Question managed by a remote engine

Question behaviour ::: qbehaviour_opaque
Maintained by TimTim Hunt
Part of set Open University.
This question behaviour uses web services to connect to other question engines like OpenMark or ounit, so that their questions can be used in a Moodle quiz.
Latest release:
131 sites
4 fans
Current versions available: 7

Opaque ( is the Open protocol for

accessing question engines. It can be used to add questions to a Moodle quiz from third party assessment systems that support the protocol, like OpenMark or ounit ( and possibly other question systems we don't know about.

As well as this question behaviour, you aslo need the associated question type


Screenshot #0


Tim Hunt (Lead maintainer)
Chris Nelson: Product owner
Anupama Sarjoshi: Tester & Developer
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  • Chet Smith
    Fri, 17 Aug 2012, 11:02 PM
    Is there a list of open source question engines similar to OpenMark that this plugin would work with?
  • Johnny Lo
    Wed, 15 Jan 2014, 10:32 AM
    downloaded 2014010801 but upon installation dependency failed and was prompted that current version was older and required 2014010801. Any idea?
  • Tim
    Wed, 15 Jan 2014, 7:29 PM
    Have you installed/updated both qtype_opaque and qbehaviour_opaque?
  • Tim
    Mon, 29 Jun 2020, 6:27 AM
    Latest release works with Moodle 3.9.
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