
Question types ::: qtype_ordering
Maintained by Gordon Bateson
Ordering question type for Moodle 2.x and Moodle 3.x
Latest release:
3300 sites
110 fans
Current versions available: 3


The ordering question type displays several short sentences in a random order which are to be dragged into the correct sequential order. It was developed for the ordering questions used in the Reader activity module for Moodle 2.x


The question type is required by the Reader activity module for Moodle 2.x


To view details of recent changes made to this plugin, please click on the following link:


Screenshot #0


Gordon Bateson (Lead maintainer)
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  • Eric Vantroeyen
    Mo., 9. Mai 2022, 17:03
    Do you plan a release for Moodle 4.0 ?
    if so, when will it be published?
    Thank you
  • Valérie Baty
    Do., 7. Juli 2022, 09:26
    Can we expect to have a version that works on Moodle 4.0?
  • P Franz
    Mo., 11. Juli 2022, 20:40
    it works in 4.0.2 i use it
  • Samuel LMB
    Sa., 1. Okt. 2022, 18:34
    I don't agree : it does NOT work correctly in 4.0.2 . I have upgrade from version 3.11+ to 4.0.2+ and I have lost all my answers from previous existing ordering questions with the error message : Error : Missing question answers for ordering question 107100!
    My Moodle teachers are very disappointed because they lost lot of works on this type of question ... We hope an upgrade of this module will arrive soon , and maybe with the opportunity to retreive all answers ... Many thanks to developpers contributions
  • Chris Nelson
    Di., 4. Okt. 2022, 19:26
    Hello everyone, I thought I'd better post to announce that we at The Open University (UK) are assisting Gordon Bateson with a fully Moodle 4.0-compatible release. Hopefully we'll get this page updated in short order. We're investigating the issue mentioned above by Samuel LMB.
  • Tim
    Fr., 7. Okt. 2022, 04:29
    I think we have a Moodle 4.0-compatible version of Ordering question type done, but we still need to test it before I relase it here.

    If you can help with testing, please grab the latest code from https://github.com/timhunt/moodle-qtype_ordering/tree/m4_ordering (or download a zip from https://github.com/timhunt/moodle-qtype_ordering/archive/refs/heads/m4_ordering.zip) and let us know how you get on. This version of ordering should work with 3.11 and 4.0.
  • Samuel LMB
    So., 30. Okt. 2022, 23:42
    Hi evryone, sorry not to reply before , I didn't get a notification about answers to my post. Today I upgraded my 4.02+ to 4.04+ and install m4_ordering.zip version of Tim Hunt link. Now I have this message : " Exception : __clone method called on non-object " and now it is very difficult to access my questions bank ... and for questions I have a lot of error messages " Error: Missing question answers for ordering question 27782! " or "Error: Missing question answers for ordering question 43865! " even on non ordering question !!!!
    Hum seems very bad for my production moodle traurig
  • Samuel LMB
    Mo., 31. Okt. 2022, 02:02
    hum , It seems that I have no way to uninstall it to go back to the previous official version ;-( . I really need help now, because asking bank questions is now very long and sometimes crash ... Many thanks .
  • Anisa Dewi
    Mo., 23. Jan. 2023, 19:06
    Hello, is there any update for the problem, that @samuel LMB had?
    is also the version from Tim Hunt compatible to Moodle4.x?
  • Nick Rider
    Fr., 10. Feb. 2023, 22:10
    Hi friends. I'm trying to import a "Blackboard" formatted quiz (.zip) file into Moodle (3.9+) and it is telling me "Error importing question Unknown or unhandled question type: Ordering". I've installed the plugin successfully and have built questions manually, but my imports fail when I try to import a Blackboard (Respondus) file with the Ordering question type included. It brings in all my other questions, but fails on all the ordering question types with the above message. My workflow looks like this:

    1. Format Word Document in Respondus format to include Ordering question content.
    2. Import Word document into Respondus.
    3. Publish Blackboard formatted Quiz (.zip) file.
    4. Import into Moodle Question Bank

    Again, the error message above is what I'm receiving. This workflow has been tested and validated for MC, TF, Multiple Answer, Fill-in-the-blank, Essay, etc.

    Any help is appreciated.
  • Wanderson Rigo
    Do., 16. Feb. 2023, 18:03
    Hi, the plugin works fine with Moodle 4.0? Any updates about this?
  • Przemek Kaszubski
    Sa., 25. März 2023, 03:47
    I wonder if there's any hope for a stable version of this plugin to appear soon.. We'll be upgrading from 3.11 to Moodle 4.0 this summer (so not even to 4.1), and many of our users are likely to be quite disappointed if their ordering questions become unusable, not to mention the fact that other questions apparently may be affected, question bank maybe broken etc.

    The core drag-and-drop-into-text question type is not as powerful and responsive. The H5P package also lacks a comparable question type...
  • James Martin
    Di., 13. Juni 2023, 21:51
    Hi. We're upgrading to Moodle 4.2 and the test Moodle gives an error for the ordering questions using this plugin. Is there any chance it'll be updated any time soon.
    Mi., 15. Nov. 2023, 21:35
    Hello, is the plugin alright now? The latest release was in September 2023. No more news since then... I'd like to install it for Moodle 4.1. Thanks for your help!
  • Przemek Kaszubski
    Do., 18. Apr. 2024, 19:56
    Now that Ordering will join Moode 4.4's core soon, I wonder about the support for Moodle 4.3. Will there be a bump of this older version of the plugin, or a possible backport of the Moodle 4.4 core plugin ?
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