Group quiz

Quiz reports ::: quiz_group
Maintained by Camille Tardy
Add Group notion to Quiz. Only one member of a group can do the quiz and the grade is then dispatched to all the group's members
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Current versions available: 2

Group Quiz

Sub-plugin of Moodle Quiz to enable the group notion for the quiz.
Must be install under `.../mod/quiz/report/group`.
Available in French and English.

How it works


This plugin is a Quiz Report plugin type.

It must be installed under `.../mod/quiz/report/group`. 

Set up and usage

The plugin creates a menu entry under Quiz > Report > Group quiz.

The plugin is available in every quiz and is set up from this menu.

By default, the group notion is not activated in the quiz as the grouping selected is "no grouping".

Students are grouped using the course grouping and group tools in the course. To activate the group quiz, the teacher must select a grouping when creating the quiz to define which group to use for the group quiz. If a grouping is selected, only one student per group can fill up the quiz.

If the "no grouping" choice is selected, the quiz behaves normally without taking the groups into account.

Copy the grades to the group's members
Once the students are done answering, the teacher can copy the grade registered for each participant to the rest of their respective group members in the Gradebook.

The grades copy can be done at any time. 

So every time a teacher edit an attempt in the result view of the quiz, or a student is moved from a group to another, the copy will take into account the changes and overwrite the previous grade.

  • If a teacher deletes an attempt, the Gradebook is not cleared of the copied grades. It must be done manually by the teacher.
  • If a student is in more than one group in the same grouping, the system will only consider his first affiliation.
  • Do not change the grouping if some attempts exist for a given quiz.


Regarding personal data handling, our plugin stores in its DB Table the userID with the corresponding quiz_attemptID for the Group representative.

The Privacy API will be handled in a future release.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Camille Tardy (Lead maintainer)
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  • Rex Lorenzo
    Tue, 26 Jan 2021, 2:17 AM
    An issue we are seeing is that students in the same group all get the same grade in the grade book, which is great. However, in the Quiz review page in which we see the grades only the student who made the attempt has a grade listed for them. But the other students in their group have blank for their grades. Is that suppose to happen?
  • Camille Tardy
    Tue, 9 Feb 2021, 6:50 PM
    Hi Rex,
    Thanks for your question. So If I understand well you are asking why in the attempts view of the quiz, only the user who attempted the quiz are listed?
    It is normal behaviour as the plugin does not create new attempts for the rest of the group members. It create a table where it links a given attempt to a group. Thanks to this we can populate the grade from this attempt to the grade book of the other group members.
    Hope this answers your question. If not let me know.
  • Camille Tardy
    Tue, 9 Feb 2021, 6:57 PM
    Hi Joseph,
    I just realised I never got to answer and thank you for your message this summer. Sorry for the delay!
    Normally you should be able to manipulate group members and then reapply the group grade.
    The plugin stores a attemptID linked to a groupID.
    Then by clicking on the "copy grade" button, it gets the list of group members and edit their grade in the grade book.
    The only tricky situation should be if the group member that switch group is the one that actually took the quiz for the group and so own the attempt. Those users should be seen as "group representative" and should not change group.
    Hope this helps.

  • Barbara Taylor
    Thu, 8 Apr 2021, 7:31 AM
    Hi Camille and everyone,

    Do you know when this will be deemed approved for 3.10? Has anyone tested it with 3.10? We are preparing to upgrade soon and are hoping it works without issues.

  • Joseph Liaw
    Tue, 11 May 2021, 3:38 AM
    Hi Camille:
    Thanks for your replies and great work on the Group quiz plugin--it's been extremely helpful, especially during remote learning under COVID! Students work much better together when they can be on a team, and I noticed that in breakout rooms students were actually actively engaged and working with each other instead of the normal blank screens and "crickets" without a common task and goal (especially if you use the quiz mode that are interactive and give hints!)!

    Any plans on upgrading to 3.9 this summer? It's a great plugin and I would be happy to test it out for you if that would be helpful....thanks again for sharing your great work with the Moodle community!
  • Camille Tardy
    Tue, 11 May 2021, 4:28 PM
    Hi Joseph, Thanks for your message.
    The upgrade to 3.9 will be released by end of June or early July.
    Hopefully the release for 3.10 will be validated by Barbara during the same time.
  • Beth Wojcik
    Thu, 5 Aug 2021, 11:46 PM
    Hi Camille, I am using Moodle 3.8.6 and can't seem to get the group quiz grades applied to all the group participants when I click the apply grades button. It acts like it works and says it's successful (no errors), but the gradebook only shows the grade for the person in the group that completed the quiz. I thought that I have a group A and one person in that group takes the quiz and then that grade is given to all the students in group A when I click the apply grades button. How do I get the same grade to appear for all the students in that particular group? Am I missing something? Let me know if I have something setup incorrectly or if I am not understanding this plugin. Thank you!
  • Esther I.K
    Thu, 17 Feb 2022, 12:47 PM
    Hi, it's an interesting feature! I would like to use it in Moodle 3.11. Is there any update for Moodle 3.11 version?
    Thank you!
  • Cecilia Dal Bon
    Mon, 2 May 2022, 10:12 PM
    Hi, it's a very interesting feature! I would like to use it in Moodle 3.11. and in 4.x for TBL you think it will be updated?
  • Camille Tardy
    Fri, 6 May 2022, 3:48 PM
    Hi ! the plugin has been successfully tested for 3.9 and 3.11. No change in code needed.
    I will update the plugin info.

  • MBM
    Wed, 16 Nov 2022, 5:14 AM
    We are using team based learning in our veterinary technology program. I would love to add this Group quizzing feature, but our admins want to make sure it is compatible with Moodle 4.0. Has anyone installed it on a newer version of Moodle?
  • Camille Tardy
    Wed, 16 Nov 2022, 7:47 PM
    @Mary Beth McKee, We will update our moodle to Moodle4.0 this July 2023. So I will work on the 4.0 compatibility this spring. If anyone works on it before feel free to share the code.
  • Abigail Pied
    Wed, 10 May 2023, 5:47 PM
    Hi Camille,
    Thanks for the plugin, I'm planning to request it from my university, hopefully they'll agree to install it as it would be very useful.
    I have a question for you or the other plugin users who may see this comment: how does the plugin behave when several group members try to answer the quiz? Or does it only allow one user per group to open the quiz?

    We would be using this for quizzes with adaptive mode, and there is the possibility of having several group members opening the quiz to use the adaptive feedback to rule out some wrong answers, to get a better grade on the "real attempt". I know this would be easy to detect by checking how many students attempted the quiz, but I was wondering if the plugin had a way to prevent that, and if not how are multiple attempts within one group handled by the plugin.

  • Camille Tardy
    Wed, 10 May 2023, 8:30 PM
    Hi Abigail,
    Here is how the plugin behave :

    As you guess only one person per group is allowed to access the quiz it's the first one that tries. Then the rest of the group members are blocked and a message let them know that another member of their group has already started an attempt.

    A table in the database save the attempt ID, the quiz ID and the groupID. So even if the group members change as long as the plugin as this filled up in the DB for a given quiz ID and gourd ID it will block all users to access the quiz but the original user that created the first attempt.

    Hope this clear things up. If not let me know I will detail further.
    I will upload further screenshots here to illustrate.

  • Rhuan Nunes
    Fri, 19 Apr 2024, 2:18 AM
    Hello, I think this tool is essential for my master's research project. However, I can't seem to use it. When I tried to download it from moodle, an error was reported, even though my version is 4.1 and apparently the available version is also 4.1. How can I solve this problem?
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