exam browser that it doesn't allow video to present therefore it's hard to make that implementation and support within our plugin. We're continuously looking into it and will provide an update when it's ready and compatible with safe exam browser.
  • Bhanuka Weerasekara
    Mon, 15 July 2024, 10:03 PM
    I am using Moodle version 4.4.1 and PHP 8.1

    When I click Take picture button, I get the below error in a popup.

    Exception - Call to undefined function Aws\strip_fips_pseudo_regions()

    Here is the link to the screenshot taken.
  • Digvijay Singh Bisht
    Tue, 16 July 2024, 9:05 PM
    Is it working in Moodle 4.3 ?
  • Take2 Technologies
    Tue, 16 July 2024, 11:46 PM
    @Digvijay Singh Bisht: Yes it works with Moodle 4.3
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