Plagiarism ::: plagiarism_plagiarisma
Maintained by Eugene Ekimov
PLAGIARISMA is a commercial product owned by Plagiarisma.Net - you must have a paid subscription to be able to use this plugin. The plugin works for the assignment module, with file submissions and online text.
Latest release:
17 sites
5 fans
Current versions available: 1
PLAGIARISMA is a commercial product owned by Plagiarisma.Net - you must have a paid subscription to be able to use this plugin. The plugin works for the assignment module, with file submissions and online text. Supported file formats - PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, ODT, TXT, HTML.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Eugene Ekimov (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    सोम, 30 मार्च 2015, 7:04 PM
  • Dan Marsden
    मंगळ, 31 मार्च 2015, 9:33 AM
    Thanks for uploading your code here, it looks like you've made a good effort to follow our guidelines,

    I've just taken a quick look at the code and it appears that it only supports the Assignment activity but your code does not check if the api calls are coming from the assignment activity - Plagiarism API calls are also triggered from the workshop and forum activity modules and you should prevent db calls an un-necessary function calls by adding a check for the activities you support at the top of each core api call. This will need to be addressed before we can approve this plugin.

    I have not tested or installed your plugin but will take another look once you have resolved that issue.

  • Dan Marsden
    बुध, 1 एप्रि 2015, 12:06 PM
    I see you've uploaded a new version for review here but it's still not quite right. You have only added a check to get_form_elements and get_links. there are a number of other API functions that do not check the supported activity.

    Also you have not added the checks high enough in get_form_elements or get_links. it should be the first thing you check before any other db calls or function calls are made so that it is as efficient as possible for other activities.
  • Dan Marsden
    गुरु, 9 एप्रि 2015, 11:49 AM
    Thanks for updating the code, I've just installed it and given it an initial test and found a number of issues that should be resolved before we approve this plugin - particularly issues, 5,6,7 and 8
  • David Mudrák
    गुरु, 16 एप्रि 2015, 4:58 AM
    Thanks Dan for the peer-review, and thanks Eugene for addressing the raised issues. We will get to another round of review soon and will let you.
  • Plugins bot
    सोम, 4 मे 2015, 11:05 PM
    Prechecker results: success (0 errors/0 warnings)
  • David Mudrák
    सोम, 4 मे 2015, 11:26 PM

    Thanks Eugene for providing an updated version. You are cleared to land now, welcome to the Plugins directory.

  • Brielle Luna
    गुरु, 24 डिसें 2020, 1:51 AM
    I am still learning more about this.
  • Hue Jane
    शुक्र, 5 फेब्रु 2021, 12:11 AM
    Learning source
  • Don Allen
    शुक्र, 5 फेब्रु 2021, 9:54 AM
    I am still learning about plugin. Do need to subscribe to get the latest version? By the way, thank you for sharing!
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