Live Report

Quiz reports ::: quiz_liveviewgrid
Maintained by Bill Junkin
A utility to allow teachers to view a dynamic, Live Report (table/spreadsheet) of students' answers to the questions in a quiz. This Live Report upgrades automatically as students change answers or submit new answers. Teachers can also (1) choose to view the grades the answers to date would receive and/or (2) click on a question to obtain a historgram or listing of answers to an individual question.
Latest release:
266 sites
32 fans
Current versions available: 2

This quiz report module allows teachers to see, in real time, the responses from students as they are completing questions in a quiz. As students change their answers or submit more answers, the spreadsheet is refreshed. If desired, the grades that each response would be given can be shown as the background color in the cells of the spreadsheet, but this action is unrelated to the grading of the quiz.

The top row in this spreadsheet/table has the names of the questions in the quiz. The teacher can click on any of these question names to obtain an overview of that question.

For multichoice, truefalse, and calculatedmulti question types, a histogram is displayed.

For all other question types, the response from each student is given in one line on the page. The teacher can choose to show or hide the student's name associated with each response.

To install this module, place the liveviewgrid directory as a sub-directory in the <your moodle site>/mod/quiz/report/ directory, creating the <your moodle site>/mod/quiz/report/liveviewgrid/ directory.

After installing this quiz report module, teachers can click on the "Live Report" option in the "Report" drop-down menu to access this spreadsheet.

Potential privacy issues



Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Bill Junkin (Lead maintainer)
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  • Bill Junkin
    Sun, May 5, 2019, 5:20 AM
    Hi, Dinis,
    I have found that if there are too many features/options for a program, some teachers are hesitant to use the program. with a few hours of programming I could add two more buttons, a hide/show first name button and the hide/show last name. However, unless there is a big demand for this, I do not plan to add this feature at this time. (There are important pedagogical reasons to allow both show and hide of names.) If you have a school or schools that need this feature, if you let me know I may be able to produce a version of the program that will do this and let those schools use it without posting that version on the Moodle site.
  • Andrew Barrett
    Wed, Oct 23, 2019, 3:59 PM
    Hi Bill, this looks like a great tool. Thank you for this. I'm using moodle 3.5 but when I click on live report, I get the spreadsheet but it isn't populating with the answers of the students. Is there a setting somewhere I'm overlooking? I've tried both numerical answers and multiple choice questions in a quiz but not seeing any movement on the spreadsheet.
  • Bill Junkin
    Wed, Oct 23, 2019, 7:15 PM
    Hi, Andrew, I will be happy to help you with this problem, since I want to have the module work on all Moodle sites. You may want to email to me directly,, rather than using Moodle messaging. I'm glad you like what this module can do.
  • marco caparvi
    Thu, Nov 7, 2019, 2:01 AM
    Wonderful plugin, just asking if some kind of percentage aggregator could
    be added (like Socrative does) so the students could see their actual
    scoring in real time (on one hundred scale).
    Anyway thanks for your dedication
  • Bill Junkin
    Thu, Nov 7, 2019, 2:54 AM
    Thanks, Marco, for your interest in Live Report. In Live Report, the program doesn't change what students see as they are taking a quiz. However, the teacher is free to show the students what the teacher can see. Thus, for questions that Moodle can automatically grade (not essay questions) the teacher can display the teacher view back to the students by using a projector in the classroom. Then if hte teacher turns on the "show grades" option and displays the results back to the students, the students can see their grade in real time (and the grade of the other students in real time) if the teacher choses the "show names" option. I don't know if this answers your questions. Feel free to contact me directly by email ( if you wish.
  • Arnoldo Garza
    Thu, Mar 5, 2020, 5:54 AM
    Hello! Just what I needed, a chart where a teacher can see the answers of the students in real time!. Unfortunately, when I install it in my Moodle 3.7 and I try to use it, I cant see the chart bars and at the end an error shows: "Can't find data record in database table lesson." I tried uninstalling it and installing it again, but to no avail.
  • Bill Junkin
    Thu, Mar 5, 2020, 6:56 AM
    Hi, Arnoldo,
    Thanks for letting me know that you are having a problem. We have Live Report running successfully with Moodle 3.7 and 3.8 as well as with earlier versions. So, I am anxious to find out what is the problem with Live Report on your site and get the problem fixed quickly. So that we can communicate directly about the problem, it may be useful for you to communicate directly with me until we get this fixed and then we can explain the problem and how it was solved here. My email address is
    I am glad that this module is useful and I regret that you are having a problem. Again, I hope you will give me some more information so that I can fix the problem.
  • Bill Junkin
    Sat, Mar 7, 2020, 10:54 AM
    Thanks, Arnoldo, for alerting me to the bug and giving me information that allowed me to find and then fix the bug.
  • Jane Cathrine
    Mon, Mar 29, 2021, 10:38 AM
    Hi, is there any way we can have configurations on how the answers of the students in an essay question are going to be shown on the teacher's side? In an instance the student used a line break, I would like for the teacher to see the same exact thing also the boldened words are changed to capitalized words on the teachers' side. Nevertheless, great plugin, thank you.
  • Bill Junkin
    Tue, Mar 30, 2021, 12:22 AM
    Thanks, Jane,
    I'm glad you like this quiz report module.
    I think I can do what you request. There are two reasons that the program does not keep all the formatting that the students have in their answers.
    1) If the students have several line breaks and/or use large fonts in the answers they submit in essay questions, this can make the spreadsheet table (that displays the students' responses) very long and the teacher will have to do a lot of scrolling to see the responses. This is especially true if the teacher is looking at the responses to all questions rather than looking at the response to just one question.
    2) A clever student can include javascript and/or html code into their answers which might mess up the entire display in the teacher's page. Because I don't want this to happen, I have removed most html tags and javascript from the student responses. to be selective about this removal might be tricky and might slow down the program.
    However, when Moodle displays the students' responses in the standard quiz reports that are part of the Moodle code program, the Moodle code has to take care of the problems that I mentioned in #1 and #2 above. Question: Are you satisfied with the display that Moodle gives for student responses in the other quiz report modules? If so, I may be able to find out how Moodle handles problems #1 and #2 and include their solution in my module.
    Thanks for your suggestions.
  • Jane Cathrine
    Tue, Mar 30, 2021, 4:52 PM
    First of thank you for your response. I do understand the problems that may arise, although to answer your question I do like how moodle displays the response of the students. If it is possible to retain the line break tags and the tags for typographical emphasis I think that would very much suffice.
  • Bill Junkin
    Tue, May 18, 2021, 9:08 AM
    Hi, Jane Cathrine,
    (also, I am sharing this information with Al and Dinis via my email, You, Jane, are welcome to contact me at this email address also.)
    I have finished (I hope) a new version of LIve Report.
    For you, Dinis, the pictures that are in the text of any question should now show up properly.
    For you, Jane, I think that I have improved the way that text is displayed when students respond with a text response (for example, responding to an essay question).
    For you, Al, I think that the colors for RAG are now correct.
    For everyone:
    A. The table displaying student responses is now displayed in an iframe. When there is a new response from a student, the iframe should refresh automatically but the parent page should not refresh. Al, hopefully this will also refresh properly on the WebBuster site.
    B. If a student has clicked on anything in the Moodle site in the last 5 minutes, the background for the student's name should have a green striped background to let the teacher know that the student is active. (As desired, this can be changed to a different time in a future version.)

