Fail grade

Quiz access rules ::: quizaccess_failgrade
Maintained by Alexandre Paes Rigão
A quiz access rule to prevent extra attempts after the user reach a passing grade
Latest release:
136 sites
15 fans
Current versions available: 1

The purpose of this plugin is to restrict extra attempts on Quiz after the user reach a passing grade.

Based on the Reattempt Checker - a quiz access rule and Pass grade quiz access rule, the main goal is:

  • update to support newer versions of Moodle
  • simplify the structure and use the already existing field "grade to pass"
  • add tests


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Alexandre Paes Rigão (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Plugins bot
    pon, 13. srp 2020., 19:32
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-8161
  • Felipe Raimo
    sri, 10. velj 2021., 06:34
    Incrível contribuição para Comunidade osmijeh
  • James Peter
    čet, 26. kol 2021., 14:08
    i am using this plug in om 3.10 and there is some issue
    for some users, the quiz get finished in their fist attempt even they received a fail grade
  • P H
    čet, 6. sij 2022., 19:20
    This is a very useful plugin. Any plans to update it for 3.11?
  • Alexandre Paes Rigão
    uto, 11. sij 2022., 11:14
    @Felipe Raimo obrigado pelo feedback!
  • Alexandre Paes Rigão
    sri, 12. sij 2022., 11:04
    @P H I tested the latest version on Moodle 3.11 and it worked. Did you have any problems?
  • jwor km
    sub, 9. ruj 2023., 18:08
    Hello, This is a very useful plugin. Any plans to update it for 3.11?
  • Alexandre Paes Rigão
    ned, 10. ruj 2023., 02:23
    Plugin updated!
  • Gebze Moodle
    pet, 10. stu 2023., 16:26
    Hi Alexxandre, thanks for the plugin. In Moodle 4.3 "Your final grade for this quiz is **/** " message is not appears. Can you please help to find the problem? Is there a solution to fix it? If I can solve this problem it will be perfect.
    Thanks for your help.
  • Alexandre Paes Rigão
    pon, 27. stu 2023., 03:58
    @Gebze can you provide more info in that issue (or open an issue at github), please?

    If the user can preview the quiz (for example, admins can) the message doesn't appear (it's on core of Moodle, because I tested with a native restriction, and the behavior is the same).
    I've created a new student, and the message appeared!

    I tried to message you, but I can't (don't know why). Hope you see that message!

    Thanks for the feedback!
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