Moodle Plugins directory: Pattern match |
Pattern match
Question types ::: qtype_pmatch
Maintained by Tim Hunt, Phil Butcher
Part of set Open University.
Allows a short response of one or a few sentences that is graded by comparing against various model answers, which are described using the OU's pattern match syntax.
Latest release:
1664 sites
48 fans
Current versions available: 12
There are working examples in eAssessment with Moodle on our OpenLearn site.
The documentation is in How to create questions in Moodle on that site.
Tim Hunt (Lead maintainer)
Phil Butcher: Question type designer
Jamie Pratt: Developer
Colin Chambers: Developer
John Beedell: Developer
Chris Nelson: Product owner
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them
If anyone is able to grab the latest code from GitHub, and help us test it, that would be very helpful. Thanks.
I ma having a frustrating time with this question type because of a couple of issues:
Firstly when trying to use the suggested rule feature, I am getting no useful results, which seems to come down to a lack of a value in the Amati web service URL setting. What is the state of play here please? I presume the Amati webservice is something only accessible within the OU?
Secondly, when human override marks are to manually mark an answer as correct, Moodle is still showing the answers with a red cross in the feedback, although the left margin says they are correct.
The feedback displayed within the question based on the automated marking. I believe that works in the same way for all Moodle question types, and we are just being consistent with that design. I agree that it looks weird in this case.