    The LiveReport program has the option to allow teachers to display a page that is appropriate for printing. It also has the option to allow teachers to display detailed information about each question. It is likely that not all of the new features will show up on these two pages.

    The new version is available in the github site ( and the zipped version is also available from my Google Drive site at the following link.

    As soon as this version has been checked out by you and we have not found any bugs, I am going to post it on the Moodle site.
    So, please report any problems that you find or any suggestions for improvements.
    William (Bill) Junkin
  • MTC E-learning
    Tue, Jun 28, 2022, 5:11 PM
    Hi Bill!
    I love the look of this plugin - I think it's exactly what I've been looking for!
    Will this run on Moodle 3.9?
    You have listed it for Versions 3.2-3.8 but then in the Stats section I see that there are 41 sites running 3.9 using Live Report. Just looking for a little clarification before I ask our admins if they can install this for the college where I work.
  • Hermann Landolt
    Thu, Apr 27, 2023, 4:22 PM
    Hi Bill
    Is there an update planned from your plugin for Moodle 4.1?
  • Bill Junkin
    Sat, Apr 29, 2023, 2:08 AM
    Hi, Herman, I have just published the latest version of Live Report and it works for Moodle 4.0+!!! Thanks for your question and your interest in Live Report. I have been working with people from both the webbuster team ( and
    Franco (who is working on geogebra question types) to make the Live Report module run faster, look better, handle pictures, etc. Please contact me if you have any questions.
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